Online Community/Social Media SUPER List

Initially compiled by Shara Karasic. Visit Shara's website.
This is a live document that is constantly evolving. Please add your favorite online community/social media/social networking sites, articles, resources, and experts and SHARE.


Artist/Design/Writer Communities

·  deviantart

·  Fiction Alley - fan fiction & discussion

·  ficlets - collaborative writing

·  Gather - fiction, essay writing

·  humblevoice

·  instructables

·  Naked & Angry

·  Portrayl - collaborative writing

·  threadless

Book Sharing/Reviews

·  Amazon

·  bookcrossing

·  goodreads

·  LibraryThing - love their zeitgeist page

·  shelfari

·  squirl

Business Communities & Social Networks

·  Alibaba - get international trade leads <LIBiznik - business networking for indie professionals

·  BizToo - social networking site for global entrepreneurs Cambrian House - crowdsourcing, business networking, get help with your business ideas

·  Cofoundr - find a co-founder for your entrepreneurial venture

·  Ecademy

·  FastPitch Networking - business networking, PR help for business

·  GOBIGnetwork - community of startup companies

·  konnects - communities around specific industries

·  LinkedIn - uber online networking

·  Idea Cafe - business forums

·  Intuit Accountants - Intuit's resource for accounting and Quickbooks practitioners

·  JIGSAW - share business contacts

·  JumpUp - from Intuit, focuses on startups

·  OpenBusiness - platform to share and develop innovate Open Business ideas - entrepreneurial ideas which are built around openness, free services and free access

·  Oriented - global network of international professionals interested in Asian businesses and cultures

·  QuickBooks Community - from Intuit

·  Quicken Community - from Intuit

·  ryze

·  SBDC Community - community for Association of Small Business Development Centers members



·  spoke - find out who you know at various companies

·  StartupNation

·  Startupping - community for Internet entrepreneurs

·  viadeo - business networking w/ European slant

·  Visible Path - manage professional network and connect to corporate network

·  XING (used to be OpenBC)


Citizen Journalism

·  Global Voices

·  Newsvine

·  Wikileaks



·  eHarmony

·  iminlikewithyou

·  hotornot



·  Plenty of Fish

Education Communities

·  citeulike - academics' social network around the academic papers they're reading

· - parents review schools

·  H2O Playlist - shared lists of readings around topics of intellectual interest

·  Tapped In - community for education professionals

·  WikiEducator - collaborative community for planning education projects linked with the development of free content, as well open education resources projects

Expert Communities

·  citeulike - academics' social network around the academic papers they're reading

·  Catalyze - resource for UI and UX professionals and those designing business systems

·  Intuit Accountants - Intuit's resource for accounting and Quickbooks practitioners

· - pr community - "where communicators meet"

·  Population and Health Infoshare

·  sermo - physicians' community

· - small-and-medium-sized business community with shared how-to advice


·  corkd - review and share wine

·  extra tasty - share drink recipes

·  Ikeafans - Ikea fan community

·  stylehive


·  buxfer

·  Motley Fool

·  prosper - be a lender or borrower

·  wesabe


·  Brainstorms - Howard Rheingold's online community, invitation only

·  Delphi Forums

·  Talk City - owned by Prospero

·  The Well - one of the oldest communities, good conversation

Goal Sharing

·  43 things

Health Communities

·  Population and Health Infoshare - sharing knowledge to improve worldwide public health

·  radRounds - linking radiologists to each other

·  Sermo (online community for physicians)

·  WebMD - community message boards

·  Walker Tracker - a community site for pedometer fans to log and track their steps

·  Wego Health

·  Who Is Sick? - track illness outbreaks

How-to, Wiki, and Article Sites

·  7tipson

·  ExpertVillage - how-to videos

·  Gather

·  Helium

·  HubPages

·  Makeuseof blog - list of how-to sites

·  Only Human - share your mistakes and advice anonymously and help others

·  Squidoo

·  SuTree - index and library of video lessons & tutorials

·  Wikipedia

·  Wikihow

· (how-to guides from the business community)

Kids/Teen/College Student Communities

·  Club Penguin

·  Facebook

·  flip

·  Gaia Online

·  gurl

·  Habbo Hotel

·  MTV - Pimp My Ride

·  MTV - Virtual Laguna Beach

·  NeoPets



·  popist

·  SparkTop (kids with dyslexia and ADD)

