SGTCF ManagementMeeting. 41 Bargate Rise, Godalming. 20th June 2017

2. / Welcome, introduction and apologies
Attendees- Kathy Robinson, Jeremy Harte, Hilda Brazil, Genty Lee, Louisa Castle, Ann Wilson, Mark Haythorne, John Hockley,Billy-Jo Sines,
Apologies – Lalage Grundy, Charmaine Valler, Nick Walter
3 / Minutes of previous SGTCF management meeting were circulated.
4. / SCA (Kathy’s) update
Kathy explained that SCC have written to SCA saying that £925,000 need to be saved and 6 options are being consulted on, including one that is to get rid of all ‘floating services’ including her post. Should know by August if SCC funding for this still in place, and then if so it will go out to tender.
Committee agreed that we would write to SCC saying that this role is vital and that removing it would have very bad impact on some of the most vulnerable GRT families, as well as costing more to public services in the long run. Kathy will send some more bullet point info to Mark, who will then ask Lalage whether she could write the letter to include main points, as Secretary. / KR
6. / Brighter Futures post (Mark’s) update
Mark said that his present secondment as Project Officer for Brighter Futures runs up till 30th September. It’s up to him and his manager to put the case for a new job relating to GRT to be part of the new structure of Family Services starting in November.
Finance update
John said that he is waiting for some figures back from the accountant but that the overall position is healthy, even allowing for paying back the money that we have not used to the People’s Health Trust.
Mark said that there is a risk that we may also have to pay back some of the money that we have spent because the PHT are still insisting that we write more about how far we got with the project outcomes. This risk would be reduced if those who worked on the project could meet with Mark for one hour each so he could make notes to send them.
Decision about this to be made within a week. The committee agreed that in any event we will cover the cost of this as we have the funds to do so. / MH
7. / Health project vouchers proposal
Mark shared this proposal in which we would give shopping vouchers to GRT women for their attendance at sessions to learn about health. It was pointed out that supermarket vouchers could be seen as an insult, so agreed that Body Shop and Holland and Barrett would be ideal. For a session 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM we agreed on £50 worth of vouchers (£25 for both shops). Themes recommended were: dementia, mental health, diabetes, cancer, healthy eating. We would need to shape this around both what GRT women want and what is having the biggest impact on health within the communities.
There is also a question about whether vouchers could create a problem for people who are on Benefits. Mark will look into this.
The question was also raised about whether the Forum could pay for counselling for those who need it. We will discuss this next time. / MH, GL, LC
8. / Accommodation
Lesley is no longer available to deal with Planning matters for the Forum. We used to pay her £30 per hour and she has recommended somebody who would Charge us the going rate: £60 per hour. We agreed that we should pay this when it’s really necessary and cost-effective, on a case-by-case basis. Mark will speak to this person.
Mark said that he and John would soon be meeting with a Housing Officer from one of the boroughs to discuss a new proposal to create more GRT plots. / MH
9. / Education
Genty and Mark attended a conference in Norwich on 16th June at which Jo Luhman, Deputy Head from Ash Manor School, presented. Strong representation - including at the front - by GRT young people from age 15-20, and some parents. Another presenter was Lisa Smith, a Gypsy woman who has worked in Traveller Education, done a Masters degree in education, and now works partly for Travellers’ Times and partly as a freelance consultant in education. Lisa would like to come to Surrey at some point. Jeremy wondered whether this could be combined with a gathering to establish a monument at the site of the first Gypsy school in Surrey. Others thought this would be a good idea if we can manage it. / MH
10. / GRT Youth Forum
Billie-Jo and Mark are working on this and will have the first actual meeting on Tuesday 27th June in Ash Youth Centre. Young people from other areas are very welcome and Mark would be able to help with transport if needed. / BJS
11 / AGM 10th Oct and election of officers
Hilda will resign as Joint Chair, and no longer be on the management committee.
Mark will resign as Joint Chair and is prepared to continue on the management committee.
Ann has resigned as Vice Chair and otherwise needs time to think about what she will be able to do in future.
All others present were prepared to continue on the management committee, in Kathy’s case this will depend on her still having a job.
12. / Any other business
Jeremy reported on the Romany weekend 16th to 17th June (see attached paper)
Jeremy will be attending an event run by the Dorset GRT Forum, and will see what we may be able to learn from them.
Surrey Minority Ethnic Forum have offered to provide workshops for GRT people on drugs/alcohol and domestic abuse. It was agreed that right now we are not in a position to organise this. / JH

Meeting ended at 12.20 pm

Next meeting- 41 Bargate Rise, Godalming, Weds 6th Sept, 10 am – 12.30 pm