Minutes of the Board of Visitors Meeting

3 February 2007




The Citadel Board of Visitors held its winter meeting in the Board Room, Jenkins Hall, at 0800 hours on 3 February 2007.

The following members were present: Major General Arthur H. Baiden III, Chairman; Colonel John R. Douglas, Vice Chairman; Colonel William E. Jenkinson III; Colonel Harvey M. Dick; Colonel Douglas A. Snyder; Colonel Allison Dean Love; Colonel Glenn D. Addison; Colonel William G. Kastner; Colonel Claude W. Burns III; Colonel W. Thomas McQueeney (by teleconference); Major General Stanhope Spears, Adjutant General of South Carolina; Colonel James E. Jones, Jr., Member Emeritus; and Colonel Leonard C. Fulghum, Jr., Member Emeritus. In attendance were Lieutenant Colonel Gilbert A. Pohl, USAF (Ret), President of The Citadel Alumni Association, and Mr. James E. Fayssoux, Jr., President of The Citadel Brigadier Foundation. Also in attendance was Lieutenant General John W. Rosa, President, along with senior members of his staff.

The following member was absent: Colonel Harry B. Limehouse, Jr.

The meeting followed the agenda at enclosure 1.

The Chairman called on Chaplain Golden for the invocation.

Mr. Mark Brandenburg, General Counsel, stated that the meeting was in compliance with the Freedom of Information Act.

Chairman Baiden welcomed everyone and thanked President Rosa and his staff for a splendid ceremony on Friday, 2 February 2007 in honor of Senator Daniel Inouye and the dedication of the Inouye Marksmanship Facility.

Chairman Baiden welcomed and introduced Lieutenant Colonel Gilbert A. Pohl, USAF (Ret), Class of 1976, President of The Citadel Alumni Association for 2007, Mr. James E. Fayssoux, Jr., Class of 1966, President of The Citadel Brigadier Foundation for 2007, Mr. Fred L. Price, member-elect of the Board of Visitors, and representing The Citadel Faculty Council, Lieutenant Colonel David Trautman.

The minutes of the 30 September 2006 fall meeting, the 4 December 2006 special teleconference meeting, the 9 January 2007 special teleconference meeting, and the 18 January 2007 special teleconference meeting were approved.

Lieutenant General Rosa gave the President’s Report.

·  Thirty-three applications for the legislative liaison position currently held by Lieutenant Colonel Ben W. Legare, Jr. have been received. Fifteen are


Minutes of the Board of Visitors Meeting

3 February 2007

·  qualified for the position - twelve men and three women. Of these, six are Citadel graduates. Interviews will start in the near future.

·  The Provost search is nearing conclusion. The three finalists have been interviewed. Two were very competitive. A selection will be made next week.

·  The college is in good shape and Lieutenant General Rosa is pleased with the overall state of the school. He acknowledges that procedures and departments need to become more streamlined to further improve on the good job all are currently doing.

·  The Values and Respect Program is going very well with forty-two of forty-five lessons accomplished in the first semester. The Krause Initiatives have been incorporated with the Values and Respect Program.

·  The development of baselines to track improvements has been the major effort by all departments during the past semester.

·  Academically, the first semester was a strong semester. Three of the four classes posted record GPA’s. He expressed special pleasure with the Fourth Class. Twenty-eight percent are on the Dean’s List and fifteen have 4.0 GPA’s. Twenty percent of the Fourth Class is under 2.0 and efforts are underway to assist them in improving. The First Class GPA was 3.22. The athletic teams are doing well, and the coaches are placing strong emphasis on team academics.

·  Lieutenant General Rosa has spent a day this semester with each of the school Deans to gain a better appreciation of their departments. He was especially impressed with the organization and leadership of the Engineering Department. All are doing a great job in educating their students.

·  The fall semester Dean’s List dinner was highly successful and well done. Cadet behavior and etiquette was excellent. One of the best events on campus first semester.

·  Development of an Information Technology (IT) plan is underway. IT is under-budgeted and needs to be brought up to 10 percent of budget to be competitive with other colleges and universities. Imperative that we take our information technology to the next level.

