Meeting Activities

Executive Committee (EC) Meeting

Date: December 16, 2015



1.  Call to order, Introductions

2.  Minutes November 4, 2015

3.  Executive Director’s (E.D.) Report

4.  Budget

5.  Council Agenda

6.  Legislative and Public Policy (L&PP) Update

7.  New/Old Business

8.  Adjournment


1. Meeting convened at 1:08 PM.

2. No quorum to vote on minutes from November.

3. E.D. Report: The Coordinator for Valley Life for All (VLFA) moved to California. The transition to the

new staff did not allow the successful completion of the grants, therefore the Council

cancelled their grants.

Council is waiting to hear from the accountant from Local Affairs.

The numbers are now with their accountant for review.

Marcia Tewell will be meeting with the new OCAI Director Mark Wester, to explain

Council matters. (see E. D. handout)

4. Budget: Mackenzie Helton reported the Selection Committee will be re-scheduled to next week. New

Local Leadership grantees will be chosen at that time.

Staff recommendation and Planning and Grants agreed to cancel funding to VLFA.

He explained how the FFY13 and FFY14 money was encumbered.

With the $72,500 returned from VLFA, he explained how monies would be

5. Council Agenda: The Mission Moment will be added to the agenda.

6. Legislative and Public Policy: Ed George and Julie Farrar will come up with a brief of bullet points for

the Education Legislation that was discussed at yesterday’s Legislative and

Public Policy Meeting.

Employment 1st legislation is finally on the table, something that has been

pushed for since 2004. Senator John Kefalas is sponsoring it.

7.  New Business: Scott LeRoy announced his retirement, effective January 1, 2016.

Marcia discussed a supported communication legal case in New Jersey. She pointed out

that the Council has a policy on assistive technology. The verdict will be rendered in

early November and depending on the outcome, Council could sign off on an “Amicus


Ed requested that all materials be on white paper; colored stock makes photocopying

difficult to read.

NEXT MEETING: January 20, 2016 at the Council Offices

8. Adjournment: The meeting ended at 2:20 PM



1.  Lionel will email the 5 year plan implementation document that Sue discussed to the absentee members and Mellisa.

2.  Lionel will make sure the Employment 1st legislation bill will be part of the Council package in January.


Attendees: Ed George, Mellisa Umphenour (GTM)

Staff: Sue Fager, Mackenzie Helton, Lionel Llewellyn, Marcia Tewell

Absent: Rob Buzogany, Jeanette Cordova, Katie Grange

I drive://FINAL Committees MT and LL/Executive Committee/2015/Minutes 12-16-2015