Rio Grande 3rd Grade Course Syllabus
Reading:Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, Spotlight on Literacy, various chapter books, and supplements
Math:McGraw-Hill, Everyday Mathematics and various supplements
Social Studies:Various supplements
Science: Various supplements
Evaluation of Progress
Students are given assessments based on the third grade indicators created by the state of Ohio.
Rio Grande’s grading scale is as followed:
90-100: A 80-89: B 70-79: C 60-69: D 59 and below: F
Language Arts
Progress is assessed using a variety of approaches. Weekly assessments include spelling test, Top Ten Tuesday skills test, as well as comprehension and vocabulary assessments. Unit reading test, writing samples, and Accelerated Reader goals also serve to evaluate student progress.
Progress is assessed using daily review of skills learned, daily math facts practice and tests, quizzes, unit tests, and Accelerated Math goals and tests. Math facts goal and Accelerated Math goal are evaluated each 9 weeks with one 100 point grade.
*Language Arts: Students are expected to read nightly for 10-15 minutes. When your child reads, please sign your child’s planner beside readingon the date he/she read. Homework will be given on Mondays and is due on Wednesdays.
*Mathematics: Students are expected to practice flash cards nightly. Please sign planners beside math when your child practices. OAA practice homework will be given on Mondays and due on Wednesday. This homework will be worth 10 to 50 points. I encourage parent help.
*All other homework will be given upon need of practice or review. Students are instructed to place an HW at the top of homework.
Communication with Parents
A weekly newsletter will be sent home explaining assignments, skills and announcements for the week. A communication planner reflecting your child’s day will be sent home nightly to be reviewed and signed by parents. It needs to be returned daily. A daily communication folder will be sent home and expected to return the following day. Parents and teachers may also communicate through e-mail, written notes, phone calls and conferences.
Email: Miss Gibson – s. Rocchi –
Phone: 740-245-5333