2 High Street


Northamptonshire NN13 7DT

Telephone: 01280 709666


[To be returned to Debbie Lowes at the above address]

Personal details

Full Name:


Date of Birth:

Telephone Number:

Mobile Number:

E mail:

National Insurance Number:

Position Applied For:

Salon Applied For:

Education and Training

Details of education at Secondary Level - name of school/college, dates attended, subjects studied, examinations taken and results achieved.

Details of education beyond Secondary Level, if applicable - name of college/other institution, dates attended, examinations taken and results achieved.

Professional qualifications/training – related or unrelated to the hairdressing industry, with the names of the awarding bodies and the years in which they were obtained.

Previous Employment

Please list all previous employment since you left full-time education. You should include the dates you started and left each job, a brief description of your duties, the nature of your employer’s business and your reasons for leaving.[If you recently left full-time education or you are still studying full-time, please let us know about any work experience, voluntary activity or weekend/evening work you have been doing.]


Please give the names, addresses and telephone numbers of two persons who have each agreed to provide you with a character reference. Ideally, one of them should be your last employer[Headteacher/College Principal or equivalent for those leaving full-time education]. These persons should not be related to you in any way, nor should they live at your home address. References will not be taken up without your knowledge.

Additional Information

Please enter any comments in support of your application. For example, voluntary activities you may be involved with, such as charities, schools or local civic duties and so on. If you have not been in paid employment recently, we would like to know how you have kept your stylist’s skills up-to-date.

I confirm the information given on this application form is correct and that I understand that THE HAIR GALLERYreserves the right to verify any of the information I have provided. I understand that, if I am offered employment as a result of the information I have provided here and at any interview I might attend, my employment may be terminated immediately if that information is subsequently found to be incorrect in any way material to my employment with THE HAIR GALLERY.

Signature of applicant:
