Holland Mills
53 Elliot Street, Suite 9
Brattleboro VT 05301


Employment as Chief Technical Officer.

I offer an unflinching focus on project deliverables, with expectations of technical excellence and thoroughness
coupled with business relevance and timeliness. My executive skills drive the enterprise’s aspirations while also
ensuring that the grounding—the software created—is firmly understood by all and solid in construction and utility.

My ideal position would bind my professional passion for software development with a promising business venture.
Further, it would feature my outstanding problem-solving faculties. My strong, seasoned linguistic and interpersonal skills provide quality documentation, articulation and analysis. This, in turn, allows me to effectively attend to demands of any nature. My interests are broad and continually enriched by my thirst and capacity to acquire and apply new technologies.

I began coding thirty years ago, and have been employed professionally since 1992.


Southern Vermont Assistive Systems: Brattleboro, VT October 2008-present

Chief Technical Officer

Architect and lead developer for a software framework that, combined with common consumer hardware used as input devices, allows people with serious physical (and, to a lesser extent, psychological) impairments) to communicate and control their environment. Additionally, I provide the voice for one set of ten thousand English-language terms as the resulting sound files are far more effective

Technologies: C and C++ to implement the forward-compatible framework, voice recognition, eye-movement recognition, and joystick controller.

The Better Ear: Brattleboro, VT July 2006-August 2008

Chief Technology Officer

Architect and developer for a real-time audio consumer project (patent application pending).

Responsibilities subsumed all technical aspects (both in audiology as well as the current state of the art of DSP),
background marketing research, and shared responsibility in the assessment of goals and risks regarding product requirements and specification. Implementation employs Visual C++ and MASM when necessary.

Managerial responsibilities involved recruiting and leading a team of technologists such as systems administrators and
QA specialists. The technical team provides the necessary infrastructure for corporate needs as well as product delivery.
This role demands senior management activities such as providing technology and communication methodologies to be employed throughout the enterprise.

Fitch Ratings: ManhattanNYMay 2005-Oct 2005

Software Engineer

Technical consultant and implementation engineer for various requirements towards merging Fitch’s Credit Product Surveillance (CPS) and Vector DB modeling application. Developed and enhanced scores of JSP and Java modules as well as complex PL/SQL queries. Database involved several schemas encompassing dozens of tables.

Technologies: Java, JSP, SQL, Eclipse, Subversion, Oracle 10g, SQL Navigator, shell scripting.

Unicast Communications / Viewpoint Corporation: ManhattanNYJuly 2004-April 2005

Senior Engineer

Responsible for back-end development and synchronization, particularly debugging PL/SQL stored procedures and triggers. Caretaker of database development. Stabilized development team’s disparate, unmanaged processes and environments: setting up developer workstations, builds and deployments. Responsible for maturation and adoption of software components, practices and policies. Maintenance development, new feature coding, establishing profiling protocol. Worked closely with QA. Fixed hundreds of build warnings in two days.

Technologies included Java, JSP, Oracle 9i, Toad, Tora, Eclipse, Tomcat, C++, Ant, PERL.

Independent Consultant: ManhattanNYJune 2001-June 2004

These projects demanded development of client requirements in addition to the use of the following technologies:
Java, C++, shell scripting, PERLJSP, ASP,HTML/JavaScriptXML, XSLT, XSD
Oracle, MS-SQLServerTomcat, IISCVS, Visual SourceSafe

ColumbiaUniversity, Facilities Management: ManhattanNY

Application and systems development for ColumbiaUniversity’s Facilities Management division. Responsibilities included documentation and technical review of systems built over the past six years, business requirements gathering, and development of new projects. Technologies included ASP and T-SQL (MS SQL-Server).

FireStar Software: ActonMA

Technical consultant and whitepaper author/editor for integration of client’s flagship product, ObjectSpark, within an EPM/BPM methodology for a major systems integration firm. This encompassed research into various approaches to ebXML/BPSS, as well as learning and implementing web services using WSDL, XSD, and BPEL4WS, an XML-based technology for wiring Web Services together. Tomcat was used as an application web server.

Banguoğlu Terçume: Istanbul, Republic of Turkey

Designed and implemented a set of Natural Language Processing (NLP) analysis tools used to enhance the client’s translation website ( The design exploited Java’s Unicode facilities in conjunction with the Google API, and offered support for input of any given language and encoding.

PERL/Software Development tutor and mentor: conducted the equivalent of a semester of lessons.

English language copy-editor for Turkish-English translation firm, working on a broad range of subject matter: medical studies, legal opinions, annual reports, ISO procedures, and political science essays.

Scheduled to provide 10,000+ American English pronunciation examples for Spring 2009.

Deutsche Bank: ManhattanNYOct 2000-May 2001

Technical Analyst, Advanced Technology Group, Commercial IT Division

Maintained a software base of reusable, robust financial information components providing feed acquisition (Reuters, Bloomberg), data disposition, and publication services. Research responsibilities demanded familiarization with a minor subsystem provided a bridge to DB’s proprietary publish/subscribe “object wire”. Implementation responsibilities focused on performance enhancement of the data acquisition subsystem. Java-centric back-end development, employing JDBC, servlets, EJB, XML, Oracle, WebLogic.

