Substance Use/Abuse RESEARCH projectDUE ______

Will be presented during your Health classes the week they are due

This entire project is worth a total of 200 pointswith 100 points for content and 100 points for presentation


Step 1: You will be assigned a topic by raffle. Small groups can be between 2 and 4 people. Generally speaking, work in the small group you voluntarily sit in during Health HOWEVER, if a person would like to trade out of a group to work with another group, that is permitted. You may work with students from another Heath class but each will present for your own class.

Step 2: Use the class website or any legitimate resources you want to answer the questions in section B about the topic.

NOTE: Many if not all of these questions can be answered by visiting the appropriate topic page on the class website.

Step 3: Create a meme or other graphic/poster (digital or handmade)that gives your drug a healthy slogan for not using it

Such as “Chase your dreams but don’t make them nightmares…stay away from Heroin)

Step 4: Prepare one of the presentations below in section C for the class and “teach” about your drug.

NOTE: There are videos posted on many of the drugs on the class website already for you in addition to what you find.

Section A: Topics:

1) Ecstasy (MDMA)2) Heroin3) Abuse of Medications

(pain killers, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, cough syrup)

4) PCP/Angel Dust5) Steroids6) Bath Salts and Synthetic Designer Drugs7) Crystal Meth

8) Cocaine/Crack9) Club Drugs other than Ecstasy10) Narcotics other than Heroin

11) Inhalants

Section B: Questions to answer:

1) What are the names of the drugs? Give the REAL NAME, the most common name, and any street names

2) What are the current statistics of usage of this drug in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and, or the United States

3) What type of drug is it? (Stimulant, Depressant, Hallucinogen, Pain Killer…a combination etc

4) How does the drug enter body (explain all common ways)?

5) What is drug used for (medical AND illegal purposes)?

6) What are the proven short term effects to the body or mind?

7) What are the possible long term effects to the body or mind of using the drug?

8) What are possible effects in the social or emotional areas of PISES particularly towards friends and family?

9) Is there any physical or psychological dependence or addiction associated with this drug and how?

10) What is the most common reason(s) people start using this drug?

11) Any other comments about this drug not listed in these questions

Section C: Presentations: 5-10 minutes per presentation

Make a presentation to the class about your drug or drug group.

1) All of the questions must be answered for the class with factual researched information.

2) Must be presented to class in any way you want. Try to be creative but methods MAY INCLUDE handouts, amonologue/roll play/drama, create or find a video on the topic, develop a simulated news cast, or do any other creative presentation.

Scoring Sheet


Turn in one sheet per group

100 points for content 100 points for presentation

NAMES of Group members with what they did for the project:

NAMEWhat they did

1) ______

2) ______

3) ______

4) ______

PART 1: CONTENT = 10 points

_____ 1 point per correct answer for Drug topics and 2 points per correct answer for project #12

PART 2: Presentation

______A: Completed ON TIME:(1 points)

______B: Speaking (Clear, tone/volume, language) (2 points) (1 grade for the entire group)

_____words clear and language appropriate _____ tone/volume appropriate

______C: Presentation (3 points)

______provides all of the correct information required about the drug and it’s effects

______Easy to understand for most students and at least 5 minutes in length

______Creative, Active, Discussion or product based (not just read, not just talked about…visuals or interaction)

______D: POST PRESENTATION: (2 points)

2= Answers all questions from Teacher and/or other students

1= Answers at least ½ of questions from teacher and/or students

0 =Answers less than ½ of the questions from teacher and /or students

_____E: Meme/graphic: (2 point)

______TOTAL points x 10 = ______Total value =

for grade…divide total value by 200. 180 or better = A