Surname /

First Name

/ Biography
(Chair) / Rodger / Professor Rodger Eade is an academic and former senior manager at Victoria University. Rodger was trained as an economist and originally taught in planning and economics, after working as a Research Economist at the ANZ Bank and the Commonwealth Bureau of Roads. After teaching full-time for almost 20 years, Rodger was a Head of School Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Arts and a series of senior management positions. He is a Senior Sessional Panel Member at Planning Panels Victoria. Rodger has wide experience in planning, and has been a member of and has chaired Panels for significant developments including the Scoresby Transport Corridor, now Eastlink, and Advisory Committees for Logical Inclusions and Standard Development Contributions. He has held other government appointments chairing significant planning projects. Rodger has been a Director of the Western Region Health Centre Ltd and Ozford Institute of Higher Education and Chair of the former. Rodger is an experienced and qualified Company Director.
Allen / Peter / Peter Allen has over 40 years experience in the planning industry, primarily in management and executive roles at the state government level. He was one of the architects of Victoria’s statewide planning system and the Victoria Planning Provisions and played a leading role in Victoria’s ongoing programs of planning system reform. He is a former Chair of the National Land Use Planning and Building Codes Taskforce and the National Development Assessment Forum. Peter has also represented Victoria at Metropolis, an organisation of major world cities.
Hartigan / John / John is a former senior executive in the Victorian public service. John has extensive experience in policy formulation, corporate and business planning, risk and issues management, project management and governance, stakeholder engagement and organisational change. He has extensive knowledge of government particularly in public transport and roads planning, and in the land management and local government sectors. John has a degree in civil engineering and a Graduate Diploma in Public Administration. He is now a Sessional Member of Planning Panels Victoria as well as working as a freelance consultant specialising in transport policy and planning and project governance and assurance.
Keddie / Ann / Ann Keddie is an architect and urban designer. She was a director of Cunningham & Keddie Architects for 20 years, a firm which specialised in housing, landscape and urban design, with a reputation for participatory design processes. She sat on the Historic Buildings Council for a 10 year period, was a member of The City Link Authority and a former member of the Minister’s Priority Development Panel, the Growth Area Authority and was Chair of the Building Appeals Board. Currently Ann is a Sessional Member of Planning Panels Victoria and the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Planning List).