Meeting of the Directors General of the Public Employment Services(PES) members of the World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES)
“Public Employment Services funding - tools and methods”
Libreville, Gabon
March 28 to 30, 2013
Concept note andProgramme
Version 07/02/2013_FR
Against a background of shrinking resources and ballooning needs, the problem of funding PESs looms in a critical and increasingly threatening manner. The task of seeking new ways of financing PES is becoming urgent and essential.
Whether funding derives from the State, from international projects, technical cooperation arrangements, outsourcing or partnerships with private funding bodies, it is vital that the methods whereby it is accessed be fully mastered, so that they can be assessed and balanced against each other with a view to ensuring the continuation of a very important duty, that shouldered by the public employment services.
Via presentations and reports we are striving to boost our mutual understanding of the various tools with a view to helping PESs to become more efficient in the discharge of their responsibilities in the various national contexts.
Our aim is to share an awareness of all of the funding tools and methods, to identify practices, to encourage analysis and to help Directors General and their teams to submit proposals to their Governments regarding methods of funding the public employment services.
Desired outcomes
To encourage interchanges betweenPESson different funding methods, and to reinforce the understanding of the various models available and assessment tools.
The meeting has been organised by the Gabonese National Employment Office (Office National de l’Emploi - ONE), the World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES) and the African Association of Publics Employment Services (AASEP) with the support of the Government of the Republic of Gabon.
WAPES: World Association of Public Employment Services
AASEP: Association Africaine des Services Publics d’Emploi (African Association of Public Employment Services)
CAU: Commission of the African Union
ILO: International Labour Organisation
Taking part in the work of this meeting are:
The Directors General of the WAPES member PESs;
Experts from the International Labour Organisation (ILO);
Experts from the African Union (AU);
Experts from the African Development Bank (ADB);
Experts from the African Economic Commission (AEC);
Experts from the Ministries for the Budget and Economy of WAPES member countries.
Date and Venue
The workshop will be held over two days, from March 28 to 30,2013 inLibreville, Gabon at the Méridien Ré NDAMA Hotel.
Organisation and format
In the framework of this workshop, the participants will have an opportunity to establish the fundamentals of the public employment services (responsibilities, operations, organisational models). The objective will be to focus on the ways in which PESs are funded and to explore approaches to the assessment of the impact of their activities and their funding strategies on economic activities, the reduction of poverty and unemployment and on the public purse.
Working languages
Proceedings will take place in French and English. Interpreters will be present throughout the meeting.
Projected programme
At the opening of the proceedings an inaugural conference, moderatedby an expert from theInternational Labour Organisation (ILO),is intended to put the meeting into perspective by presenting the issues and funding limitations associated with socioeconomic employment policies, developing the skills of the personnel, and the battle with unemployment, poverty and insecurity.
This will be followed by the two days of the meeting when the following subject areas will be tackled:
The responsibilities, operations and organisational models of thePublic Employment Services (PESs);
The different models of the financial organisation of thePublic Employment Services;
Tools for assessing the impact of PES funding strategies on the public purse of the State.
March 27, 2013 / Arrival of participants and reception in the hotelsAccreditation – collection of kits
March 28, 2013 / Official Opening Ceremony of the Workshop, presided over by the Minister for the Economy, Employment and Sustainable Development
7.30 am – 8.50 am / Guests and officials arrive and settle in
9.00 am – 9.50 am / Speeches from:
Mr Henri-Jacob OYONO-NGOMO, ONE Director General
Mr André NYANGA ELENGA, President of AASEP
MrsLenka KINT, Executive Secretary of WAPES
Mr Luc OYOUBI, Gabonese Minister for the Economy, Employment and Sustainable Development
10.00 am – 10.10 am / Presentation of the proceedings of the meeting
General and practical information on the organisation of the workshop
10.20 am – 10.40 am / Coffee break
10.50 am – 11.50 am / “Issues and funding limitations associated with socioeconomic employment policies, developing the skills of the personnel, and the battle with unemployment, poverty and insecurity”
Speaker: An Expert from theILO(a specialistin employment macro-economics)
Interchanges with participants
Moderator:a PES Director General (to be appointed)
12.00 am – 1.20 pm / Lunch
Theme 1
1.30 pm – 2.00 pm / “The Responsibilities, operations and organisational models of thePublic Employment Services(PESs)”
Introductory speech
Speaker: Jean-Paul Barbier
Interchanges with participants
Moderator: a PES Director General (to be appointed)
2.10 pm – 3.00 pm / Presentation of case study 1: example of a PES
Interchanges with participants
Moderator: a PES Director General (to be appointed)
3.10 pm – 4.00 pm / Presentation of case study 2 : example of a PES
Interchanges with participants
Moderator: a PES Director General (to be appointed)
4.10 pm – 4.40 pm / Break
4.50 pm – 5.30 pm / Presentation of case study 3 : example of a PES
Interchanges with participants
Moderator: a PES Director General (to be appointed)
8.00 pm / Dinner courtesy of WAPES
March 29 2013 / LECTURES - DISCUSSIONS (Continued)
8.00 am – 8.30 am / Participants and guests arrive and are settled in
Theme 2
8.30 am – 9.10 am / “Public Employment ServicesFinancial Organisation Models”
