New team members welcome chat, Thursday 16thJuly 2009

In attendance:

Michele, web manager

Sam_B, online editor

Sam_S, online support manager

Ewan, online support manager

jeanette, carer

fenlander, carer

angelica, carer

Tricia, carer

KatJay, carer

Sam_B / So the word is that it's going to be a bit of a party in here tonight..
fenlander / Hi Sam S
Michele / ah - are you eligible?
jeanette / Hi Sam S
Sam_S / ::smile
Michele / Hi Sam S!
Sam_S / hello there!
Sam_B / eligible?
jeanette / dont know the priorities michele
Sam_S / ooh, nice crown there Michele!
fenlander / pay attention!
Sam_S / Nice to meet you all!
Sam_B / yes, nice crown, i need to get my avatar sorted.
Sam_S / Indeed Sam B!
Sam_B / suppose i'll have to go for the same old cat.
Ewan joined.
Sam_B / Hi Ewan.
jeanette / Hi Ewan
Sam_S / Hi Jeanette too!
fenlander / We dont usually have flu vaccine so not sure - there have been complications with swine flu vaccine overseas
Ewan / Well hello there!
Sam_S / And Fenlander!
Michele / Sam S is one of our notorious new team members on - though she has been at PRTC for years! And Ewan also - welcome!
fenlander / Hi Ewan
jeanette / now that is interesting Fen
Sam_S / notorious? ::ohmy
fenlander / you dont look welsh Ewan?
Sam_B / yes, notorious.
fenlander / guille barre syndrome????
Sam_S / Are you secretly welsh Ewan???
Ewan / :D No, I'm not! Scottish... but then, I don't look that either...
Michele / hehe - nice Fen!
jeanette / its that red hair lol
jeanette / I dont look like my pic either
Sam_B / I look pretty similar to mine, actually.
Sam_S / But it's nice to have a glamourous alter ego huh Jeanette? ::smile
Ewan / Actually it's never really occurred to me to choose a picture that looks like me :D maybe I should...
Michele / it would probably be quite shocking for us all to meet in real life - though I'd love the chance!
fenlander / thought ewan was a welsh name but spose Ewan macgregor is scottish
Sam_S / I think mine is the closest I could get....
Sam_S / ooh, and he's lovely Fen!
Ewan / Yep, I'm very grateful to Ewan MacGregor because finally people can spell my name!
Ewan / Fenlander, that suits you ::biggrin
jeanette / mine is close now lol
Michele / jeanette - you've changed!! :0
fenlander / it comes from standing in shallow water!
Sam_S / haha Jeanette, I love that one!
Ewan / it's all this caring - makes you age quickly
jeanette / I look a bit like that lol
Sam_S / I never knew that Fenlander...... five mins in and already you are educating me!
fenlander / yw
Sam_B / shallow water? Is that what fens are?
Michele / San B looks a bit like his pic also - inside more than out though!
fenlander / boggy land drained by dykes
Sam_S / what's "yw"? I think perhaps you adult carers might use different abbreviations to our young carers ::biggrin
Sam_B / I've never been there.
Ewan / you're welcome!
jeanette / aww are you a %%%%% cat Sam B?
Sam_B / a catlover.
Michele / it's not a formal chat tonight - more a meet and greet - but shall we make introductions?
fenlander / could do
Sam_B / Sam_S, Ewan, tell us all about you!
Michele / i.e Sam B loves cats - excessively. He has a furry framed pic of his 2 cats on his desk!
jeanette / lol.
Michele / what better intro...
Sam_B / ::tongue
Sam_S / ooh, erm, what would you all like to know?
jeanette / how did you come into PRTC?
Sam_S / Sam S has a new puppy, once played Samba with 2000 other musicians and adores chocolate......
Sam_B / ::laugh
jeanette / why are you both interested in Carers?
Ewan / and Ewan has no pets, was once the stage assistant to an escapologist, and hates beetroot ::biggrin
Michele / wow i didn';t know that!
fenlander / what instrument do you play Sam S?
Ewan / Actually we both arrived at the same time, in Autumn 2004, to work on the Trust's young carers site and have been here ever since
Tricia joined.
Michele / hi Tricia!
fenlander / hi tricia
Sam_B / Welcome to the chat Tricia!
Ewan / so we're quite used to the chatroom, but not at all used to you all spelling things properly!
jeanette / so you are both interested in the young carer
Tricia / hello
