Date: 02.05.2015 CLOTHING AND TEXTILE Max. Marks: 10

9:30 a.m. to 9:50 a.m. (Home Economics Group) Time: 20 minutes



NOTE: i) This section consists of 20 part questions and all are to be answered.

Each question carries ½ mark.

ii)  Do not copy the part questions in your answerscript. Write only the answer in full against the proper of the question and its part.

iii)  The code of your question paper is to be written in bold letters in the beginning of the answerscript.

1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:

i)  This term shows the surface characteristics of an object:

* Texture * Balance * Rhythm * Emphasis

ii)  This one of the following equipments is used to transfer pattern-making on clothes:

* tracing wheel * thimble * pinking shears * measuring tape

iii)  Among natural fibers, this one has the most elasticity:

* Wool * Linen * Nylon * Rayon

iv)  Mercerization is an important process for these fabrics:

* Cotton * Silk * Nylon * Woolen

v)  This kind of lines make the shoulders look broad:

* Vertical * Horizontal * Diagonal * Zigzag

vi)  If the face of a girl is round shaped, the most suitable neckline for a dress will be:

* V- Shaped or deep * Round * Square * Any style

vii)  The most common vegetable fiber is:

* Cotton * Silk * Nylon * Wool

viii)  Fibers are separated from seeds by the process is called:

* Spinning * Shrinking * Weaving * Ginning

ix)  Sewing machine works heavily if:

* oil is lacking * needle is too bent

* the thread in the bobbin is lose * upper tension is too tight

x)  Short length fibers are called:

* Yarn * Textile fibers

* Staple fibers * Filament fibers

xi)  The process for making fabric bright and smooth by passing the cloth through hollow, heated rollers is called:

* Mercerization * Napping * Bleaching * Calendering

xii)  To prevent the edges from fraying, these techniques are used:

* Seam finish * Seam allowance * Embroidery * Stitching

xiii)  The two close edges of every woven fabric are called:

* Selvage * Weaving * Grain * Placket

xiv)  Drawing of the outline of a dress, by using accurate measurement, is called:

* Drafting * Pattern * Stitching * Graph

xv)  Balance, emphasis and rhythm are called:

* Principles of Art * Elements of Art * Designing * Types of design

xvi)  The selection of clothes is called:

* Wardrobe * Cupboard * Shelf * Drawer

xvii)  The standard length of the belt of a shalwar is:

* * * *

xviii)  Among natural fibers, this one is the most durable:

* Silk * Wool * Cotton * Linen

xix)  The portion of the garment above the waist is called:

* Bodice * Skirt * Sleeve * Collar

xx)  These lines go up and down on garment:

* Vertical * Horizontal * Diagonal * Zigzag
