Performing Arts Officer

It is our vision, as a Loreto school, to offer a Catholic education which liberates, empowers and motivates students to use their individual gifts with confidence, creativity and generosity in loving and responsible service. The five pillars of a Loreto education are those of Freedom, Justice, Sincerity, Verity and Felicity.

Loreto College has a long and proud history of participation and achievement in the performing arts and continues to support an ever-expanding Performing Arts Program to cater for recreational and elite performers. All Loreto students study the Performing Arts from Years 7 - 9 and then may select Performing Arts subjects from Years 10 - 12. Loreto College encourages all girls to participate voluntarily in the College’s Co-Curricular Music and Performing Arts Programs and has developed processes that ensure plentiful performance benefits for girls. The programs aim to foster values such as musicianship, leadership, respect and honesty within a performing arts environment where all students are supported in developing skills, striving for personal excellence and enjoyment.


Loreto College has a long and proud history of participation and achievement in the performing arts achievements and continues to support an ever-expanding Performing Arts Program to cater for recreational and elite performers. All Loreto students study the Performing Arts from Years 7 - 9 and then may select Performing Arts subjects from Years 10 - 12. Loreto College encourages all girls to participate voluntarily in the College’s Co-Curricular Music and Performing Arts Programs and has developed processes that ensure plentiful performance benefits for girls. The programs aim to foster values such as musicianship, leadership, respect and honesty within a performing arts environment where all students are supported in developing skills, striving for personal excellence and enjoyment.

The College has three main areas within Performing Arts. These are the Curriculum, Co-Curricular Music Program and the Co-Curricular Performance Program. Within the Co-curricular programs, students participate in individual and group tuition which is taught by sessional staff. Throughout the year they participate in various ensembles, productions and performances. The College has an extensive House Performing Arts Festival which involves performances, lunchtime and after school auditions and in school rehearsals. The College also has an extensive curriculum focus in the area of performing arts. The Performing Arts Officer will work alongside the Performing Arts Staff to provide Performing Arts curriculum and programs that enhance learning outcomes for girls.

Position Summary

The Performing Arts Officer will assist with the administration of the Performing Arts curriculum, and both co-curricular programs, as well as assisting staff in the maintenance of performing arts equipment and facilities. The Performing Arts Officer will also be required to attend camps where necessary and will be required to attend and assist with excursions and after school events such as concerts.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Loreto College Performing Arts Officer would be expected to carry out the following duties and responsibilities:

·  Provide assistance to Faculty Leader – The Arts and Co-curricular Leaders of Music and the Performing Arts and Performing Arts Staff as required throughout the calendar year.

o  Assist with the organisation, co-ordination and running of Loreto Performing Arts House Activities.

o  Provide administration support to the performing arts office.

o  Oversee the booking of spaces in the Mary’s Mount Centre.

o  Assist the Co-Curricular Music Leader with administration of the co-curricular music program, which includes:

o  Working with Sessional Music Staff, monitoring timesheets, allocation of music cells and maintaining regular communication.

o  Maintain student data bases for individual music lessons and ensemble and band memberships.

o  Maintain a current list of College owned instruments, including student hire records and also oversee the maintenance of these instruments.

o  Provide relevant, timely and accurate information to the Finance Office for invoicing purposes.

o  Liaise with music support group as required.

o  Maintain music library.

o  General administrative functions to support the Co-Curricular Music program, including mail outs, newsletter articles and concert programs.

·  Assist the Co-Curricular Performance Leader with administration of the co-curricular programs, which includes:

o  Prepare and print concert programs.

o  Assist with administration of bi-annual musical production.

o  Assist with administration of the annual Arts Festival ticketing and programming.

·  Assist the Performing Arts Staff with the set-up, conduct and clean-up of practical classes.

·  Attend camps and excursions and assist teaching staff with the operations of these events.

·  Liaise with the grounds staff regarding the movement of equipment and repairs.

·  Liaise with the Co-Curricular Music and Performance Leaders and Faculty Leader - The Arts to ensure an accurate inventory of all performing arts equipment is maintained.

·  Produce and distribute to staff, students and parents a term by term performing arts/music program calendar outlining the rehearsal and performance times.

·  Assist the Co-Curricular Music and Performance Leaders and Faculty Leader - The Arts to support them in publicising outstanding achievements and special events in the weekly E-Newsletter.

·  In liaison with the archivist, take responsibility for Performing Arts displays throughout the MMC and that displayed around the College.

·  Assist with lunchtime and/or after school rehearsals and performances as required.

·  Ensure all first aid supplies are adequately maintained throughout the MMC.

·  Ensure Performing Arts photographs are taken at all Performing Arts performances, classroom and public in preparation for the school magazine and school archives.

·  Compile documentation and complete administrative tasks for all off campus Performing Arts trips or excursions ie, student permission slips and medical information.

·  Complete administrative tasks at the College including bus bookings, lunchtime equipment borrowing and reconciling Performing Arts costume and equipment loans.

·  Other duties as directed by the Principal.

Experience and Qualifications

·  The Performing Arts Officer should be highly motivated and committed to the goals of the Loreto College Performing Arts Programs and demonstrate

o  excellent communication, organisational and administrative skills

o  excellent computer skills in Microsoft Word, Excel and maintenance and development of databases

o  experience in the performing arts in either education or industry

o  skills in communication and administration

o  a First Aid Qualification

o  a successful Working With Children Check.


The Performing Arts Officer is responsible to the Principal through the Faculty Leader – The Arts and Co-curricular Leaders of Music and the Performing Arts.

Key Selection Criteria

The Key Selection Criteria that will be used to select the Performing Arts Officer (and must be addressed in the application) are:

1.  Demonstrated respect and commitment for the educational philosophy of Loreto College.

2.  Demonstrated ability or experience in administration and the Performing Arts.

3.  Demonstrated high level communication, time management and administration skills.

4.  Demonstrated ability to work effectively as a part of a team of people.

Application Procedure

Applications for the position of Performing Arts Officer should include the Application for Employment form (available on the College website), cover letter, resume and selection criteria and be submitted to the Principal, Ms Judith Potter.

Award & Conditions

Title / Performing Arts Officer
Classification / Education Support Officer Level ES2 ($53,500 - $61,050 pro rata)
Category A (four weeks leave per annum)
Time fraction 2017 / 0.6 EFT
Employment Status / Ongoing appointment


An initial review will be conducted within a three month period and a formative review will be scheduled in the second half of 2017.

Other information

·  The position is located at 1600 Sturt Street Ballarat, 3350.

·  Terms and conditions of service are set out in the Victorian Catholic Education Multi Employer Agreement (2013).

·  The successful applicant will be required to undergo a successful Working with Children Check.

·  The successful applicant will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement.

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