Creditex: ManhattanNYFeb-Sept 2000
Software Developer

Java Developer for Creditex' Trading Platform, a web-based Credit Derivatives marketplace. Spearheaded infrastructure upgrade, which employed SilverStream's application server (servlet-esque) and Oracle for the back-end; this entailed a full iterative dissection of the entire enterprise.

Performed general bug fixes, product roll-out deliverables as required. Implemented benchmarking classes, deployed to uncover bottlenecks in page delivery; subsystem for user-as-voter poll creation and deployment; message board subsystem, allowing users to conduct discussions and search for previous materials based, as well as providing for management functionality for Creditex personnel. Completed SilverStream training course, covering specific session and widget classes, and general development paradigm.

Independent Consultant: ManhattanNY, CambridgeMANov 1998-Jan 2000

Technical Lead

Technical lead for Cambridge Interactive’s Performance Compass v1.7, a web- and email-based employee review system. PC17 employed Java servlets using JDBC and MS-SQLServer 7.0; tools included IBM's WebSphere and Visual Age for Java. Responsible for design, development and documentation requirements.

Consultant for Cambridge Interactive’s Power Steering, an intranet-based enterprise management system providing groupware facilities, such as discussion groups, project management features, repositories for documents. Implemented Java applets to provide versatile graphically renderings of metric data.

Chase Manhattan/TIS: BrooklynNYJan-Oct 1998

Software Consultant

Consultant for Chase Manhattan's Global Trade Link product, an application suite for tracking letters of credit and other foreign trade financial instruments and relating them to a purchase order system.

Responsible for design, implementation and QA/technical documentation required to support the introduction of the Euro. Many contributions for a variety of maintenance needs, particularly user interface issues. Core technologies include Visual C++/MFC and SQL.

Cambridge Interactive: CambridgeMAApril-Nov 1997

Technical Lead

Technical Lead for RWC, a client/server system built for a leading news service which integrated Web and Windows technology. Primary components were a Win32 client executable built with Delphi and PERL scripts running on UNIX. Led all development and technical documentation. Oversaw related contribution systems implemented in Java, either to replace the client executable or the server-side CGI component.

MetaView: BelmontMAJuly 1996-April 1997

Software Developer

Designed and developed user interface aspects of SmartMessages, MetaView's paradigm for distributed applications. Implemented new features, enhancements, and bug fixes for MessageBuilder 1.x, a minor CASE tool which supports SmartMessage class definition and storage, generating code in a variety of languages, and advised on several design issues. Implemented the SmartMessage Editor and Store. Authored MessageBuilder 2.0 design and implementation specification as well as many other technical and user-oriented documents.

Implementations employed Visual C++, initially using MFC for all three products. The Editor and Store were standalone console server applications with companion CGI clients, and were later ported to Rogue Wave's Tools.h++ and run on UNIX workstations. The SmartMessage system employed objects written in TDL that were published using TIBCO’s Rendezvous.

Nadler & Associates: WatertownMAOct 1993-July 1996

Software Consultant

Developer for numerous projects targeting the various MS-Windows operating systems. Often carried primary responsibility for UI design and implementation issues. A sampling of project descriptions: resource compiler, generating both .RC and .RES scripts; handling of telephony API under MS-DOS; GUI implementation and design for "Visual SQL" tool to construct and manipulate SQL queries; function wizards; dynamic dialog construction based on user script files; SmartMessage Editor, a Web application implemented in C++ and TDL (a LISP-like language which supports self-describing objects) which generates JavaScript/HTML pages. TIBCO’s Rendezvous was using for object publication.

As required by project, authored numerous overview and technical documents. Subjects encompassed design and implementation documents, project and schedule overviews, and general technical articles. Implementations made extensive use of class libraries such as MFC and Rogue Wave's Tools.h++ and DBTools.h++.


At present, the bulk of work is Java-related, and I provide nearly ten years professional experience with the platform. These endeavors employed J2EE (servlets, applets, JSP, JDBC), Unicode and localization support. Further, I have worked with a wide variety of extensions of the Java platform, and am fluent with the JDK 1.5 language enhancements.

I also have 10+ years of C/C++ experience—predominantly Windows GUI development using MS-Visual C++, with a few years of cross-platform work as well. I have acted as both designer and implementer with numerous relational (SQL) database systems, and often assume responsibility for pushing out builds/releases for the engineering team to the next team in line (e.g. QA, business, client).

My technical expertise includes:

Development Languages / Java; C++; JSP
Database Systems / Oracle; SQL Server; MySQL; DB2; xBase/FoxPro/Clipper
XML Technologies / XML, XSLT, XSD
Shell Scripting / Build Tools / Ant, make, bsh, PERL, REXX
Revision Control / Subversion, CVS, Visual SourceSafe
Application Servers / Tomcat, IIS, JBoss

I am also proud to have authored and edited dozens of technical specifications, user guides and business documents as demanded by project requirements and deliverables.


ColumbiaUniversity, ManhattanNY1991

Computer Technology and Applications Program

Software Development, with an emphasis on C programming under MS-DOS, MS-Windows 3.1, and UNIX.

University of Redlands, RedlandsCA 1988

Master of Music, Music Composition

Specialized in electronic and computer-assisted music. Graduated with highest honors (summa).

BenningtonCollege, BenningtonVT1986

Bachelor of Arts, Music

Music composition and flute major. Created Zug, a chess-playing UNIX application written in C.

The most current version of this resume can always be found at last updated 7November2011