Sam_S / And Jeanette, in answer to your question, I am a qualified youth worker and have been working for PRTC for coming up to five years with our young carers and when the chance came up to work across both communities I thought it'd be great to do!
Ewan / Hi Tricia! Nice to meet you ::smile
Sam_S / Hi there Tricia..... nice to meet you
Michele / we were just starting introductions..
Sam_S / oh, and Ewan and I do that A LOT!
Sam_S / sorry
Sam_B / Tricia, you said something about there being a football match and you might not be able to make it?
fenlander / we are very civilised
angelica joined.
jeanette / Hi Tricia
fenlander / not just good at spelling
jeanette / hi angelica
angelica / hello
Michele / Hi angelica
Tricia / no not a match had a board meeting tonight but it has been cancelled
Ewan / actually, like Sam, I've been looking forward to spending more time with adult carers and learning more about this side of things. I'm a trustee of the carers' centre near me.
Sam_S / I used to play the drums ( the big type that you have on a belt around your waist and which go down to your knees ) and also the bells....
fenlander / hi angel
Ewan / Hi angelica!
Sam_B / Welcome to the chat Angelica!
angelica / hi Fen..thanks Sam
Michele / Sam S you're really impressing me!
Sam_S / Hi Angelica!
Sam_B / oh, not sure where i got the football match from..
fenlander / adult carers can be quite childish Ewan!
Ewan / :D glad to hear it!
Sam_S / you're clearly easily impressed Michele ::laugh
fenlander / one man band Sam S?
Tricia / oh remembered now
Ewan / *trying to think of something more impressive than Sam S's samba band revelation*
Tricia / I said the board meetings always get rushed through when there is a football match on
Sam_S / not quite Fenlander, I don't have enough arms to quite pull that off ::biggrin
Sam_B / it took about a year for anyone on here to figure out whether i was a boy or a girl, and they already know you're a drummer!
fenlander / lol
Tricia / our centre manager and one of the trustees has a season ticket for newcastle
angelica / lol
Sam_S / ah yes, I saw that message Tricia, so what is your local football team then?
Sam_B / I see Tricia.
Sam_S / Ah, Newcastle?
fenlander / Magpies
Sam_S / Sorry Sam B!
Sam_B / I take it you're not a fan?
Sam_B / Magpies, where is that?
Tricia / I don't support any football team there is too much of me to support so I support myself
Tricia / yes am in north tyneside
Sam_S / is Magpies Sunderland? Or Newcastle? Ooh, I am getting confused.....
Sam_B / ::laugh
Ewan / Tricia, I like that approach ::smile
Tricia / lol love that sunderland lol
Sam_S / So how long have you all been members of
Ewan / oooh, never get Sunderland and Newcastle confused - they'll kill you ::laugh
Sam_S / I know, oops....
fenlander / Magpies Newcastle hence they play in black and white which is a clue
Tricia / definately newcastle
jeanette / a long time here ..many years
Sam_B / i reckon there are quite a few northerners on
Sam_S / ah, thanks for that Fenlander...
fenlander / is there really life north of watford gap?
Sam_B / how long has everyone been on, i a relative newbie, just the one year...
Sam_S / So you can tell us all there is to know then Jeanette? ::smile
Sam_B / fenlander!!
Tricia / a few years now
jeanette / I cant would need a book written lol
fenlander / not sure whether am northerner or southerner
Sam_S / ::laugh
angelica / sorry just back reading and catching up lol
jeanette / we had a beautiful poem page though
Ewan / ::laugh ok, any particular tips/hints that would help us out, then?
Tricia / am definately a northener
Sam_B / are any of you guys 'night owls'?
Sam_S / the fens are on the East coast aren't they?
angelica left.
Michele / jay, why don't you introduce yourself ? It's not too busy at the moment and would be lovely to hear about everyone for those that haven't met..
jeanette / always be as nice as possible to everyone
fenlander / by the Wash - that bit that sticks in
angelica joined.
Sam_B / wb angelica!
Tricia / recent meetings I have been to
Tricia / hello angel
Ewan / Welcome back angelica!
Michele / wb angel
Sam_S / wb Angelica
angelica / cat jumped on the keyboard..sorry
fenlander / but I was born in halifax and lived all over britain north and south - grew uo mainly in essex
