Department of Community Health grant funding is subject to availability

and is awarded at the discretion of the Department Commissioner

Release Date: WEDneSDAY, December 3, 2008

Closing Date: Monday, JANUARY 5, 2009 4:00 PM EST

Point of Contact: Kristal Y. Thompson-Black, Grants Administrator

Georgia Department of Community Health

Office of Procurement and Grants Management

2 Peachtree Street, NW, 35th Floor

Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3159

Georgia Department of Community Health

Flex Grant Program Evaluation


Section / Page
Program Purpose, Program Overview, Eligibility and Funding Preference, Match and Cost Sharing, Anticipated Award Amount, Funding Cycle and Deliverables………………………… / ii
Special Requirements:
Deliverables continued, Special Requirements, Question Submission and Application Submission……………………………………………………………………………….. / iii
Application Submission, Submission Format, and Order of Submission………………………. / 1
II. / Required Content:
(Required content includes Appendices)...... / 2
III. / Supplemental Information / 3
IV. / APPLICATION REVIEW AND Evaluation Criteria / 4
Appendix A. / Grant Application Form
Appendix B. / Ethics Statement: Includes Signature Page
Carefully read, sign, and adhere to Appendix D, the DCH Ethics Statements prior to responding to any Department of Community Health Request for Grant Applications (RFGA). Failure to do so could result in the disqualification of your application at any time during the application process.
Appendix C. / Ethics in Procurement Policy: Includes (2) Signature Pages
Carefully read, sign, and adhere to Appendix E, the DCH Ethics in Procurement Policy prior to responding to any Department of Community Health Request for Grant Applications (RFGA). Failure to do so could result in the disqualification of your application at any time during the application process.
Appendix D. / Business Associate Agreement: Includes Signature Page
Appendix E. / Budget Plan: Includes Sample Budget
Appendix F. / Biographical Sketch
Appendix G. / work plan template
Appendix H. / timeline template


Table of Contents

- i -

Background / The Georgia Department of Community Health (DCH) was created in 1999 by Senate Bill 241 and has the responsibility for insuring over two million people in the State of Georgia, maximizing the State’s health care purchasing power, coordinating health planning for State agencies and proposing cost-effective solutions for reducing the number of uninsured. Within DCH, the State Office of Rural Health (SORH) serves Georgians by improving access to health care in rural and underserved areas to improve health status and reduce health disparities.
Purpose / The Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program is a Federal initiative which provides funding to State Governments to strengthen health care services in rural areas. This program is a mechanism for improving and sustaining access to appropriate high quality health care services in rural America, supporting the conversion of small rural hospitals to critical access status, assisting the development of rural health care networks while strengthening and integrating rural Emergency Medical Services (EMS). In addition, the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program facilitates the development of model community-based rural collaborative systems of care in all grantee states.
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), is the sponsoring agency for the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program and is responsible for the provision of the mandatory and optional requirements for all recipient funding. The Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (Flex) Program was authorized by Section 4201 of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA), Pub. L. 105-33 reauthorized 2003 Pub. L. 108-173.
Program Overview / Included in the mandatory requirements for participating in the federal FLEX program, states are required to evaluate the success of their previous funding. Georgia has obtained federal funding for the purpose of conducting an evaluation in FY’ 2009. This funding seeks to obtain an external evaluator with demonstrative knowledge and experience in the assessment of Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility (FLEX) Grant Program to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the efficacy of FLEX Grant supported programs within the state of Georgia. The evaluator will assess FLEX grant supported programs in the state of Georgia over a one year funding period from September 1, 2006 through August 31, 2008 to demonstrate:
·  The effectiveness of FLEX grant supported programs including technical assistance provided to these programs by SORH.
The resultant information will be utilized as a principal tool for the State Office of Rural Health (SORH) and rural health stakeholders to assess, plan and implement future FLEX programs.
Eligibility / Applicants must have a demonstrable professional knowledge of and practical experience in evaluation, data collection and dissemination in the assessment at a state or federal level.
Funding Preference / “Funding Preference” will be given to agencies with experience in the objectives of the HRSA Flex Grant programs and or similar programs and have performed at minimum one evaluation of a state Flex program.
Match and Cost Sharing / No “Matching Funds” or “Cost Sharing” are required for this solicitation.
Anticipated Award Amount / $50,000.00
Funding Cycle / Upon award (anticipated January 2009) – December 31, 2009 (Subject to budget approval)
Deliverables / Awardee deliverables include but are not limited to the following:
·  Participation in Georgia FLEX stakeholder meeting(s).
·  Submission of quarterly progress reports which may include preliminary assessment findings.
·  Submission of quarterly invoices to DCH in accordance with the grant agreement for payment of services rendered.
·  Provision of assessment findings in a report format with all content required by DCH and SORH on the Georgia Flex programs and their effect and impact on Critical Access Hospitals, Emergency Medical Services, Networks and all Flex affected entities.
Special Requirements / All deliverables must be met by Thursday, December 31, 2009
Deadline for Submission of Questions / Questions must be submitted in writing to Kristal Y. Thompson-Black by 2:00 P.M. Friday, December 12, 2008.
Response to questions will be posted within five business days from closing date.
Deadline for Submission / ALL PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS MUST be received by 4:00 P.M. MONday, JANUARY 5, 2009




