Dear colleagues,

The Australian Government has announced the opening of the new grants application round for programs running in 2016. Please circulate this email within your School and to colleagues who might be interested in applying for funding. Please note that the Government has created a new umbrella name for the AsiaBound and Short-term Mobility programs, they now all come under “Endeavour Mobility Grants”.

Some significant changes to the 2015 include:

- AsiaBound Undergraduate has now merged with the New Colombo Plan, funding applications under AsiaBoud now have to be for postgraduate programs

- STMP Undergraduate locations have to be outside the Asian-Pacific Region, STMP Postgraduate locations have to be outside the Asian Region

Undergraduate / Postgraduate / VET
Global / Asia / Pacific / Selected
Asia-ECKSEP / Global / Asia / Pacific / Selected
Asia-ECKSEP / Global / Asia / Pacific / Selected
ISEP /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / N/A
STMP /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
ECKSEP /  /  /  /  / N/A
Asia Postgrad / N/A /  /  /  / 
VETOutbound / N/A /  /  /  / 
Asia VET /  /  /  / 

Applications are open for:

AsiaBound Postgraduate (guidelines Section 5)

Asian Regions only (please see guidelines)

Postgraduate students only

Semester-long ($5,000) and short-term ($2,000) opportunities

A language component ($1,000) can be supported and delivered in-country (off-shore)

Australian citizens and permanent residents only

Funds cannot be divided

STMP (guidelines Section 3)

Global and Pacific (non-Asian) Regions only

Undergraduate and Postgraduate students

Only short-term opportunities ($2,000) opportunities

Australian citizens and permanent residents only

Funds cannot be divided

I have attached the application forms as well as the guideline, please check if you meet the criteria and eligibility for funding and don’t hesitate to contact me if you have doubts or questions. Please fill out the application form(s) (one of each project) and return it to me by Thursday 2nd July COB. If you have any question in regards to these forms, please do not hesitate to contact me.

We will need to rank the applications internally and will meet with a panel after the deadline.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I will be overseas on University Business from today and I will return to the office on Thursday 4th June. I will be available via email to answer questions however my response will likely be delayed. If you would like to meet, we can definitely do this upon my return.

Have a good weekend.

Best regards,


Jeannette Geesmann

Student Mobility Officer (Outbound) | External Engagement | Academic Registrar's Office

Phone+61 8 9360 7836 |Email | 

Murdoch University, Student Centre, 90 South Street, MURDOCH WA 6150, Murdoch Cricos IPC: 00125J

Consultation time: Thursday 12.30 - 1.30 in Counter 12 (Student Centre) or by appointment

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