Sam_B / are you a regular chatter angelica?
Sam_S / ok, thanks Fen.
Tricia / a common thing comes up and that is for the parent/carer to be listend to which I have no doubt you already will do
Sam_B / seriously angelica!?
angelica / used to be until a couple of months ago Sam
Michele / mine do the same - they always want to be where the action is...
angelica / seriously small plump black cat
jeanette / I am old ,lol and have a 42 year old daughter with Downs/ dementia /epilipsy etc
fenlander / cat chasing the mouse/
angelica / ha lol
Sam_B / cheeky thing!
Tricia / how is your campaign going jay?
Ewan / That sounds fair enough, Tricia
Sam_S / Tricia - do you mean parent carers as opposed to people caring for partners for example?
Sam_B / do you not chat so often now angelica?
Tricia / these meetings have been with mostly parent of children
Ewan / sorry, can I ask - who is Jay? ::wacko
Tricia / jeanette
Sam_B / jeanette
Ewan / ok, thanks!
angelica / well i used to chat very late at night because that was my free time
Sam_B / ::up
angelica / then i got ill
jeanette / the answer came back from the gocv and it was gobblydeegook but at least my petition brought a lot of attention and awareness to the problem
angelica / stress lol
Sam_B / i see.
Sam_S / Jeanette, does your daughter live at home with you?
angelica / and not en9ough sleep
angelica / sthe my husband broke his hip
Tricia / I had heard that the downs syndrome society in scotland is meant to be doing a campaign along the same lines as yours jay
angelica / so now just getting back to normal
fenlander / I suppose you will find out most about adult carers by reading the boards
Tricia / how is he angel?
Sam_S / sounds like things have been quite tough the last couple of months then Angelica. Is your husband on the mend now?
Sam_B / glad to hear it angelica
angelica / he's not too bad thnaks tricia
Sam_B / a lot of carers have their free time late at night.
Sam_S / Yes, I've been reading htem for a while now Fenlander, since we knew we were going to be working on here so I feel like I already know some of you a bit which is nice ::smile
Ewan / yes, we've both had a look at the adult boards on and off over the last few years. There's an amazing amount on there
Tricia / I am usually up late waiting for my son to go off to sleep
Sam_B / sometimes i think we should have hosted chats at night, like a midnight chat or something.
angelica / convinced he canj walk though...and he's not allowed to weight bear for three months...carers in and out the house hoisting...nightmare lol
Sam_S / Midnight???? ::ohmy
angelica / nice crowd in late at night
Ewan / crikey, that sounds like a lot to be dealing with, angelica
Tricia / oh midnight feast
Tricia / I am up for that
jeanette / havnt heard anything Tricia but do know the dementia council in brum put the govs answer to me on their site
Sam_S / are there quite a few of you that come in at that sort of time then?
angelica / have been on here till three am lol
Sam_B / did you get any financial help with the hoist?
Ewan / is it a quite different set of people at different times of day, then?
Michele / or a midnight swim.. in the chat room. bring your cossies...
Tricia / when I get more information shall pass it onto you jay
Sam_B / do you have careworkers come round angelica?
Sam_S / wow Angelica, people weren't kidding when they said they were night owls then!
Sam_B / yikes Michele!
jeanette / thanks Tricia
Sam_B / good idea!
Sam_S / not keen on that plan Sam B?
Ewan / I don't think anyone wants to see that, michele...
angelica / well since he was discharged they have to come in to hoist him cos it needs two people
Tricia / only if we can go into the sea so there is enough water for me to swim in
Sam_B / yes, i'm not sure how many owls there are, but quite a few i think...
fenlander / are they getting any better at it angel/
Michele / Tricia!!! :)
angelica / but hopefully can go backi to just repite workers come sept
Sam_S / not too many big waves though Tricia, though perhaps then we might need a hunky lifeguard ::laugh
angelica / some better tyhan others Fen..some a bit rough!
Tricia / my lifeguard is a weed but don't anyone go telling him that
Sam_S / aw, poor lifeguard!
