Curriculum Consent Notice, Autumn 2014

Please see ( for most course forms.
For Program Modifications, Level 1, General Education forms see

College of Arts and Sciences

African American Studies

Course Number / Course Title / Change
Level 1 / African American Studies / Certificate (15 credits)


Course Number / Course Title / Change
ANTY 401 UG / Anthropological Data Analysis / Change prereqs
ANTY / Program Modification / adding methods course to major/Minor

Chemistry & Biochemistry

Course Number / Course Title / Change
BCH 694 G / Biochem Biophys Seminar / Change repeatability, title
CHMY 104 U / Preparation for Chemistry / Change description, prereqs
CHMY 141N U / College Chemistry I / Change prereqs
BioChemProgramModification.pdf / BA in Chemistry / Decrease elective credits, and replace CSCI 172 by CSCI 250
Level 1 / Minor in Biochemistry / new minor
Program modification 1.pdf / BA and BS in Chemistry / Replace CSCI 172 by CSCI 250
Program modification 2.pdf / BS Chemistry, Option Environmental Chemistry / Replace GEO 327 by …
Program modification 3.pdf / BS Biochemistry, Health Profession option / Replace BIOM 361 by …

Computer Science

Course Number / Course Title / Change
CSCI 100 U / Intro to Programming / Change description
CSCI 135 U / Fund of Computer Science I / Change prereqs
CSCI 172 U / Intro to Computer Modeling / Change prereqs
CSCI 464 U / Big Data Mining / New course
CSCI 480 U / Parallel Computing / New course
CSCI 564 / Big Data Mining / New Course
CSCI 580 / Parallel Computing / Change description, Learning outcomes

Division of Biological Sciences

Course Number / Course Title / Change
BIOB 483 UG / Phylogenetics / New course
BIOB 505 G / Genetics and Evolution / New course
BIOB 506 G / Ecology / New course
BIOB 507 G / Organismal Function / New course
BIOE 406 UG / Behavior & Evolution / Update: change credits, delete discussion section
BIOE 409 UG / Behavior & Evolution Discussion / New course
BIOH 280 U / Fundamental Neuroscience / New course
BIOM 407 UG / Clinical Diagnosis / Change description, prereqs
BIOH 462 / Principles in Medical Physiology / Upper-division Writing
BIOH 483W U / Neuroscience Research / New Upper- division Writing Course
BIOM 408 UG / Clinical Diagnosis Lab / Change prereqs
BIOM 505 G / Metagenomics / New course


Course Number / Course Title / Change
ECNS 451 UG / Behavioral/Exper Econ / New course


Course Number / Course Title / Change
CRWR 311 U / Intermediate Poetry Workshop / Change repeatability
English BA / Level I / Lit & Environment option
Level I / New Option / Ecocriticism MA
LIT 202 U / The Environmental Imagination / New course
LIT 402 UG / Literature in Place / New course
LIT 422 UG / Ecocritical Theory and Practic / New course
LIT 502 G / Topics in Ecocriticism / New course

Environmental Studies

Course Number / Course Title / Change
ENST 201 / Environmental Information Resources / Approved Writing Course
ENST 410 UG / TEK of Native Peoples / New course
ENST 420 U / US Environmental Movement / Change level
ENST 427 / Society, Economy and Environment of the Mekong Delta / New course
ENST 437 / Climate Change Effects and Adaptation in the Mekong Delta / New course
ENST 510 / Native American Issues / New course
ENST 514 / Social Issues: The Mekong Delta / New course
ENST 516 / Climate Change: Mekong Delta / New course
ENST 570 / Ethics & Restoration / NEW
ENST 593 / Professional Paper / UPDATE
ENST 599 / Thesis / UPDATE


Course Number / Course Title / Change
Program Modification / Shift Math/Statistics from a Gen Ed IIIB to a degree requirement
Program Modification / Mountain Studies Minor / Add an elective to the
GPHY 295 / Mountain Field Studies / New course
GPHY 486 UG / Transport, Planning & GIS / Change credits
GPHY 488 UG / Applications of GIS / Change title, remove co-req lab

GPHY 588 G

/ Spatial Analysis and Modeling / Change description, learning outcome, title
Program Modification / MA and MS degrees / Add professional paper and non-thesis tracks


