Sexual Health Data

Updated 7-14-2010

World Data

  • 25,000,000 have died of AIDS (cumulative)
  • 33,200,000 people are currently living with AIDS
  • Currently 15, 000,000 AIDs orphans
  • Only 28% of 12 million people who need HIV treatment are receiving it in developing countries
  • HBV – currently 350,000,000 people (hepatitis B
  • HCV – currently 170,000,000 people (hepatitis C) 3-4 million new infections/year
  • 51,000,000 unintended pregnancies per year + 25,000,000 more due to improper use of contraception
  • 68,000 women die per year due to botched or unsafe abortions + 5,100,000 are permanently disabled

United States Data

  • 56,300 new cases of HIV per year (2006), 13-29 yrs. Account for 34% of new cases, 1,100,000 currently with HIV/AIDs (increase from 2003)
  • 48 teens infected with HIV every 24 hours
  • 14,000 Americans die every year from AIDS
  • Of total new cases in 2006, 45% African American, 35% White 17% Hispanic 2% Asian/Pacific Islander, 2% Native. Overall, 75% male
  • 93% increase since 2001 in HIV infections for AA, MSM
  • AIDS is the #1 cause of death for African American females 25-34.
  • It is estimated 21% of people with HIV are unaware of their sero-status
  • 1,000,000 Unintended teen pregnancies per year, up 3% in 2006, 2,800 every 24 hours: 13% miscarry, 46% give birth, 40% have abortions
  • 1 in 4 14-19 year old girls have or have had an STI, 4 in 10 14-19 year old girls who are sexually active
  • Teen births decreased 1992-2005, 2006 up 3.2%
  • 50% of sexually active individuals <26 get and STD
  • 34% increase in STD infections among 15-24 year olds
  • 9,100,000 new STD infections/year
  • HBV, 5,000 new infections per year
  • HCV, 35,000 new infections/year
  • Gonorrhea, 350,000 new infections/year
  • Chlamydia, 1,000,000 new infections/year
  • Syphilis, 36,000 new infections/year
  • Genital Herpes, 45,000,000 currently infected
  • HPV, 6,000,000 new infections/year
  • 86% of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) students experienced harassment at school in the past year
  • 74% of LGBT students heard derogatory remarks such as "faggot" or "dyke" frequently or often at school
  • 36% reported having a Gay-Straight Alliance at school
  • Students in schools with a Gay-Straight Alliance reported hearing fewer homophobic remarks, experienced less harassment and assault because of their sexual orientation and gender expression, were more likely to report incidents of harassment and assault to school staff, were less likely to feel unsafe because of their sexual orientation or gender expression, were less likely to miss school because of safety concerns and reported a greater sense of belonging to their school community.

Oregon Data

  • 300 new HIV cases per year (average per year since 2000)
  • HIV/AIDS diagnoses among African Americans are 2-4x that among whites
  • 70% of HIV/AIDS diagnoses are among MSM
  • 61% HIV/AIDs diagnoses among women are heterosexual transmission
  • 55% cases of HIV are in Multnomah county
  • 26% of PLWA/HIV+ don’t know their sero-status
  • 21% who test HIV+ do not disclose sero-status
  • 4,500 new cases of HCV/year
  • 9,000 new cases of Chlamydia/year
  • 1,600 new cases of Gonorrhea/year
  • 60 new cases of Syphilis/year
  • All counties in Oregon have HIV + residents (except Wheeler Co.)
  • 2,000 teen pregnancies per year
  • 17.4% of 8th graders have ever had sex (2008)
  • 70% of 8th graders used a condom the last time they had sex (2008)
  • 48% of 11th graders have ever had sex (2008)
  • 61% of 11th graders used a condom the last time they had sex (2008)
  • 12% of 11th graders identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or questioning (LGBQ) or have had same-sex sexual contact
  • 59% of LGBQ 11th graders report harassment in the past month
  • 23% of LGBQ 11th graders report attempting suicide in the past year

Teacher/School Data

  • High schools teaching condom use: 2000 = 50%, 2006 = 38%
  • High schools teaching sexual orientation: 2000 =59%, 2006 = 48%
  • Staff receive training about STIs: 2000 = 92%, 2006 = 80%
  • Staff receive training about HIV: 2000 = 96%, 2006 = 84%

National LGBT data are from the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (2007), Oregon LGBQ data are from the Oregon Healthy Teen Survey (2007).

Center for Disease Control and Prevention ((2009)

National Institute of Health (2009)

Gutmacher Foundation, (2009)

Oregon Department of Human Services (2008)

US Department of Justice

The children’s Defense Fund