·  tagged

·  tagworld

·  VMK - virtual Magic Kingdom

·  zwinktopia

Leadership/Community Building

· - Center for Creative Leadership

·  designedlearning - building community

·  margaretwheatley - building organizations and communities

· - servant leadership

·  womensleadership - Institute for Women's Leadership, Women Leading Change


·  chowhound - foodie site

·  craigslist

·  epinions

·  fatdoor - form community with your neighbors

·  Judy's Book

·  kijiji

·  rateitall

·  Yelp


·  biddingBuddies - eBay auction buyers and sellers social network

·  bizrate

·  eBAY

·  MyThings - see what stuff others own

·  thisnext - social shopping

·  yub - shop with friends

·  zebo


·  Meetup


·  dodgeball

·  kyte

·  loopt

·  Jaiku

·  Qik - send & share live video from your phone

·  radar

·  twitter - mini-blogging

·  twitterholic

·  twittervision - twitters imposed on a world map

·  zannel - community for sharing videos & pictures on mobile phones


·  lastfm

·  mog

Photo Sharing

·  flickr

·  flickrvision - see flickr photos in real time imposed on a map of the world

·  fotki

·  fotolog

·  photobucket

Publishing Platforms

·  PublicSquare - collaborative publishing

·  scribd (documents)

Question & Answer Sites

·  Explanations in Plain English – YouTube videos by Lee Lefever

·  Hubpages Requests - can request an answer from person with specific expertise

·  Linkedin Q & A - can ask your network questions -- largely marketing folks, recruiters, and consultants who answer, big picture business strategy questions often get thoughtful answers

·  Microsoft Live QnA

·  Naver - Koren Q & A

·  Trulia Voices - real estate questions

·  Yahoo Answers - big tween/teen component here

Real Estate

·  RealEstateVoices - real estate social news site

·  Trulia - members can post and answer questions about neighborhoods

·  Zillow

Social Bookmarking/Browsing/Aggregators

·  Absolutely Tools Collection

·  addthis - add your site to a long list of social bookmarking applications

·  bizsugar - business aggregator site

· – is leading the evolution of the social internet; bringing together all your online identities, content, contacts and communications into one centralized location under a unique domain that you both own and control. Launch to open domain Sept. 1, 2008 - Beta but awesome!

·  collactive - create a bulletin about your site or a particular piece of Web content and get others to take action such as voting, rating, etc. – social media promotion platform


·  digg

·  EngBeat - social bookmarking for engineers

·  fendoo - social bookmarking for smart people

·  ma.gnolia

·  popurls

·  RealEstateVoices - real estate social news site

·  sphinn - social aggregator for search and interactive marketers

·  reddit

·  stumbleupon

·  ycombinator - startup news

Social Calendars/Events

·  30 Boxes

·  bumpQ

·  going

·  eventful

·  eventwax

·  Evite

·  Upcoming

Social Networks, General

·  bebo

·  black planet

·  boompa - for car lovers

·  catster - for cat lovers

·  CLUBGH - Ghanaian social networking

·  Cyworld - Korean social networking

·  dogster - for dog lovers

·  eons - over 50 crowd

·  extra tasty

·  geni

·  elgg - incorporate your tools within one environment and share with whom you like

·  friendster

·  hi5

·  mixi - japanese social networking

·  myspace

·  orkut

·  pownce

·  squirl


·  trig

·  Virb

·  wallop

·  xanga

·  Yahoo 360

Social Search

·  Mahalo

·  Rollyo

·  Swicki

·  Wink - people search w/ social networking, online profiles show up


·  elgg - incorporate your tools within one environment and share with whom you like

·  Slashdot – tech news

·  techmeme

·  Tech Crunch – profiles new IT companies/blogs

·  technorati – blog news


·  couchsurfing

·  flyertalk - frequent flyer community

·  gusto

·  everytrail - GPS travel community

·  Travellerspoint

·  TripAdvisor

·  TripUp

·  Wikitravel


·  panjea

·  revver

·  spout - film recommendations

·  SuTree - index and library of video lessons & tutorials

·  viddler - upload, enhance, and share your videos

·  YouTube

Virtual Worlds

·  Everquest

·  Gaia Online

·  Habbo Hotel

·  Second Life

·  MTV - Pimp My Ride

·  MTV - Virtual Laguna Beach


·  World of Warcraft


Community Academic Programs

·  Berkman Center for Internet & Society - at Harvard Law School

·  Information Society Project at Yale Law School

·  UC Berkeley School of Information

·  USC Annenberg School for Communication Online Communities Master's Program

·  University of Arizona Management Information Systems department course - Managing Online Communities - in conjunction with IBM

