31.- The Foundation’s land was granted on lease to Mr. Jigau Nicolae, director of S.C. Agromec S.A., Ilfov district.

January 13th 1998

32.- Ms.Marcela Ghiulbenghian, President of FAPTE Association started to Armenian Church Museum a weekly cycle of events for religious education. Various Romanian faiths and cults representatives were invited: Ft. Prof. Galeri Costache, Honorary president of the Foundation, Ft. Mare-greco catholic, His Holiness Dirair Mardikian, Ft. Univ. Prof. Dr. Alexandru I. Stan, Ft. Prof. Dr. Dogaru, Ft.Lecturer. Dr. Istodor, Reverent Mother Daria from the Freedom Monastery, Father Albu Zoltan Zagoni, President of Moslem Women, President of Catholic Women. A contest entitled “How would you define God?” took place with this occasion for defying the place and purpose of God on earth and in human life. Rewords were handed.

February 1st 1998

33.- Marcela Ghiulbenghian President of the Foundation, proposed the theme for the religious musical creation contest: “Corala Mundi”. The Regulation of the contest was sent to the Composer’s Union and ethnics all over the world.

February 10th 1998

34.- FAPTE Club hosted the “How do you define Holly Ghost and how is He represented?” contest with the purpose of a better understanding of the Holy Trinity. Highly spiritual individuals handed prizes to the winners.

February 10th 1998

35.- Ms. Marcela Ghiulbenghian, as President of FAPTE Association, FAPTE Club and Sacred Treasure Foundation organized the event: God the Father and Jesus the Son – role model for everyone - Ft. Prof. Mr. Galeriu Costache. The purpose was to explain the St. Trinity’s decisive role in one’s life.

36.a. –The town planning program of the Vidre village area was initiated and lasted for several months. All the permits were obtained from the competent Ministries: SRI, water and gas supply, soil-cultivating notice, environment, etc.

36.b.- The scale model of the WorldPermanent DialogueCenter between faiths representatives from all over the world was made.

February 17th 1998

37.- Basic principals of Baha’i religion show took place at FAPTE Club with the purpose of acknowledging other believes from Romania. Dr. Varga Enayaty and Mrs. Constantinescu Flori attended the event.

February 28th 1998

38.- Ms. Marcela Ghiulbenghian, as President of FAPTE Association, organized at the FAPTE Club: Basic principals of amosaic religion: “Knowing the monotheist faith” debate. Mrs. Sanda Segal was invited and talked upon the subject.

March 10th 1998

39.- Ms.Marcela Ghiulbenghian, as President of FAPTE Association, organized at the FAPTE Club a conference entitled: Christianity as a state religion, the history and the present spreading of Christianity.

March 10th – 30th 1998

40.- The Children’s Palace hosted the religious musical creation contest: “Corala Mundi”. The work of over 50 world wide renowned composers like Ion Cristoiu, Temistocle Popa, Dan Voiculescu, Ludovic Bacs, Jolt Kerestey, etc were juried.


Federation of the Jew Community

I do appreciate the fruitful activity of the Peace Association of Religions in Romania sine 1995 in promoting the universal spirit of affection between believers of different religions and different ethnical origin. Important results gained in inter-religious co-operation between the communities brought their contribution to the prevention and decreasing of all tensions in class, race or religion. Experience and success represents the guarantee of our organization and reveals the values of the contribution made by its leaders. With affection, I wish you new and successful contribution in achieving your purpose.

Message of President of Honor of International Festival of

Musical Religious Creation “Your is the Kingdom and the Power”,

barrister Iulian Sorin, Vice General Secretary of F.J.C.R.

Self – governing metropolitan church of Basarabia

A Blessing message has been transmitted by Archbishop Peter of Basarabie.

Archbishop Petru, Metropolitan of Basarabia and Exarch.

Romanian Bishopric United withRome

In communion with the Clergy and believers of our Romanian Bishopric united with Rome the Bishopric in Lugoj, please accept out most cordial salute to this cultural and religious initiative promoted by all those who believe in God. Hoping that this respectable initiative will continue and will be permanently remarked, participants will be together in this festival, on 25th of May 1998, to pray and glorify God.

With consideration, in the name of Jesus,

Bishop of Lugoj, Alexandru Mesian

Evangelic Church C.A.Sibiu

Every human being, but first of all the religious one, is a glorification of God, The Creator of the Universe, our Holy Father, to Him we pray in our prayer. I wish that this glorification of God, born in Jesus and filled in our hearts as love, be predominant in all the artistic creations presented with the occasion of this Festival. So, the prayer of Jesus Christ comes true in the words to the Father: “So, the Glory you gave me I gave it to them too, to be one, as we are one.”(Ioan 17, 22)

Bishop Dr. Cristoph Klein

Sibiu, Romanias

The Protestant (reformed) Bishopric of Ardeal

God’s blessing stays above you, all those who wrote songs and lyrics to glorify Him! God, help us glorify You eternally through life itself and through love among us.

Bishop Dr. Csiha Kalman

The Adventist Cult of the 7th Day

When children and young people with talent come together to glorify God, angels come with joy, bad spirits of hate and pride “run” away. We cam see in front of our eyes coming true what God tells us through the Bible, about the kingdom of love and purity. So, sing songs to glorify God with joy and praise His name. Get inside the Heaven’s harmony and bring to our Planet the Peace between the people loved by God.