angelica / hows the vertigo Fen
Sam_B / how are you coping since he was discharged angelica?
jeanette / I have no day care ,nothing out there for my daughters condition
fenlander / need to have imagination how it feels for the person being hoisted
angelica / ok thanks Sam
Ewan / How does your daughter spend her days, jeanette?
Tricia / and there is a growing need for services for your daughter jay
Sam_S / Jeanette, am I right in thinking your daughter has Downs Syndrome and dementia?
Sam_B / good. ::smile
angelica / am dab hand at sleeping on the sofa...bed in our living room downstairs lol
jeanette / yes sam but only 42
fenlander / much better thanks angel since i found the manouevre on internet!
jeanette / went into it at approx 32
Sam_S / and is that quite unusual or are there lots of people who have both conditions?
angelica / ? Fen
Sam_B / lol angelica. Lucky you don't mind sleeping on the sofa.
Sam_S / 32? Gosh, that is young.
Tricia / I don't need imagination for being hoisted when I had to hoist mam the training I got I was made to go into the hoist so I knew what it felt like
jeanette / it is only 2 per cent
angelica / no fall asleep there when i'm watching tv anyway lol
fenlander / moves crystals in middle ear which cause it
Michele / jay is passionate about service for early age dementia - there really is little out there
jeanette / the percentage creeps up over 45
Sam_S / did you think that was a good training method then Tricia?
angelica / that sounds good Fen
fenlander / cant remember what its called
Tricia / yes
Ewan / actually I think I remember you talking about that in the chat with Steven Green, jay - was that you?
Michele / rgar;s interesting tricia.. and a really good idea.
Tricia / the district nurse came in and give me the training in the house
fenlander / well it works so dont know why docs dont tell you - just give you meds which arent nice
angelica / hoisted him twice on my own Tricia when he needed the loo
Sam_S / is that quite common Tricia or are most carers left to learn on their own?
angelica / scared me
Sam_B / angelica, i've not seen you post on the i missing you?
jeanette / Ihave been in all hosted chats with ministers other than when on holiday
angelica / wass given two minute training by ot
Katjay joined.
angelica / used to posty
Tricia / I would like to say that training is given when a hoist in the home
Michele / angelica is on a few boards i think - i've seen your posts
Tricia / helly kat
Sam_S / Hi there Katjay!
angelica / mainly politicval stuff l0l
Sam_B / hi katjay!
Ewan / Hi Katjay ::smile
Michele / hi katyjay
fenlander / hi katjay
angelica / oops typos lol
jeanette / stephen O Brian do you mean Ewan?
Katjay / Hi all earliest I've been on here
angelica / hi kat
jeanette / Hi Katjay
Michele / btw - apologies for my atrocious spelling tonight!
Ewan / Sorry, yes, that's who I meant. Steven Green was someone I was working with today :D easily confused
Sam_S / Kat, I'm one of the team that is now going to be working on alongside Ewan, Sam and Michele!
fenlander / is that not how you spell atrocious?
angelica / lol
Sam_S / think that's the right spelling Fenlander.
Katjay / Hi Sam
Tricia / we still understand what you mean sam
Tricia / well I do lol
jeanette / can anyone one tell me why the names have gone over the other side?
Tricia / I think
fenlander / have they - mine still on left
Ewan / No idea, jay - the chatroom software just spontaneously changed overnight last week!
Katjay / Thought it was just me Tricia
Tricia / mine are on the right
Sam_S / yes, it's confusing when things change suddenly isn't it?
Sam_B / have you all seen our Twitter page....?
angelica / no
Tricia / yes I had a peek earlier on
angelica / not been on twitter at all yet
angelica / is it worth doing lol?
jeanette / no samB
Michele / we have just been getting to know each other. a couple of weeks Sam S and Ewan will be taking over the moderation of the discussion boards and running regular chats... though me and Sam will still be around - so no need to miss us ;)
Tricia / I have always wanted to be someone's bird
Sam_S / it can be quite interesting Angelica, for quick updates on things / people you're interested in.