Operation Aftershave
On Saturday 11th October 2015, officers from Rochdale North neighbourhood policing team were assisted by members of the special constabulary in taking part in Operation Aftershave, an initiative set up to tackle shoplifting and anti-social behaviour in Rochdale Town Centre.
The operation involved both uniformed and plain clothed officers and utilised a dispersal zone and dispersal powers, introduced by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014.
The powers are designed to provide better protection for victims and communities, as well as acting as a real deterrent to offenders, and will ensure that incidents of ASB can be dealt with quickly and easily.
Further operations are planned in the coming months and will be publicised in both future newsletters and social media.
Dark Nights
The dark nights are drawing in, we want to take this opportunity to remind all residents of the importance of keeping their homes and vehicles secure and themselves safe throughout the dark winter months.
Drake Street: Unknown offender enters a locked and secure property by unknown means, stealing property before making off in an unknown direction.
Oldham Road: Unknown offender(s) approach ground floor side door of disused premises and proceed to force open same using a concrete breeze block. Offender(s) enter and conduct search of premises. Offender(s) cause damage and take property before exiting as per entry.
Baillie Street: Unknown offenders approach front of building and force front secure door by unknown means; once inside select various items and exit via point of entry and make good their escape.
Baillie Street: Offenders approach insecure market shed 1 x offender opens shutter; 2nd offender enters shed and removes items which is passed to offender. Offenders make off towards waste ground before returning to e Baillie Street where they see officers and run. 2 offenders are detained nearby.
Mellor Street: Unknown offender(s) approached victim’s parked and secure van on car park. At opportune moment whilst victim is shopping offender has forced sliding door on offside of vehicle and open same. Having entered vehicle offender has stolen property from within. Exit as per entry, making off unseen in unknown direction.
Livsey Street: Unknown offender using unknown implement smashes offside driver’s window on aps motor vehicle and steals items from within .offender makes off unknown direction.