Introductory speech
Speaker: Christine Malecka-Vlérick from WAPES
Interchanges with participants
Moderator: a PES Director General (to be appointed)
9.20 am – 10.00 am / Presentation of case study 1: example of a PES
Interchanges with participants
Moderator: a PES Director General (to be appointed)
10.00 am – 10.30 am / Coffee break
10.40 am – 11.20 am / Presentation of case study 2: example of a PES
Interchanges with participants
Moderator: a PES Director General (to be appointed)
11.30 am – 12.10 pm / Presentation of case study 3: example of a PES
Interchanges with participants
Moderator: a PES Director General (to be appointed)
12.10 pm – 1.40 pm / Lunch
Theme 3
1.50 pm – 2.30 pm / “Tools for assessing the impact of PES funding strategy on the public purse”
Introductory speech
Speaker: An expert for the Employment Department (France)
Interchanges with participants
Moderator: a PES Director General (to be appointed)
2.40 pm – 3.20 pm / Presentation of case study 1: example of a PES
Interchanges with participants
Moderator: a PES Director General (to be appointed)
3.30 pm – 4.10 pm / Presentation of case study 2: example of a PES
Interchanges with participants
Moderator: a PES Director General (to be appointed)
4.20 pm – 5.00 pm / Presentation of case study 3: example of a PES
Interchanges with participants
Moderator: a PES Director General (to be appointed)
5.00 pm – 5.30 pm / Coffee break
5.30 pm – 5.50 pm / Presentation of a summary of the work
5.50 pm – 6.00 pm / Meeting closing speech by the Minister for the Economy, Employment and Sustainable Development
8.00 pm / Gala dinner courtesy of the Minister for the Economy, Employment and Sustainable Development
March 30, 2013 / SIGHTSEEING TOUR
7.30 am – 8.00 am / Participants’ reception
8.00 am – 11.30 am / Set off for Lambaréné (including crossing the equator)
11.30 am – 12.30 pm / Visit to the hospital of the late Dr Albert Schweitzer (Hospital founded in 1913)
12.30 pm – 2.00 pm / Lunch
2.10 pm – 3.00 pm / Tour of the town of Lambaréné
3.00 pm – 5.00 pm / Return toLibreville
First foreign representatives return to their home countries
You must register using the following link:
You will receive confirmation of your registration.
We would be grateful if you could register before February 25, 2013
In the case of difficulties, please contact the following address:
Participants for whom accommodation is being provided free of charge (see attachment 1) should fill out the hotel section when registering.
We recommend that participants for whom accommodation is not being provided select one of the following hotels:
This is the meeting venue. “Classic room” 126,500 (*) CFA francs (approximately 193 euros)
PO Box: 4064 Libreville, Gabon
Tel: 00241 01 79 32 00
Fax: 00241 01 74 29 24
quartier London
Tel: 00 241 44 78 43
Fax: 00 241 44 78 42
155 euros per night breakfast included ( app 101 600 FCFA TTC)
quartier montagne Sainte
Tel 00 241 01 72 55 46
Fax: 00 241 01 76 12 53
112 euros a night breakfast includen (app 70 000 FCFA TTC)
In the case of difficulties, please contact us at:
Airport – Hotel Transportation
Transportation shuttles are available for your use when you arrive and when you leave. In the case of difficulties, please contact the Organisation Committee Reception Team.
Participation Conditions
Participation in the event is free of charge but prior registration is required as is the completion of the accreditation formalities.
Accreditation benefits
Accredited participants are provided with the participation kit, permission to attend all plenary sessions, the proceedings of the Commission, plus all lunches and dinners.
PES Directors General travel (international transportation) and accommodation expensesare fully covered by the Organisation with the support of the Government of Gabon (one person per delegation).
The conditions governing included benefits are set out in Attachment 1.
Other participants will be responsible for their own international travel and accommodation expenses.
To enterGabonparticipants must hold a valid passport and visa. For some nationalities the visa is not required. For more detailed information, participants are requested to contact the Organisation Committeeor the Gabonese Embassies or Consulates General.
We advise you to lodge your visa application in advance.
The Health Services will require each participant to produce a vaccination certificate on entering Gabon to show that he/she is up to date with vaccination requirements.
For all additional information regarding the workshop, please contact:
Christine MALECKA-VLERICKRegional Advisor
Executive Secretariat
Rue de la Loi, 95
1040 Brussels
Tel: + 32 22 35 72 52
Fax: + 32 22 35 72 59
Office National de l’Emploi
Project Engineer
PO Box: 9610 Libreville Gabon,
356, Avenue de Cointet
Tel: + (241) 07 42 65 01/01 77 57 96/97
Fax:+ (241) 01 77 57 99
The updated version of the programme will be available at
Attachment 1
In order to facilitate the participation of thePublic Employment Servicesin the Libreville the National Employment Office (Office National de l’Emploi - ONE) with the support of the Government of Gabon, has set up a complete complementary system for the benefit of the Directors General of thePublic Employment Servicesunder the conditions set out below.
Who may benefit from the complementary arrangements?
Directors General of thePublic Employment Services (or their representatives) registered to attend the meeting.
What is covered by the complementary arrangement?
International transportation
-Economy class travel.
-The e-tickets are issued in Gabon and are sent by email.
-Once the air tickets have been issued they can neither be changed nor refunded.
-Should the beneficiary fail to attend the meeting, he/she must undertake to repay the Organisation Committee.
Each beneficiary is provided with 3 nights accommodation from March 27 to March 30, 2013. Bar expenses and any other extra costs are borne solely by the beneficiary.
All accredited participants are covered for the collective meals organised by the Organisation Committee between March 27 and March 30,2013.