Deadline: Friday, October 13, 2017- Interviews will be on 11/05/17

Name ______Date of Birth ______

Address ______Zip Code ______

Club Name ______Phone ______

Grade in School ______Years of 4-H Completed ______

4-H Project Record

Year / Project Carried / Local Club, County or State Participation (offices held, awards received, demonstrations, etc.

I want to be a Jr. Fairboard member because:





What qualities should a Jr. Fairboard member exemplify?


What things do you like best about the Jr. Fair?




List any changes or suggestions you might have for improving the Jr. Fair:




Would you be available to work at least ½ day each day of the Allen County Fair and would you have transportation available?


In what Jr. Fair Departments would you be willing to serve as a representative?


___Home Economics___Horse/Pony___Poultry___Rabbits___Sheep ___Small Pets ___Swine

Applicants will be selected on the basis of their application, enthusiasm, dependability, and their willingness to work. Applicants must be at least a freshman in High School.

I agree, if selected, to serve on the Allen County Junior Fairboard and to follow the constitution and Standards of Behavior. I understand that as a Junior Fairboard candidate, I must meet all the qualifications to receive this position. Should my assignment as a Junior Fairboard member not be carried out to the best of my ability, I will relinquish my position.

Applicant’s Signature______

Parent’s Signature______

Advisor’s Signature ______

Applications must be returned on or before Friday, October 13th to:

Kelly Coble

Allen County Fair

2750 Harding Hwy

Lima, Ohio 45804

Advisor Recommendation Form

(Circle the Appropriate Award(s)/ Application(s))

Jr. Fair Board / Camp Counselor / Allen Co Jr. Fair King & Queen / Department Royalty

I, ______, am interested in the following award(s)/application(s) for the Allen County 4-H Program. The County Extension staff would like your input about my qualities to fulfill the responsibilities. Please comment on the following topics and return this form to the Ohio State University Extension, Allen County office so it can be used during my interview. Thank you.

How would you rate the applicant: / Above Average / Average / Below Average
Emotional maturity/judgement
Leadership abilities
Enthusiasm and energy
Respect and Authority
Interaction with younger members
Completion of project work

Please describe their club responsibilities:


Do you recommend this 4-Her:YesNo

Additional Comments:


Advisor’s Signature ______

4-H Club ______Date ______

Please return to the Extension Office with application. This form will remain confidential. Thank you for completing this recommendation.

Send to: Kelly Coble

Allen County Extension Office

2750 Harding Hwy

Lima, Ohio 45804hio 45801 g Hwy sion Office
cation. This form will remain confidentail.______
4hio 45801 g Hwy sion Office
cation. This form will remain confidentail.______

Allen County 2017