Course Number / Course Title / Change
Earth Science Ed option ProgMod_Form_rev.doc / BS Geosciences; Earth Science Education Option / Revision of graduation requirement
GEO 211 U / Earth History and Evolution / New course
GEO 309 U / Sedimentation / Stratigraphy / Change other: fee, prereqs
GEO 315 U / Structural Geology / Change credits, prereqs
GEO 318 U / Surface Processes / New course
GEO 326 U / Sedimentary Geol Field Trip 1 / Delete course
GEO 426 UG / Sedimentary Geol Field Trip 2 / Delete course
GEO 429 U / Field Geology / Delete course
GEO 435 UG / Magnetics in Tect, Struc, Expl / Delete course
GEO 436 UG / Near Surface Geophysics / Delete course
GEO 442 UG / Architecture of Sed Deposits / Delete course
GEO 451 UG / Petroleum Geology / Delete course
Geosciences BS ProgMod_Form.doc / BS Geosciences / Revision of graduation requirements
Geosciences Minor ProgMod_Form.doc / Geosciences Minor / Revision of requirements
International Dual BS ProgMod_Form.doc / BS – Internat. Field Geosciences Dual / Revision of graduation requirements
International Joint BS ProgMod_Form.doc / BS - Internat. Field Geosciences Joint / Revision of graduation requirements


Departments / Proposal Level / Change
Colleges of Education & Human Sciences, Humanities Science, and Health Biomedical Sciences / Level II / New BS in Neuroscience
Business, CS, Math / Level I / Big Data Analytics Certificate New certificate, involving Business, CS, Math


Course Number / Course Title / Change
EASL 250 U / Interm Eng Acad Purpose I / Change description, prereqs, repeatability
EASL 251 U / Inter Eng Acad Purposes II / Change description, prereqs, repeatability
EASL 450 U / Adv Eng Acad Purposes I / Change description, prereqs
EASL 451 U / Adv Eng Acad Purposes II / Change description, prereqs

Mathematical Sciences

Course /Dept / Title / Change
BA-math-ed-ProgMod_Form.doc / BA Math, option math-ed / Allow new M 461/462 as electives
BA-math-ProgMod_Form.doc / BA Math, plus many options / Allow new M 461/462 as electives
CSMS-ProgMod_Form.doc / BS Math/CS and CS/Math / Allow new M 461/462 as electives
M 132 U / Numbers & Ops for K-8 Teachers / New course
M 133 U / Geom & Meas for K-8 Teachers / New course
M 234 U / Higher Math for K-8 Teachers / New course
M 461 UG / Practical Big Data Analytics / New course
M 462 UG / Theoretical Big Data Analytics / New course
M 467 UG / Big Data Analytic Projects / New course
STAT451-program-change-form.doc / BA Math, option math-ed / Allow STAT 451 as elective

Military Science

Course /Dept / Title / Change
MSL 305 U / LDAC / New course

Modern & Classical Languages & Literatures

Course Number / Course Title / Change
CLAS 180H U / Env & Nat in Classical World / New Writing course
Historical & Cultural Designation
GRMN 317L U / Intro Multicultural Lit German / Change number
GRMN 322L / Survey of German Cinema / Change title
GRMN 340 U / Nature Environ German Lit Film / New course
Literary and Artistic Studies designation
American and European Perspective
GRMN 351 / German Culture to 1900 / Upper-division Writing
MCLG 113 U / Paris / Change description, title
MCLL / Classics / Latin Option / Program Modification / Adjusting requirements to remove redundant courses and correct errors
MCLL/ Classics/Classical Civ Minor / Program Modification / Revise requirements
MCLL/ Classics/Classical Civ Option / Program Modification / Revise requirements
MCLL/ Classics/Latin Teaching Major / Program Modification / Update option to reflect changes
MCLL/ Classics/Latin Teaching Minor / Program Modification / Update option to reflect changes
MCLL/Classics/Class. Language Option / Program Modification / Altering requirements

Native American Studies

Course Number / Course Title / Change
NASX 141 U / Elementary Blackfoot I / Change credits, description

Physics and Astronomy

Course /Dept / Title / Change
ASTR 131N U / Planetary Astronomy / Change description, title
ASTR 132N U / Stars, Galaxies, Universe / Change description, title
ASTR 134N U / Planetary Astronomy Lab / Change description, title
ASTR 135N U / Stars Galaxies Universe Lab / Change description, title

Political Science

Course Number / Course Title / Change
PSCI 451 UG / Ancient & Medieval Pol Phil / Change prereqs
PSCI 502 G / Intro to Nonprofit Orgs / New course
PSCI 521 G / Globalization / Change description


Course Number / Course Title / Change
BIOH 380 U / Molecular Neuroscience / New course
BIOH 441 U / CNS Diseases / New course
Level 1 / Remove options


Course Number / Title / Change
SOCI 371 U / Gender and Global Development / Change description, prereqs

Woman and Gender Studies

Course Number / Title / Change
WGSS 150X U / Women’s Roles World / New course
WGSS 250 U / Media Representations / New course
WGSS 263S U / Women, Men, and Sexuality / Change title
Women's & Gender Studies / Level I / Retitle program to Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Women's & Gender Studies / Level II / New WGSS degree

