Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday 20th March 2018

at Dinton Village Hall

Present;Mr G Rowitt (Chairman).

9 members of the public incCllrs Bennie, Fry, Grover, MacKinder and Smith.

Mrs C Churchill (Parish Clerk)

Wilts Cllr Mrs Wayman

Mr G Rowitt opened the meeting at 7pm.

Mr G Rowitt welcomed everyone to the Annual Parish Meeting, and introduced himself as the Chairman of Dinton Parish Council. This is the annual parish meeting for you all to make any comments or suggestions on matters that concern the village

  1. To receive apologies.

Mr T Hextall (Baverstock PCC)

Mr S Hannath (Dinton Historical Society)

Ms K Seastron (Dinton Newsletter and Village Hall)

Mr R (Dinton cricket club)

  1. Approval of the Minutes of the APM held 18thApril 2017.

The Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 18th April 2017 (displayed on noticeboards and website) were taken as read and approved without amendment.

The Chairman signed the Minutes.

  1. Report from Dinton Parish Council – Gary Rowitt, Chairman

The Parish Council have dealt with many different matters over the last year, so I will just cover a few.


The area around the bus shelter has now been fenced and the shrubs and hedges trimmed. The seats and benches have been replaced to make it better to wait for a bus or taking in the surroundings.


Please keep a watch on the village notice boards, one outside the school, one by the old shop and the other opposite Spracklands, which will give you some idea of what is happening with the Parish Council. There are also notice boards in some of the bus shelters for more general information. If you use these please remove your notices when they are out of date.


This year we are again entering the Best Kept Village competition. We will be in the Medium sized village categories. The judges will be looking at the village during sometime in May or June so please have your gardens and hedges tidy and if possible pick up any bits of litter you notice as you walk around the village.


We are organising a litter pick on Saturday 5th May to clean up the village ready for the Best Kept Village competition. More details to follow.


The council has discussed various planning applications this year. It must be remembered that the parish council only has one opinion on each and that as parishioners should also make your personal view direct to the planning authority, as each one counts.

7 tree applications were looked at by the Tree Warden (Derek Kerley)

12 planning applications.


Kathy Seastron edits the newsletter, and I’m sure we would all like to thank her for her excellent work.


The new parish web site is now up and running:

this will give you details of all the councillors and agenda’s and minutes of council meetings.

There is other information on the web site and we hope to expand this in the future.

Contact details for the clerk have changed so please go on there and check.

I would like to thank Clare for her work on the site.


The road through Steep Hollow towards Wylye has been a problem for sometime possible as it’s been used as a rat run. There are a number of unofficial passing places on the East side of the road which become very muddy and deep. All these are on private property so Wiltshire Highways will not repair them. Although there are warning signs for HGV in the village these seem to be ignored. We have asked Highways for a solution to the problem one of which is to make it one way. They are carrying out a survey and when we have more details we will put it to the village.


Councillors Fry, Bennie and MacKinder have formed a working group to look at the long term plans and objectives of the village and will put it on the website for you all to comment on when it’s completed. If you would like to get involved please contact one of them.


The village purchased the old GPO telephone box for the princely sum of £1 and intend to convert it into a book exchange. Quotes are being sought for repainting and shelving is being obtained. We hope to have this all completed before the best kept village completion.

  1. Reports from Community Groups in the Parish

Dinton Historical Society

The Society continues to flourish with a full programme of lectures and visits and social events which are reported in the DintonBaverstock newsletter and other local publications. We have just over 100 members. The new season of activities is just starting and we would welcome any new members as all our talks are available to all visitors. We may also be seen on Facebook.

For information please

Dinton Village Hall

 New board of trustees in place since last Autumn

 Hall now operating well and all procedures are being put in place

 The Hall is the largest and best equipped in the area

 We are getting busier and will now start to advertise, including a new website

 Price list is going to be refreshed/simplified but we always look at giving charity/local events beneficial prices

 Village event will take place on Sat 12thMay at the Hall - any volunteers to help organise and/or help on the day welcome.Also looking for local businesses/groups to have stalls. The AGM will be held in the Hall at 230 for anyone who wants to attend. People will also be able to look around the Hall during the day.