President Adrian Bocaneanu

Armenian Archbishopric of Romania

The wonderful activity initiated by you (Marcela Ghiulbenghian, president of APAR) this festival of religious creation which unites the religions and confessions and glorifies the Unique and the True God, can not but find in the heart and through our church the feeling of consent and I have completely agreed with it. The Armenian Church wants to sincerely and cordially congratulate you for this inter–religious activity. The Christian Spirit, the command to love one’s neighbour, to live in peace with one another, has always been in Armenian’s heart. We pray to God to help this festival to achieve the purpose: to bring peace and fraternity, rapprochement and respect among all those who believe in God. Your efforts, as results of your love for Him and for the human beings, will be repaid by the Holly Spirit.

Head of the Armenian Eparchy

Archbishop Dirayr Mardichian

Moslem Cult, the Mufty

This festival is a living example of peace, harmony and understanding among people, irrespective of ethnical origin, language or religion.

Mufty – Osman Negeat

Bratstvo Community of Bulgarians in Romania

“Let’s live with dignity amongst dignified people”

President, Luca Velciov

The Association of Moslem Women

As mentioned in the “Fatiha” the first SURE in Coran: “Besides Allah, there is o other power to show the right way to be a good human being”; so is the action of APAR, which bears the content of SURE and we pray to Allah to guide you on the way to accomplish your purpose.

President, Ilmiye Geamai

Romano- Catholic Bishopric – Satu Mare

We wish success to your Festival of Religious Creation “Thine is the Kingdom and the Power”

Secretary of Bishop, Egeli Ferenc

The Union of Communities of Christianity after Gospel Cult

The message about God’s Kingdom coming on Earth is a call addressed to all, irrespective of ethnical origin or religion.

President Silviu Cioata

Romanian Bishopric United withRome, Greco-Catholic

I wish you the God’s blessing in the name of resurrected Jesus.

Bishop Virgil Bercea

National Spiritual Gathering of Baha’I from Romania

As always, this time too, God will take care of us and protect us under his wings.

Dr. Enayati Warga and Mihaela Constantinescu

Cultural Union of Albanians

Everyone has his own religion, but we are humans, all of us.

Prof. Dr. Gelcu Maksutovici

Jury Members of the International Festival “Thine is the Kingdom and Power”

Vasile Donose – Musician

-member of The Union of Composers and Musicians of Romania

Angela Similea – Romanian low music guest star

Dan Dimitriu – conductor of orchestra, composer

March 17th 1998

41.- FAPTE Club hosted the debate entitled “The distinction between Christian and Baha’i religion” doctrinal and religious customs.

March 20th 1998

42.- The Foundation and A.P.A.R. leading staff took part at the New Year’s Day festivity organized by the Baha’i community followed by a short entertainment program and a light feast.

March 27th 1998

43.- Ms.Marcela Ghiulbenghian, President of FAPTE Association, organized at the FAPTE Club a debate entitled: “The Holy Mother’s task and roll in a Christian’s life.” Prof. Univ. Dr. Stan I Alexandru debated for the knowledge of the Christian faith.

March 30th 1998

44.- Ms. Marcela Ghiulbenghian, President of FAPTE Association, Mr. Imam Osman Aziz and Geamani Ilmie organized at the FAPTE Club a conference discussing mosaic faith. The goal of the meeting: acknowledge other faiths and differences between them, beginning with the idea of God’s “Universal laws” for all His Sons and the fact that prophets are all over the world enlightening and bringing His wisdom words.

45.- In May, the Children’s Palace hosted the recognition of the best religious musical creation presented in the “Corala Mundi” contest.

May 25th 1998

46.- In the Palace Hall of Bucharest, the second edition of the “Thine is the Kingdom and the Power ” international religious musical creation program took place in association with A.P.A.R. and Ministry of Culture. Over 50 candidates of various believe from 7 countries performed. The show was televised and awards have been handed acchoirdingly: Fourth place: Temistocle Popa, Dan Voiculescu si Mariana Popescu. Third place: Ion Cristoiu, Petre Stefanescu. Second place: Ludovic Bacs, Stelian Ionescu, and the International prize: Arsham Evoghli from Spain. The show was televised and very much appreciated by our national viewers.

July 9th 1998

47.a.- At A.P.A.R. center President Ms. Marcela Ghiulbenghian, announced the donation of the 50 hectares land from Vidre village to the “Sacred Treasure of Religions” Foundation. She wished the witness of the religions representatives to the blessing of the future World Center of Religions land.

47.b.- In August 1998, Ms. Marcela Ghiulbenghian was invited at the Romano-American Science and CultureAcademy where she presented the “Sacred Treasure of Religions ”Foundation’s objectives.

August 29th – October 1st 1998

48.- Ms. Marcela Ghiulbenghian took part to an International Conference entitled: “People and Religions, Peace is God’s Name”. The event was organized by “Sant Egidio” and BOR Patriarchy under the supervision of the President of Romania. Members of the Board Council attended the conference and relations have been tied with foreign faiths representatives and His Holiness Aram I.

August 31st 1998

49.- A meeting took place to the Hilton Hotel. His Holiness Aram I, President of the World Ecumenical Movement of Religions Council, cNGOratulated Ms. Marcela Ghiulbenghian for her idea and for the Foundation’s efforts, and promised to help her by discussing the Foundation’s objectives with other faiths representatives.

December 26th 1998

50.- Ms. Marcela Ghiulbenghian and General Secretary of the A.P.A.R. Association Prof. Univ. Dr. Stan I Alexandru announced the Parochial House of the St. Stefan Church as the new A.P.A.R. juridical seat. They gave thanks to the Ghiulbenghian family for their help in fitting out the seat with heating system, furniture, etc. An inauguration meeting took place, discussing the future actions of the Association and a dinner feast closed the event.