
Previous experience within the Phonathon is required. Strong communication and motivational skills required. Must be able to deal with a wide range of people and personality types.

Basic description of job:

The Phonathon Student Supervisor is responsible for the Phonathon program when the Annual Giving Officer is not present. In addition, the Supervisor will serve as the authority figure and motivator each night he or she is scheduled to work. The ability to deal with any potential problem is vital to the success of the program. Must be able to work with and manage the Team Leaders in a manner that maintains high motivation, positive morale, and an ethical approach to fundraising.

Specific Duties:

Ø  Attend O Fest and job fairs to help recruit callers (as schedule permits)

Ø  Attend and participate in training sessions

Ø  Interview Student Callers

Ø  Attend weekly Annual Giving Officer/Supervisor meetings

Ø  Hold weekly Annual Giving Officer/Supervisor/Team Leader meetings

Ø  Arrive at 5:00 p.m. on scheduled work nights (or 12:30 p.m. for day calling) to prepare for calling

Ø  Properly clean up and make sure the call center is ready for calling the next evening

Ø  Maintain a clean working environment in both the call center and the student office

Ø  Monitor segment progress and caller ranking to appropriately assign calling assignments

Ø  Create a fun, productive calling atmosphere

Ø  Continuously supervise the callers progress and make suggestions for improvement

Ø  Run the Phonathon at least two calling shifts per week

Ø  Write notes of encouragement throughout the semester to outstanding callers.

Ø  Keep the other Supervisors informed about disruptive callers and/or good callers.

Ø  Report any good tactics that result in more pledges/better calls

Ø  Monitor statistics throughout the evening

Ø  Communicate daily statistics to the Annual Giving Officer (and other Supervisors) nightly via an E-mail message to include, but not limited to:

o  Number of completions

o  Number of pledges

o  Amount of pledges

o  Number of declines

o  Number of callers

o  Number of credit cards

o  Amount on credit cards

Ø  Manage all discipline and attendance issues

Ø  Administer student payroll and report hours to the Annual Giving Officer

Ø  Do a nightly preview with the Team Leader of the segment, goals, and incentives for that evening.

Ø  Attend opening meeting and assist if necessary

Ø  Supervise Team Leader and Callers. Answer questions and assist on the floor.

Ø  Contact Callers who are absent and make necessary notes on absences

Ø  Make sure that all Callers, Team Leaders and yourself have transportation home each night

Ø  At the end of the evening, turn off all lights and lock the doors