 All bookings or enquiries through Kathy Seastron

Dinton PCC

St. Mary’s PCC is responsible for co-operating with the incumbent and the Nadder Valley Team Ministry led by the Revd Dr. Graham Southgate to promote the mission of the Church in the Ecclesiastical Parish of Dinton and also to maintain the Church and Churchyard. It is part of the Diocese of Salisbury within the Church of England. The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is a charity exempted from registration with the Charity Commission. Members of the PCC are either elected or ex-officio, who have served from 1st January 2017 until the date this report was approved are:

Incumbent: The Revd Elaine Brightwell Chairman (from June 2017)

Warden: Mr Clive Upton Vice chairman

Representatives on the Deanery Synod: Mr. Clive Upton

Members: Mr. Richard Archer Treasurer

Mrs. Linda Fry Secretary

Mr. Tony Baden Fuller

Mrs. Emily Broomhead

Mrs. Lucy Cameron

Mrs. Heather Dudley (from April 2017)

Mr. Phillip Rabbetts (from April 2017)

Mrs. Barbara Smith

Mrs. Jane Upton

Mr. William Verdon Smith

The method of appointment of PCC members is set out in the Church Representation Rules.

All Church attendees are encouraged to register on the Electoral Roll and stand for election to the PCC. Church attendance At 31 December 2017, there were 68 parishioners on the Church Electoral Roll, all of whom are resident within the parish. 5 names had been removed from the roll, 2 new names were added during the year.

The combined Barford St. Martin and Dinton Remembrance Service was held in St. Martin’s, Barford St. Martin,s.

The average adult congregation attendance was 14. There 3 services of Baptism, 1 internment of ashes and 6 funerals. The Carol Service and Light Up A Life were very well attended by 76 inc children. Easter and Christmas Mornings had attendances of 63 and 39 inc children, respectively (For the second year there was no Christmas Eve 11.30 pm service). Four services were held for Dinton Primary School with an average attendance of 120.

Annual Financial Report of Dinton PCC for 2017 The Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2017 show a balance of income over expenditure of £1309.15, compared with the operating deficit of £2498.25 we faced last year.

Income eligible for Gift Aid increased to £15188.27, reflecting a continued move to standing order giving rather than the less predictable patterns we have seen. Gift aid claims increased by over £400 as a result. Church fees rose to £1829.96. and Investment income to £349.42. The autumn of 2017 saw the introduction of the new Direct Debit-based “Parish Giving” scheme, with a few early joiners' initial payments coming through in December. The full initial effect of our joining this initiative will be reflected in 2018, with a very substantial majority of our regular givers participating from January onwards. A number of new regular givers have been welcomed during the year. Once again we have been grateful for the support of the Parish Council in helping with the cost of Churchyard maintenance, and the popular “Light Up A Life” Christmas remembrance appeal has again made a valuable contribution.

On the expenses side, our Share contribution was £274.24 less than in 2016 and our contribution to the Nadder Valley Team's expenses reduced proportionally. [We did receive a refund of over-subscription of £372.50 from the latter source reflecting over subscription in the past.] The lower electricity bill resulted from the period while the church was closed, Charitable donations for 2017 do not include the Poppy Appeal collection, as it was Barford St Martin's turn to host the Remembrance Sunday service. Our Investments with the CCLA have continued to perform well. We continue to monitor their results, noting the increasingly global nature of the funds in which they invest. Two major projects, the re-ordering of the transepts with new customised storage cupboards in the north transept, and the repairs to the roof, were completed during the year. Costs and income have spread over both the year on which we report and 2016, and the remaining tranche of the grant will not be received until 2018. A final accounting for this second project will not be available until later in the year, but it is clear that all costs for these works will be covered by grants and donations without impact on the PCC's funds. The PCC decided to remain insured for a further year with Trinitas Insurance, and will review the comparative offers from them with a quotation from Ecclesiastical Insurance during 2018. Even with the opportunities to increase predictable and in some cases, indexed, giving presented by the Parish Giving Scheme, the PCC's ability to meet regular outgoings remains a challenge, and will require careful management. The support received from the Friends of St Mary's has again been integral to the overall running of the church's affairs and has been much appreciated, as have the individual contributions of many people.