·  Friday’s Commandant’s brief was well done, and he was pleased with the discussions that followed. A major initiative in the Commandant’s Office is to shorten the time frame for disciplinary cases being resolved.

·  Will embark next week on an extensive west coast road trip to meet with alumni groups and potential donors as well as Bill Krause. Will provide highlights of trip at the 20 April meeting.

·  The recent Commandant’s inspection was very good.

·  Athletic interest and support is growing for all sports. We have an outstanding group of coaches, and our football recruiting is extending to a national level. We are recruiting highly qualified student athletes from Texas, Oklahoma and Florida. Prospects are good for Citadel athletics. The Athletic Department is developing a more realistic budget that will hold coaches more accountable.

·  Identified the need for a professional marketing person to further enhance the school’s ability to sell the school. A Strategic Communication Plan is being developed.

·  Outlined travel plans to meet with alumni groups and donors. Plan calls for president to be off campus for thirty-six days, which represents twelve percent of the year. Travel percentage for other college and university presidents is an average of forty percent. It is important to get out, meet with alumni and donors and energize them.

·  We need to move quickly with strategic and marketing planning for facility enhancement to be done in coordination with The Citadel Foundation.

·  Work on the football stadium is progressing but the funds required have not been fully identified.

·  Rent for faculty quarters has been raised and the school is looking to raise campus parking fees as well.

·  Great strides have been made in meeting with and raising the schools awareness in the community. Have had over 2,700 community guests to Quarters One as well 1,700 cadets. The Christmas party was well received and was a great success.

·  He is participating in numerous community civic organizations to include; Rotary, Chairman of the Education Committee of United Way, and the Chamber of Commerce.

·  Indicated his pleasure with the great job The Citadel Foundation is doing setting goals and holding staff accountable. The Brigadier Foundation is doing well but must step up its efforts to help build a strong and competitive athletic program. This past year was the second best fundraising year but there is still work to do. For example, we need to raise more awareness in alumni for giving as we are only at twenty-eight percent. Also working with The Citadel Foundation on the plan to close out the campaign.

·  We need to hire a project manager in order to ensure the success of the stadium project.

·  He is pleased overall with where the college is today and the great team effort by the staff and faculty. Complimented Lieutenant Colonel Plunkett for the success of Senator Inouye’s visit to campus for the marksmanship facility dedication.

Chairman Baiden thanked the President for his report and stated that he had received positive feedback from alumni on the President’s visits and how they are impressed with him and the positive message he brings. The President was complimented on the tremendous job he and Mrs. Rosa are doing in reestablishing relationships with the community and becoming actively involved in the community.

The Chairman called for committee reports.

Colonel Douglas A. Snyder, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that Colonel Holland had provided the committee a budget update, noting that activities with the exception of athletics were in good shape. He noted that our low attrition has helped revenues. The Citadel is ranked number eleven in the nation among public institutions for endowed dollars per student.

Colonel Snyder presented the following unanimous committee recommendation as a motion:


“That the Board of Visitors approves an increase of $45,000 to the President’s Representational Fund, bringing the year’s allocation to $145,000.”

The motion carried unanimously.

Colonel William G. Kastner, Chairman of the Education, Curriculum, and Faculty Liaison Committee, reported on seven information items. He said that the reestablishment of the Veterans’ Program would be presented as an action item at the April meeting. Colonel Kastner paid special recognition to Patricia Kinard of the President’s Office for all her splendid efforts in assisting his committee during the Provost search.

Chairman Baiden, as acting Chair of the Building and Grounds Committee, reported that action on the Energy Performance Contract would be deferred pending Colonel Holland providing the Board with additional background information to ensure the decision is made based on all available facts.

Colonel John R. Douglas, Chairman of the Athletic Committee, reported no action items. He discussed budget actions the Athletic Department was taking to develop a more realistic budget. The status of PSL sales for stadium seats was also discussed.

Colonel Harvey M. Dick, Chairman, Customs, Regulations, and Cadet Liaison Committee, thanked his committee and college staff for all the time and efforts in reviewing the College Regulations.

Colonel Dick presented the following unanimous committee recommendations as motions:


“That the Board of Visitors approves the College Regulations except for Section IX as revised by the Customs, Regulations, and Cadet Liaison Committee at its 11 January 2007 and 2 February 2007 meetings.”

