Sport / Open Fours Bowls Competition
Venue / Cheltenham Bowling Club, Suffolk Square GL50 3DX
Date of event / Friday 12 August 2016
Closing date for entries / Friday 29July 2016

This event is open to your friends or family members. As a reminder, under our Linked membership scheme, up to three of your friends or family members can join CSSC and take part in our events at members’ rate. Membership is also available to staff working in the Public Sector such as NHS, local government, teachers, the police, fire fighters and HM Armed forces personnel.

Team will consist of four players (a substitute 5th player is permitted)

Please completeall sections in BLOCK CAPITALS. CSSC membership numbers must be included.

Section 1: Captains Details

Department: ______Team Name: ______

Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other / Forename: / Surname:
Male/Female / Date of birth:
Home Address
CSSC membership no.
Staff / Payroll Number:
Home Telephone no. / Work Telephone no.
Mobile Telephone no. / Email
Next of Kin / NoK Contact Tel. no.

Section 2:Team Details

Player 2

Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other / Forename: / Surname:
Male/Female / Date of birth:
Home Address
CSSC membership no.
Staff / Payroll Number:
Home Telephone no. / Work Telephone no.
Mobile Telephone no. / Email
Next of Kin / NoK Contact Tel. no.

Player 3

Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other / Forename: / Surname:
Male/Female / Date of birth:
Home Address
CSSC membership no.
Staff / Payroll Number:
Home Telephone no. / Work Telephone no.
Mobile Telephone no. / Email
Next of Kin / NoK Contact Tel. no.

Player 4

Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other / Forename: / Surname:
Male/Female / Date of birth:
Home Address
CSSC membership no.
Staff / Payroll Number:
Home Telephone no. / Work Telephone no.
Mobile Telephone no. / Email
Next of Kin / NoK Contact Tel. no.

Player 5

Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Other / Forename: / Surname:
Male/Female / Date of birth:
Home Address
CSSC membership no.
Staff / Payroll Number:
Home Telephone no. / Work Telephone no.
Mobile Telephone no. / Email
Next of Kin / NoK Contact Tel. no.

Section 3: Entry fee

The entry fee for this event is £4 per player - £16 per team of 4 - £20 per team of 5. This includes morning tea and coffee plus an evening meal (if you wish to book a meal for a guest please contact Hilary Gray for details).

Payment Method: Credit/Debit Card Cheque

Payment can be made by credit/debit card – please phone Hilary on 01494 888438 to use this facility.

Cheques should be made payable to CSSC Ltd.

Section 4: Accommodation

The Holiday Inn, Gloucester is happy to offer CSSC members a special rate for B & B for this tournament.

The rate will be £37 per person per night (the single room supplement is an additional £18.00). The contact at the hotel is Charlotte Clack, email Please quote CSSC when contacting her to obtain this preferential rate. Teams will be required to pay the hotel direct for any bookings they may make.

Section 5: Medical and Dietary Requirements

Medical: please let us know if you have any physical or medical conditions, that might
effect your attendance. / Yes No
If yes, please give details
Dietary: please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements. / Yes No
If yes, please give details

IMPORTANT: These events are active and players should be aware of the physical activities involved. CSSC reserves the right to cancel the event if under subscribed.

All CSSC members taking part in the event are covered by CSSC Sports and Leisure Public Liability Insurance. Please note that this policy is NOT a Personal Accident Policy. Members are encouraged to take out their own insurance policy.

Signed: Date:

Please send all entries to:

Name:Hilary Gray


Post:CSSC Sports and Leisure

Compton Court

20-24 Temple End

High Wycombe

BucksHP13 5DR

Telephone: 01494 888438

EVENT I.D. EVT: 3449