Community Articles & Resources

·  10 reasons by every non profit must have a blog – by Lance Trebresch & Taylor Robinson

·  10 Things Every Non Profit Executive Needs to Know About IT – by Deborah Finn

·  2009: The Year of Social Enterprise Networks – by Dan Farber

·  6 Steps to Winning Hearts and Minds on Web – by Katya Andresen

·  7 Tips to Make Your Charity Badge a Success – by Lance Trebesch and Taylor Robinson

·  35 corporate social media in action – by Aaron Uhrmacher - corporate social media in action – what they are using to get the message out. Examples are coca-cola conversations, fujifilm, hsbc, ibm, intel, adobe, mcdonalds, new york times, national geographic

·  40 social networking sites: Web 2.0 Directory

·  55 social bookmarking sites - bloggers

·  120 experts on social networking, communities - ventureblogalist's thought leader picks

·  All the digg style applications: The list

·  Anonymity and Online Commmunity: Identity Matters

·  The Art of Chunking – online writing essential

·  The Art of Creating a Community by Guy Kawasaki

·  The Art of Hosting Good Conversations Online - by Howard Rheingold

·  Best Engaging Communities blog

·  NpTech Tag Summary: Best Wishes for A More Social 2008! by Beth Kanter

·  Building Online Communities - from O'Reilly

·  Building Online Communities: Transforming Assumptions Into Success - from the Benton Foundation

·  Building an Online Community - by Shara Karasic

·  citeulike - tag: community

·  The Community Spirit of Yahoo's Fake

·  The Coming Age of Lying Avatars - Salon article about social trust as physical interactions move to online virtual worlds

·  Community Building on the Web - by Amy Jo Kim

·  Community Group Therapy

·  Comparision of top blogging platforms - Wordpress, Typepad, Movable Type, Blogger

·  Community Guy

·  connectable dots - Gail William's blog

·  Crowdsourcing – by Howard Rheingold

·  Customer service communities at eBay - research paper compares customer behavior before and after joining a customer community

·  danah boyd

·  Do Customer Communities Increase Revenues by Active Customers? - Dec. 2006 Harvard Business Review article

·  Enhancing Online Community Interaction - Communibuild

·  Email group: Betty Ray's online community email group - for community professionals to share best practices

·  Email group: e-mint - Association of Online Community Professionals - UK-based

·  Email group: online facilitation at Yahoo Groups

·  Facebook Case Study: Offline behavior drives online usage

·  Facebook: Causes on Facebook by Randall Winston
Facebook's Critical Success Factors

·  Facebook Group: Community Manager, Advocate, and Evangelist - started by Jeremiah Owyang - "Is it your career or job to participate in online communitities on behalf of an organization? Join your peers here."

·  Facebook Group: Online Community Roundtable - started by Bill Johnston of Forum One - "A group for those working with online communities in the commercial and non-profit spaces. Specificially, a group for those charged with community strategy and management."

·  Facilitating and Hosting a Virtual Community by Nancy White

·  Forrester: Social networking will be biggest enterprise 2.0 priority by 2013; smaller business reticent – by Larry Dignan

·  The Future of Communities blog

·  TechCrunch: Google OpenSocial

·  How to Be a Great Host - A List Apart

·  Hosting: Online Moderator Guidelines and Community-Building Tips - by Gail Williams, The WELL

·  How and Why Wikipedia Works: An Interview with Angela Beesley, Elisabeth Bauer, and Kizu Naoko

·  The International Journal of Web-Based Communities

·  Habitat Chronicles - MMORPGS

·  How Social Networks Work: The Puzzle of Exhaust Data - phatic communication, so ubiquitous in Twitter and Facebook, doesn't get much said, but gets lots done - by Grant McGracken

·  How to Hire an Online Community Manager - top 25 questions to Ask a potential community hire by Shara Karasic

·  Life With Alacrity

·  List of White Label (Applications you can Rebrand) Social Networking Platforms

·  Lithium's Top 20 Social Networks

·  Many to Many - a group weblog on social software

·  Microsoft's social computing group

·  musings of a social architect

·  TheNewPRWiki

·  OC Expert Interview - Joi Podgorny - tweens and children communities

·  Online Community Report by Jim Cashel, Forum One

·  Online Social Fundraising Blog – firstgiving's blog about non-profit online fundraising