Application Submission

Submission requires remittance of the original, one (1) copy and five (5) CDs of the Grant Application. Applications may be delivered via USPS, Fed Ex, DHL, UPS etc., hand delivered or couriered. Completed applications must be received by 4:00 P.M. MONDAY, January 5, 2009. If the application is incomplete or non-responsive to submission requirements, it will not be entered into the review process. The applicant will be notified the application did not meet submission requirements.

Timely and complete submissions are the responsibility of the applicant(s). The Department of Community Health welcomes completed submissions prior to the Monday, January 5, 2009 closing date however all submissions are final. Late applications will be considered non-responsive to submission requirements.

Mailing Address for Application Delivery

Kristal Y. Thompson-Black, Grants Administrator

Georgia Department of Community Health

Vendor and Grants Management

2 Peachtree Street, NW, 35th Floor

Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3159


Submission Format

The Grant Proposal and Project Abstract must be submitted in the following format or the application will be considered non-responsive and will not be entered into the review process:

1.  Word or PDF file format

2.  Font Size: 12 point unreduced (Arial or Times New Roman)

3.  Page Size: 8.5 by 11 inches

4.  Page Margin Size: One inch

Order of Submission

1.  Qualifications/Capabilities: A brief summary exhibiting the applicant’s capability to perform the functions of this grant is required. Qualifications are limited to a maximum of 2 pages (if qualifications exceed the page limit, only the first pages which are within the page limit will be reviewed).

2.  Past Performance: The applicant shall identify three (3) relevant past performance. Past Performance is limited to 3 pages.

3.  Proposal Narrative:

a.  The Proposal Narrative should be double spaced.

b.  The Proposal Narrative shall not exceed a maximum of 6 pages (if the narrative exceeds the page limit, only the first pages which are within the page limit will be reviewed).

4.  Work Plan and Timeline (See Appendix G and H)

5.  Budget:

a.  The Budget must be completed on Appendix E.

b.  The budget justification is limited to a maximum of 2 pages (if the budget narrative exceeds the page limit, only the first pages which are within the page limit will be reviewed).

6.  Number and Label all pages; not to exceed the maximum number of pages where applicable.

7.  Headers should identify each section and Footers should include: the name of the organization.

8.  All required forms and content must be on the CD in the order and format set forth in this solicitation.








Supplemental Information

1.  Qualifications/Capabilities: Provide a brief summary (not exceeding 2 pages) exhibiting the applicant’s capability to perform the work. The qualifications should reflect the level of competence and experience needed for this undertaking as well as exhibit specialized expertise, skills or abilities and include years of relevant experience and accomplishments.