Review of the year The full PCC met 4 times during the year with an average level of attendance of 8. External Committees (Deanery Synod and Team Council) met between meetings and minutes of their deliberations were received by the full PCC and discussed where necessary. Since Sep 2014 there has been only one Churchwarden and they will retire in June 18. External Committees (Deanery Synod and Team Council) met between meetings and minutes of their deliberations were received by the full PCC and discussed where necessary. There is now much emphasis on the Deanery Partnership with the Diocese of Cueibet, South Sudan. The Messy Church programme continues but with few children. The PCC remains mindful of the need to provide appropriate toilet facilities and we now must seek appropriate approvals from Statuary bodies. The PCC continues to recognise the need to maintain the organ in a fully functional condition but has yet to take the matter forward whilst other more pressing works are under review. Its current playing condition can be frustrating to those who play it and have to overcome its quirks. (The organ was inspected by the DAC advisors in Feb 17 and a report received). The bells have been rung during the year following the 2017 inspection. The move of the Vestry into the North Transept and the building of cupboards was completed prior to Easter. Doors need readjusting. The Tower/Transept roof repairs were completed by the summer and the 90% of the Grant received from LPoWRRF. We had underspent by circa £6,000 which was the amount set aside for inflation and contingency. (NB The final 10% of the Grant was received in Feb 18). This project had taken about 3 years to complete from the time of the first application for a grant. Maintenance of the churchyard is undertaken by a group of volunteers. It was not considered necessary to hold the annual churchyard clean-up. However, there is always the need to clear away moss and weeds from the base of church walls and to clear the gutters. Dinton Parish Council made a grant of £500 to assist with churchyard maintenance.Maintenance work continues to be needed on the churchyard's Eastern wall and this work is being funded by grants from the Friends of St. Mary's. The PCC is grateful to those who clean the church, those who provide and arrange flowers, those who lock and unlock the building on a daily basis, those who keep the churchyard in excellent condition, all of the mowing team, Mike Abbott and David Cartwright (Strimming), and the team of Bell Ringers.

Our thanks and appreciation are given to the organisers of each of these teams, Mrs. Paddy Archer, Mr. George Cruddas, Mrs. Moira Richards, the Tower Captain Justin Fry. Thank you to Heather Dudley for care of the church linen, Charlotte Ford, Celia Haselgrove and all the organists/pianists who contribute at short notice. In addition, the PCC thanks Mr. and Mrs. G Rowitt for organising the administration of the 'Light Up A Life' Festival service and for organising and hosting the carol singing around the village and finally, the Parish Council for its financial support.

Finally, the PCC recognizes the need to seek more volunteers to read the service lessons, to act as Sacristans, those willing to be Licensed for administering the Chalice, those willing to lead the Lay led Morning Prayer and a successors to the current Churchwarden and the Treasurer and Clerk.

Dinton Cricket Club

2017 was a good year for the Dinton Cricket Club. The club’s indoor A team won through to the final of the indoor cup, narrowly losing out to a strong Amport side.

In the outdoor season there was more success as the clubs 2nd XI won their division losing only one game all season.

The club’s 1st XI had a tricky season but there managed to hang on in country div 3 of the Hampshire cricket league.

There was also T20 success as the cup picked up the Salisbury T20 plate beating Porton Camp in the final.

Through all this susses the club is still fighting to get teams out. Anyone who keeps themselves up to date with local sport will know many local cricket clubs have folded in recent years. Dinton is determined they will not be another one of them but there could be some tricky years ahead.

On a more positive note the club is looking to build its colts section the club ran a successful summer school last year and will be looking to do the same again this year. The club is also looking at work with the Dinton School to get more youngsters involved in the sport.

Anyone looking for more info on the club can visit their web site or follow them on facebook. Anyone looking to play can contact club captain Rich Cridge on 07804947586

Dinton Newsletter

 Newsletter now every 3 months: March/June/September/December

 Content is always due by 10thof the month before

 Always need advertisers and editorial content

 Feedback always welcome

Dinton Recreation Ground

As the community had been updated in the latest village newsletter the Trustees has decided not to report at the Annual Parish Meeting.

Apologies had been received from Baverstock PCC.

  1. Report from the Older Person Champion for Dinton – Ms Valerie O ‘Keefe had sent the following report.

As Older persons Champion for the S.W, I have continued to support our elderly in Rural Wiltshire 2017/18.

I receive referrals from Clients/families, Community Nurse, Drs, Social & supportive Groups. I will support A client & their families from the beginning of an enquiry and will continue support whenever I’m needed.

I attend am on The Health and wellbeing Group, which includes updates from various Organisations and Health professionals.

We have completed and will continue to update an ‘Activities register’ for the area.

NB. This report was not received until after the meeting so was not read out at the meeting.

  1. Wilton Rural CPT – PC Matt Hollandhad hoped to attend but recent events in Salisbury prevented this.
  1. Wiltshire Cllr Mrs Bridget Wayman

Looking back to the Council’s May elections last year, I am honoured to represent the Nadder& East Knoyle Division again. It is a huge privilege and I am always happy to try to help where I can.