The motion carried unanimously.


“That the minutes of the 11 January 2007 meeting of the Customs, Regulations, and Cadet Liaison Committee be attached to the minutes of the 3 February 2007 meeting of the Board of Visitors.”

The motion carried unanimously.


“That the Board of Visitors approves the appearance standards proposed by the Commandant, as modified and approved by the Customs, Regulations, and Cadet Liaison Committee at its 11 January 2007 meeting, to be included in the Blue Book to be issued for academic year 2007-2008.”

The motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Baiden requested that all members review Section IX of the College Regulations, entitled “Rules of the Board of Visitors,” and provide their input to Colonel Dick and the Customs, Regulations, and Cadet Liaison Committee no later than 15 March 2007.

Colonel Allison Dean Love, Chairman External Affairs Committee, complimented the staff for their significant efforts to maximize the president’s travel time through better coordination with the college, the Alumni Association, and The Citadel Foundation. She discussed the need to coordinate the marketing efforts of the college and the affiliated foundations under one umbrella and the need for resources to make that happen. Colonel Love reported that the committee supported The Citadel Foundation’s desire to raise the minimum amount needed to fund a Citadel Scholar Scholarship from $250,000 to $350,000.

Following discussion, it was proposed that the recommendation of support be placed in a resolution and be returned to The Citadel Foundation for appropriate action.


“That the Board of Visitors concurs in raising Citadel Scholars Scholarships minimum donation from $250,000 to $350,000.”

The resolution carried unanimously.

Finally, the committee approved a request from The Citadel Foundation to accept the renovation and upgrading of the Hagood Avenue Gate as a naming opportunity. Action deferred to the Honorary Degrees, Palmetto Medals, and Special Recognition Committee.

Colonel Glenn D. Addison, Chairman, Strategic Planning Committee, reported that the committee was coordinating closely with the staff in reviewing and “brainstorming” strategic issues. The proposed strategic planning offsite meeting has been deferred.

Colonel Addison, representing the Stadium Committee, presented the following unanimous recommendations as motions:


“That The Citadel moves forward with the build out of Levels 4, 5, and 6 utilizing funding and/or other guarantees to obtain the money to go forward. The monies received from the sale of leases of the suites and the club seats will be used for debt service until paid, and after the funds will go to the Athletic Department.”

The motion carried unanimously.


“That The Citadel makes a concerted effort to prioritize pricing of and develop a marketing plan for the suites and club seats. In addition, that we proceed with marketing as soon as the pricing is established.” The suggested time table is:

Suite Offering Time Table Start Date End Date

Donor Offering 02.15.07 03.31.07

Public Offering 04.01.07 04.30.07

Suite Contracts and Down Payments

Completed 05.01.07 05.31.07

Club Level Offering Time Table Start Date End Date

Donor Offering 06.01.07 07.14.07

Public Offering 07.15.07 08.31.07

Down Payments Completed 09.01.07 09.30.07

The motion carried unanimously.


“That in order to implement the two motions above, the Board of Visitors authorizes allocation of funds necessary to hire a professional to complete the long term development and marketing of athletic facilities.”

The motion carried unanimously.

Finally, Colonel Addison acknowledged and thanked Colonel McQueeney and the members of the Stadium Committee for all of their hard work.

Chairman Baiden concurred with deferring of an offsite strategic planning meeting and stated that the President of the college, Chairman of the Board of Visitors, Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee, and President of The Citadel Foundation would meet to discuss the next step after the current major campaign is over.

Colonel Claude W. Burns III, Chairman, Audit Committee, reported that work continues on the Audit Committee Charter, and he hopes to present it at the 20 April 2007 meeting. He recommends that the Board of Visitors accept the firm of Elliott Davis, LLC as the college’s new auditors. He reported that the recently completed FY 06 audit did not reflect any material weaknesses to The Citadel or The Citadel Trust. The audit did reflect that The Citadel Foundation and The Citadel Brigadier Foundation have no provisions for writing off doubtful accounts. The foundations are taking appropriate corrective action. Colonel Burns complimented the staff on a successful audit.

Colonel Burns presented the following unanimous committee recommendation as a motion: