1. Terms and abbreviations

2. Introduction

2.1. Purpose of the Program

3. Starting Work

3.1. Conditions of Use

3.2. User Registration and Setup

3.3. Initial Information about Using the Program

3.4. General Description of the Program Interface and Working Rules

3.4.1. Entering Numerical Information

3.4.2. Entering and Correcting Dates

3.4.3. Mandatory and Optional Fields

3.4.4. Working with Tables

3.4.5. Working with Table Fields Containing Directory Data

3.4.6. Working with Several Windows

4.Processing and Executing Money Transfers and Payments

4.1. Processing and Executing New Transfers/Payments

4.1.1. Selecting Transfer Receipt Point or Addressee Organization

4.1.2. Entering and Updating Transfer/Payment Data

4.1.3.Changing Participant during Transfer Processing

4.1.4.Completing Operation Processing

4.1.5.Printing out Request, Saving, Sending and Payment

4.1.6.Accepting Cash by Operating Cashier

4.1.7.Sending Transfer/Payment to Cash-desk for Process

4.1.8.Accepting Cash by Cashier

4.1.9. Changing Unsent Transfers/Payments

5. Changing and Refunding Executed Transfers

5.1.Attribute Change Request

5.2.Request for cancellation

6. Paying Incoming and Refunded Transfers/Payments

6.1. Paying Incoming Transfers

6.1.1. Payment by Operating Cashier

6.1.2.Processing for Payment by Operator

6.1.3.Payment by Cashier

6.1.4. Refund to Operator from Cash-desk

6.2. Payment of Refunded Transfers/Payments

6.2.1.Payment by Operating Cashier

6.2.2.Processing Transfer for Payment by Operator

6.2.3.Payment by Cashier

6.2.4. Return to Operator from Cash-desk

7. System Settings

7.1. Changing Operation Date

7.2. Entering Exchange Rates

7.3. Entering and Updating User Accounts

7.3.1. Entering New Accounts

7.3.2. Updating New Accounts

7.3.3. Blocking Users

1. Terms and abbreviations

CC-Clearing Center of the CONTACT system.

WPA- Software of the workplace of the application server administrator.

WP- Software of the workplace of bank cashiers and operators.

AS- Application server.

IP- Installation package: a set of files and catalogs (folders) provided to the Administrator by the developer for software installation.

Transfers- Transfers of money by a physical person without opening an account to another physical person by the CONTACT system.

Payments- Transfer of money by a physical person without opening an account with the purpose of credit repayment, payment for goods and services of legal persons, as well as transfers of money to legal persons and banks addressed to physical persons without opening an account.


Transfers- Money transfers and payments effected by the International Money Transfer and Payment System CONTACT.

Remitter-A physical person that authorizes the Sender's Bank to send a Money Transfer or Payment, or a legal person effecting Payment under the CONTACT system in favor of a physical person - Recipient.


Bank-A Bank from which a physical person sends money.


Bank-A Bank at which a Recipient receives a Transfer or to whose accounts money is entered.

Recipient-A physical or legal person that is a recipient of a Money Transfer or Payment.


Company-A legal person at whose favor the Sender transfers money (for goods, works or services).

2. Introduction

This manual is meant to be used by the personnel of the participants of the International Money Transfer and Payment System CONTACT when executing and conducting transactions in the system using the software "CONTACT NG".

2.1. Purpose of the Program

Workplace software of a cashier or operator (further – program or WP) is an integral part of automated information system "CONTACT NG". It is installed at the workplaces where customers are serviced and at the administrators' workplaces.

WP is also used for automation of the User's operations of accounting, receipt and delivery of transfers and payments in the "CONTACT" system.

Main supported transactions:

  • change of transaction day;
  • execution of receipts of transfers and payments from physical persons and sending of these transfers and payments to the Clearing Center CONTACT (CC);
  • receipt of incoming transfers and payments from the Clearing Center and execution of their delivery to recipients;
  • when necessary, generation of requests for change or return of transfers previously accepted from physical persons and sending these requests to the Clearing Center;
  • generation of orders to return the incoming transfers and payments not delivered to recipients.

The WP developers are continually improving the program. They fix bugs, add new functions, change interface (appearance of windows and controls). This process sometimes outstrips the documents updating. Do not be surprised if the appearance of some program screens will be somewhat different from that in this Manual. We will do our best to timely track any changes. Moreover, you may always contact our technical support for a prompt advice by a multichannel phone number +7 (495) 660-7532 or by e-mail: .

3. Starting Work

3.1. Conditions of Use

Prior to using the WP, the Administrator of CONTACT NG shall perform the following:

  • make sure that the hardware and common software of the workplace allows using the WP in the required mode;
  • install, customize and test the operation of the WP;
  • register the Users of a given workplace and assign them names, passwords and required rights (roles);
  • inform each User about his or her account data ("Point Code", "User Name", "Password");
  • instruct the User about the list of operations available and unavailable for him and about his actions in case of emergency situations;
  • for convenient operation, create a shortcut to the WP starting file on the screen desktop and instruct the User on the order of starting the WP.

The User shall:

  • have skills of using a computer with MS Windows operating system;
  • know how to execute standard operations for starting and managing programs and entering and editing data using keyboard and mouse;
  • know his or her account data ("Point Code", "User Name", "Password");
  • know his or her job responsibilities and rights;
  • read this Manual in full.

3.2. User Registration and Setup

Starting working, the User shall execute authorization procedure. For this purpose:

  • Start the WP. The program will display the User authorization invitation;

Fig. 1. User Authorization Form

  • Enter the personal account data in the respective lines: "Point Code", "User’s Name", "Password";
  • Press "Login" button or "Enter" key.

If the User authorization is successful, the program will memorize the "Point Code". This is why, at next starts of the WP the respective lines will be filled in, and the User will only have to enter the "User Name" and "Password".

Operations and setups described below in this section are available to the Users having special rights.

3.3. Initial Information about Using the Program

Each User shall obtain and know his or her personal account data: "Point Code", "User’s Name", "Password".

"User Name" and "Password" are unique for each User.

This Manual gives information about all operations provided in the system. Depending on the "Point Code", some operations may be unavailable and the appearance of some screens may be somewhat different from those in the figures below.

3.4. General Description of the Program Interface and Working Rules

After successful authorization, the main program window will be displayed

Fig. 2. Main Program Window

In the upper part of the screen there is a main program menu in the form of a series of buttons, which activate the main system actions when pressed:

  • Enter and send new transfer or payment.
  • Work with outgoing transfers and payments.
  • Search and deliver incoming transfers and payments.
  • Generate reports.
  • Service functions and setups.
  • Finish working with the program.

In the lower part of the screen the following information is displayed:

  • about the current calendar date;
  • about the current transaction date;
  • user full name.

In the process of working the User will have to perform some standard operations.

3.4.1. Entering Numerical Information

When entering numerical information, the integer and fractional parts of numbers are divided by a dot. This is why it is necessary no press only the " . " button (dot) on the keyboard, considering the language keyboard layout being used.

3.4.2. Entering and Correcting Dates

Another frequently used operation is entering/changing of dates. If button is pressed in the field that allows entering a new date value, a calendar will be displayed. Buttons < and > are used for changing the year; buttons < and > are used for changing the month. Click on the date to select the date and display it in the field.

3.4.3. Mandatory and Optional Fields

In any program window, especially when executing transfers and payments, some information is mandatory and must be filled in. The list of such information may change due to various reasons. The system will prompt about what information is mandatory.

If the field name is written in bold letters, this field is mandatory and must be filled in.

3.4.4. Working with Tables

Most on-screen forms where the information lists are displayed contain tables. Each table column has a header.

Column width is set by default. The user can change width of any column with the mouse. Place the cursor on the right border of the column header and set the required width while pressing and holding the left button. The system will store the column width in memory and display the customized width each time the table is displayed.

The sequence of columns is set by default. The user can change it with the mouse. Place the cursor on the column header and drag the column to the required location while pressing and holding the left button. The system will remember the sequence of columns and display the customized sequence each time the table is displayed.

For easier searching and browsing, the data in each column may be sorted. Click the column header. The appearing triangle shows the column by which the data has been sorted and the sorting order, whether ascending or descending.

An additional click will reverse the sorting order.

The first line beginning with a particular value may be found easily in the table. Place the cursor on the required column of any line and type the first character. The system will find the required value and automatically position the required line.

The tables have their own menu in the top left corner. The menu may contain different submenus. However, in most cases it will contain the following buttons:

- load table to MS Excel.

- find lines containing particular conditions. Upon clicking this button, the search form appears, containing

  • a search line – used for entering search data
  • a search field – contains a list of buttons to choose where the search will be performed
  • a type of search – has two values: “fast” (searching and positioning is performed as the data is entered in the Search Line) and “context” (searching and positioning is performed upon entering the data in the Search Line and pressing the “Find” button)

Figure 4. Table Search Form

- refresh table. The need for refreshment may occur when the table has been displayed long on the screen and the absence of any new data has to be verified. Another use of the refresh button is special search options explained in sections describing particular tables.

- change the current record. It is usually used for previewing or updating the current line data.

Figure 5. Contextual Table Menu: an Example

3.4.5. Working with Table Fields Containing Directory Data

For users’ convenience and to reduce the number of mistakes, the system maintains various directories, such as a country directory, town directory, etc.

If the screen requires taking data from a directory, the field cannot be filled in using the keyboard.

The right part of the field always contains the button clicking on which opens the required directory.

To the right of the field, there is button clicking on which clears the field.

3.4.6. Working with Several Windows

The user may want to open several windows referring to different operations at a time and keep them open. The windows overlap, which makes work difficult. When each window is open, buttons showing the called operations are displayed on the bottom of the main window. Pressing these buttons swaps windows.

Figure 6. Working with Several Windows: Example

4.Processing and Executing Money Transfers and Payments

The general procedure of processing and executing new money transfers and payments is such.


1.1. Open the “New Transfer/Payment” menu

1.2. Select the participant

1.3. Enter the required transfer/payment information

1.4. Print the Transfer Request and sign it with the sender

1.5. If you are an operator, send the transfer/payment to the cash desk


II.1. If you are an operating cashier

II.1.1.Accept cash from the sender

II.2.1.Press the “Pay” button

II.2. Print out the Transfer Request and sign it with the sender

II.2.1.Open the “Outgoing” menu

II.2.2.Select the “Pending Payment” submenu

II.2.3.Find and select the required transfer/payment

II.2.4.Accept cash from the sender

II.2.5.Press the “Pay” button

4.1. Processing and Executing New Transfers/Payments

To enter information about the new transfer/payment by a physical person, select the “New Outgoing Transfer/Payment” in the main menu.

Figure 7. Opening Processing of New Transfer/Payment

The screen will display the addressee (transfer withdrawal point or the payee organization) selection window.

4.1.1. Selecting Transfer Receipt Point or Addressee Organization

CONTACT allows forwarding transfers globally and sending payments to hundreds of organizations. When processing a new transfer/payment, define the payment point to which the transfer will be forwarded, or the address of the payee company. This can be done in the form of selecting a transfer withdrawal point or a payee organization, which appears immediately after opening the new transfer/payment processing operation.

Figure 8. Transfer Withdrawal Point/Payee Organization Selection Form

The program allows two types of search:

  • Search and selection of a particular participant (transfer withdrawal point or payee organization) ensued by entering all required transfer/payment information.
  • For permanent senders, search and selection of a “similar” transfer/payment made earlier to update and execute it.

The first type can be selected in the “Payee Parameters” tab, and the second type can be selected in the “Sender Parameters” tab. Setting Transfer Withdrawal Point/Payee Organization Search Criteria

In the “Payee Parameters” tab, set the point search criteria.

These criteria are described below.

Upon formulating the search criteria, press the button. The system will select and enter all system participants who meet the set conditions in the table. CONTACT services

The payer always understands what operation he or she wants to perform: transfer money to parents, make a new credit payment, pay for telephone services, etc. The left part of the form (Services) has a series of buttons showing the most frequent CONTACT operations. Some buttons are a group of services. Pressing such buttons opens a list of subservices. Thus, the required service can be defined, and the selection list may be substantially reduced.

Use buttons and to return to the very first service list or make a step back, respectively.

The name of the selected service will be shown in the “Service” field on top of the form. Country, Region, Town

The payer always well understands to what country and town he or she wants to send the transfer. The country and town may be also required for finding a legal person offering particular services in different regions.

Use the “Country”, “Region” and “Town” fields to find the geographical location of points. The search starts with selecting a country.

Figure 9. Country Selection Directory

Having found and highlighted the required country, press the “Select” button.

The selection of the country activates the “Region” and “Town” fields. If the selected country does not have a description of regions, the “Region” field will be unavailable.

Regions and towns are selected similarly to country selection. You may first select a region, and then a town within it. Or you can select a town and the system will automatically insert the region where it is located, provided that the system contains region description for the selected country. Selecting Operation Currency

The sender always understands what currency he or she wants to use for the operation. Use the “Transfer/Payment Currency” field to set the operation currency selecting it from the list of available currencies.

Figure 10. Selecting Operation Currency Selecting by Code or Name

In some cases the sender knows either the CONTACT code where he sends payment, or the name of the participant.

To start searching, Use the “Code” and “Participant Name” fields.

Remember that if a code is set, the search will strictly follow the code.

The participant name can be entered only partially. For example, if you type “fin”, the participants whose names contain this combination will be selected. Selecting Participant: Transfer Withdrawal Point or Payee-Company