Monday, December 13, 2010

Board attending:

Herbert Durfee, III, Beverly Gover, Michael Inners, Peg Burbo and Mitch McGrath.

Others in attendance:

Richard Taylor, Superintendent; Troy Nolan-Watkins, Principal; Beth Hemingway, GISU Special Services Coordinator

Members of the public and staff: Roberta Mitchell and Marshall Phillips


HD called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

Adjustment of Agenda: RT – table high school updates and performance information until January meeting. RT will e-mail to board members before hand.

Approval of Minutes: At 7:04 p.m. PB made a motion to approve the minutes of November 22, 2010 as drafted, 2nd by BG – GC

Members of the Public – For Items Not on the Agenda: Marshall had a concern regarding moving the 5th grade for next year into the middle school. HD responded that budget discussion will include that item.

Beth Hemingway – FY12 Special Education Budget presented to the board. BH gave a very detailed description of the Grand Isle District’s special ed, EEE, preschool and EEI budget. Total special ed is $1.23M approximately for 65 students from Pre-K through High School. HD asked RT to relay to Karen – Tab D with regular line items and break out elementary and secondary; K-8 and 9-12.

Superintendent’s Report: Act 1 update – 2009 schools provide sexual abuse training and education for staff – RT in touch with person to meet with admin team and meet the requirements for Act 1.

Support staff contract – RT received notice of Vermont NEA’s intent to bargain a successor agreement from North Hero and Grand Isle; needs to be done like the teachers’ master agreement to include Grand Isle and Alburgh due to the fact that they are organized. Bev and Michael will be on the negotiating team for the support staff contract.

GISU Personnel Committee – The next meeting will be January 24, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. at GISU. GISU next meeting is Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at Grand Isle.

Letter from Governor Elect Shumlin – desire to take $19M of federal dollars to offset $23.2M figure which is trying to be captured through budget reductions – results probably will not be available until after budgets are prepared.

Answer to legal question regarding LWCF Grant award – RT relayed from legal that ownership of land regarding “in perpetuity clause”; He does not believe voter approval is required as the district is not selling property. A deed restriction/easement would obviously be required and Chris recommends seeing if the town attorney is in a position to do this. As Chris’ office does not deal in land matters, he is not comfortable in drawing up such language. He is willing to provide a recommendation of another attorney if so desired. (From 11/30/10 Email from Richard Taylor) deed restriction not transfer; voter approval is not required; legal counsel of school asked – Any other potential for school district to recapture land? When you do this, assuming you do this, does the school district have limitations placed on them regarding availability of playground; language could include hours of operation; when board receives grant documentation, should be reviewed by legal.

Principal’s Report: Presently three positions to be filled which include an anticipated behavioral interventionist and two playground/lunch assistants.

Board Discussion: FY12 Budget – RT handed out assumptions, draft tax rate calculation, budget by category. December 27 meeting there will be a full budget discussion. HD supports Art to 1.0; the adding of 1.0 world language; split grades 3 and 4; keep 5th grade apart from middle school; maybe a separate article for $25,000 for ramping, apply for grant; $30,000 deferred budget, $15,000 regular budget; “inclusionary ramp” should be in this budget in HD’s opinion.

Middle school teachers had input for the board and HD suggested that it be at the December 27 meeting. They would like to meet on Monday, December 20 after 3:20 p.m. dismissal. HD asked RT to have Ellen know of agenda item for December 20 meeting with teachers at 5:00 p.m.

Board Action: Resolution regarding legislative target signed by the board and delivered to the Superintendent.

At 9:35 p.m. BG made a motion to authorize the board chair to ratify the master teachers agreement effective July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2013 and 2nd by MM – GC. In light of MI’s perspective, making a motion to table if need be, MI said he would trust negotiating team.

At 9:58 p.m. MI made a motion to authorize payment of bills in the amount of $332,102.49 and 2nd by MM – GC.

Contract for Barbara Brown – At 10:00 p.m. HD made a motion to offer a support staff contract to Barbara Brown as a regular education paraeducator according to the terms recommended by the superintendent and principal, 2nd by MI – GC.

Executive Session: None.

Agenda Building:

Jessica Ochs requested to come before the board on December 27 to not have instrumental program before the start of the school day.

Support staff contract

Board Correspondence/Sharing: None.

At 10:05 p.m. Motion to adjourn by MM – GC