2.  Past Performance: The applicant shall identify three (3) relevant past performance. Past Performance should be submitted in a narrative format and is defined as work similar in complexity and magnitude to the work identified in this funding opportunity. Please limit past performance to 3 pages and include the following information:

·  Project Title

·  Description of the Project

·  Government, Agency or Organization

·  Contracting Officers name, address, telephone number and email address

·  Current status, e.g. completed and/or in progress, start and estimated completion dates.

3.  Proposal Narrative: Provide a description (not exceeding 6 pages) of the approach to activities to be conducted over the funding period.

4.  Budget Plan: Provide best and final offer not to exceed $50,000 (Budgets in excess of $50,000 may be adjusted or considered non-responsive). The budget should be completed in line item detail on Appendix E. (See sample budget)

5.  Budget Justification: Provide a budget justification (not exceeding 2 pages) which is concise and provides a clear detailed explanation for budget line items and expenditures.

6.  Project Work Plan: Provide a work plan on Appendix G which details the approach for the provision of all proposed activities.

7.  Timeline: Provide a timeline on Appendix H which details the deadlines for the provision of all proposed activities.

8.  Appendices: Appendices are required forms and may include a Signature Page(s). Please read, sign, and adhere to these forms prior to responding. Failure to comply may result in the disqualification of your application. Included appendices are as follows:

A.  Grant Application Form

B.  Ethics Statement (Signature Page must be submitted)

C.  Ethics in Procurement Policy (Signature Pages must be submitted)

D.  Business Associate Agreement (Signature Page must be submitted)

E.  Budget Plan (Budget Justification MUST accompany this appendix)

F.  Biographical Sketch (For key personnel only)

G.  Work Plan Template

H.  Timeline Template

Point of Contact: Kristal Y. Thompson-Black, Grants Administrator

Georgia Department of Community Health

Office of Procurement and Grants Management

2 Peachtree Street, NW 35th Floor

Atlanta, Georgia 30303 – 3159

E-mail: Phone: (404) 463-3862

Indirect cost: Indirect costs represent the expenses of doing business that are not readily identified within the budget submission (appendix E.) but are necessary for the general operation of the organization and the facilitation of the activities required by the grant. In theory, costs like heat, light, accounting and personnel might be charged directly if little meters could record minutes in a cross-cutting manner. Practical difficulties preclude such an approach. Therefore, cost allocation plans or indirect cost rates are used to distribute those costs to benefiting revenue sources. For the purpose of providing the most efficient and effective use of grant dollars DCH limits the application of indirect costs to ten (10) percent.

Grant funding: DCH intends to make a single award to the responsive and responsible firm whose proposal is most advantageous to DCH. DCH grant funding is subject to availability. All awards are subject to the discretion of the Commissioner. Reimbursement of pre-award costs is not allowed. Work shall not commence until grantee has received notice of award.

SECTION III: Flex EMS Grant Program




Application Review

The following components are required for Application Review

·  Qualifications/Capabilities

·  Past Performance

·  Proposal Narrative

·  Work Plan

·  Timeline

·  All required Appendices and the Budget Justification

Evaluation Criteria

Upon successful completion of Application review an evaluation committee will convene to evaluate the extent an applicant meets the eligibility requirements and desired qualifications based on information obtained through the application package. The proposal will be evaluated based upon the following proposal elements:

Project Narrative: The applicant’s description of their assessment approach.

Qualifications/Capabilities: The applicant’s capability and adequacy for conducting activities (additional organization's strengths, staff, etc.)

Past Performance: The applicant’s exhibition of work similar in complexity and magnitude to the work identified in the RFGA.

Budget Plan and Justification: Please provide best and final offer not to exceed $50,000. The proposed budget will be evaluated on the basis of its reasonableness, concise and clear justification. A budget justification which explains each line item expense must accompany the budget. *All consultant and sub-contractors and expenses related to such must be identified. If a consultant or sub-contract has yet to be determined please explain the selection process and provide quotes. **All expenses identified as other must be fully justified and explained in the budget narrative.

Work Plan: The applicant’s detailed description of the activities required to complete the scope of work and how this will be accomplished.

Timeline: The applicant’s detailed description of when activities will be accomplished.

In addition, the following factors may affect the funding decision:

·  Availability of funds