College of Education and Human sciences

Communicative Sciences & Disorders

Course Number / Title / Change /
CSD 365 U / Acq. Speech & Lang Dis. / Change description, learning outcome, number, title
CSD 345 U / Dev. Speech & Lng Dis / Change description, learning outcome, title
CSD 530 G / Voice & Motor Speech Dis / Change credits, description, learning outcome
CSD 688 G / Capstone / Change description, number, title (New Course )
CSD 698 / CSD Research Paper / Delete Course
CSD 565 G / Aphasia & Acq. Apraxia / Change description, learning outcome, title
CSD 570 G / Clinical Procedures I / Change credits
CSD 571 G / Applied Clinic I / Change credits, number, title (New Course)
CSD 575 G / Clinical Procedures II / Change credits
CSD 576 G / Applied Clinic II / Change credits, number, title (new course)
CSD 530 G / Voice & Motor Speech Dis / Change credits, description, learning outcome
CSD 688 G / Capstone / Change description, number, title (New Course )
CSD 698 / CSD Research Paper / Delete Course
CSD 565 G / Aphasia & Acq. Apraxia / Change description, learning outcome, title
CSD 570 G / Clinical Procedures I / Change credits
CSD 571 G / Applied Clinic I / Change credits, number, title (New Course)
CSD 575 G / Clinical Procedures II / Change credits
CSD 576 G / Applied Clinic II / Change credits, number, title (new course)

Counselor Education

Course Number / Title / Change
IYFD 510 G / Intercultural Skills / Change credits
IYFD 520 G / Critical Issues / Change credits
Level II / Counselor Education / New PhD

Curriculum & Instruction

Course /Dept / Title / Change /
C&I 527 G / Discip Literacy Strat / Change description, learning outcome, title
C&I 530 G / Trends & Rsch in Read and Writ / Change description, learning outcome, title
C&I 533 G / Asmt & Inst for Div Lit Lrnrs / Change description, title
C&I 540 G / Lang Arts Ped and Prac / Change description, learning outcome, title
C&I 541 G / Genre Studies / Change description, learning outcome, title
C&I 546 UG / Sup/Tchg Yng Adlt Lit/Rdg / Delete course
C&I 557 G / Literacy Practicum / Change title
EDEC 408 U / EC Principles & Practices / Change description, learning outcome, number, title
EDEC 410 U / Families, Communities, Culture / Change description, learning outcome, number, title
EDEC 420 U / Meeting Standards through Play / New course
EDEC 430 U / SocEmot Dvlpmnt in Yng Child / New course
EDEC 495 U / EC Fieldwork/Practicum / Change description, learning outcome, number
EDEC 508 G / EC Principles & Practices / New course
EDEC 510 G / Families, Communities, Culture / New course
EDEC 515 G / EC Prof Wrk Fam Adversity / New course
EDEC 520 G / Mtg standard play basd env / New course
EDEC 530 G / SocEmot Dvlpmnt in Yng Child / New course
EDEC 540 G / Neuroscience Ch. Dev. / New course
EDEC 550 G / EC Cur Analysis Dsgn Assmt / New course
EDEC 560 G / Pol. Adv. Ldershp ECE / New course
EDEC 595 G / EC Fieldwork/Practicum / New course
EDSP 470 UG / Resp to Interv Best Practices / Delete course
EDU 162 U / NCAA Student-Athlete Exp. / Change credits
EDU 163 U / Student-Athlete Success / New course
EDU 202 U / Early Field Experience / Change prereqs
EDU 221 U / Ed Psych & Measurement / Change prereqs
EDU 222 U / Educational Psych Child Dev / Change other: term offered, prereqs
EDU 331 U / Lit & Literacy for Children / Change prereqs
EDU 338 U / Academic Interventions / Change other: terms offered, prereqs
EDU 339 U / Tchg Assess PK-8 Lang Arts / New course
EDU 340 U / Classroom Management / Change prereqs
EDU 345 U / Excptnlty & Clsrm Mgmt / Change prereqs
EDU 346 U / Exceptionalities / Change description, prereqs
EDU 370 U / IntegTech into Educ / Change prereqs
EDU 397 U / Methods: Tchg & Assess / Change description, prereqs, title
EDU 441 UG / Leadership and Advocacy / Change description, learning outcome, title
EDU 450 UG / Fld Experience K-3 with Mthds / Delete course
EDU 451 UG / Clinical Exp: Level 3 / Change description, prereqs
EDU 481 UG / Content Area Literacy / Change prereqs
EDU 497 UG / Teaching and Assessing / Change description, prereqs
Level 1 / New Option in M.E.d. / Early Childhood Education
Level 1 / New Option in M.E.d. / Early Childhood Education (advanced)

Health & Human Performance