Minutes of Meeting on August 8th 2016

Chaired by: Trish Cullen

Secretary: Anita Hargreaves

Members Present:Helen Pickering (PV), Sharon Taylor(PV), Anita Hargreaves, Trish Cullen, Don Holloway, Emma Goodall, Chris Broadhead, Don Lowden, Jean Darbyshire, Rachael Kilburn (partial attendance)

Apologies:Eddie Hopkins

  1. Welcome and introductions
  1. Actions from previous meeting
  • Trish felt that the minutes did not reflect the discussion which she and Don had had regarding the possibility of using the emailing list from the doctors surgery to recruit new members. Sharon was unsure how many patients had provided details of their emails to the surgery
  • The group would like to be able to update the PRG section of the practice website. Sharon will find out who is responsible and will liaise with Don H. He suggested that the questionnaire regarding new membership should be printed on the back of the PRG leaflet.
  • Jean suggested that we should invite a charity to hold a function on ‘flu day’, rather than the PRG taking responsibility for this. All members were in agreement.
  • We should use the ‘flu day’ instead, to promote and recruit members for the PRG
  1. Suggestion box

There were no suggestions/ complaints in the box.It was felt that the box no longer serves a purpose, as there has been nothing in the box for a considerable time. It was felt that the Friends and Family questionnaire, which is a national initiative, offers patients a way of assessing the practice and making comments or suggestions.

  1. Friends and Family

For the months of June and July, there were mainly very positive responses, with 39 patients extremely likely, or likely, to recommend the surgery and only 1 extremely unlikely.

Sharon explained that a number of responses now contained comments about individual members of staff, although, as they were anonymous, it was difficult to tackle this issue.

  1. Surgery Updates/ Staff changes
  • Dr Sukumaran has increased his hours.
  • There will be a female locum regularly on a Wednesday for the month of August.
  • Dr Ainley has now left the practice
  • Helen Beaumont Waters has also left the practice
  • Mobasher has joined the practice as an advanced clinical practitioner. He is a pharmacist and helps to review medication.
  • Rachael is currently interviewing foe a new receptionist.
  1. New Improvements
  • It was felt that a Facebook page was unnecessary and would serve no useful purpose. Sharon therefore we replaced that idea, with an initiative publicised by Kate Grainger, a GP who has recently died. All practitioners will have a notice on their doors saying,

“Hello, my name is ……”

  • Sharon will continue with the dementia friendly cafes each quarter. Anita will represent the PRG at these meetings.
  • Don will liaise with Sharon regarding the carers information and meetings

7. Recruitment for PRG

Anita and Trish will devise a questionnaire and circulate to other members for comments and improvements. This will be handed out on ‘flu day’.

8.Flu Day

Tuesday 27th September will be flu day and the PRG will aim to cover early morning and evening sessions in order to try and attract some younger members to the group.

The following people volunteered as follows:

Emma, Anita 8 – 10 am

Jean, Don Holloway 5 – 7 pm

?? 1 – 3pm

9. Quality Access Scheme

Rachael came to the meeting to explain this scheme, which is a North Kirklees CCG approved scheme and provides additional funding for the practice for 18 months commencing 1st Oct 2016. Rachael advised that the practice would like to use some of the funding to provide a new additional service and clinicians had advised that an in house counsellor service would be beneficial. Further discussion about how this would work was held. PRG agreed that this would be a good service for patients. Practice will proceed to implementation.

The practice will use this funding to:

a) Introduce a counselling service for adults on a Monday evening. This will be low level, for patients with stress and anxiety issues and will be trialled for 6 months.

b) Allow clinicians to carry out peer reviews in order to share expertise and experiences.

c) For the management of medicines. The practice will take back the ordering of repeat prescriptions and encourage greater use of EPS. Only vulnerable patients will be able to order directly from the chemist. It will take about 6 months to complete this process, probably one chemist at a time

10. Accessible information standards

This involves the practice writing to patients who have a disability, such as blindness, deafness, autism etc., to ensure that they are being provided with suitable resources. This can then be highlighted to the clinicians.

Laura, one of the receptionists, has gained a qualification at Level 1 in sign language and is about to take Level 2.

  1. Actions to be taken
  • Anita and Trish to devise a questionnaire for Flu day, and circulate it to members for suggestions etc
  • Sharon to liaise with Don H re. carers meeting.
  • Sharon to find out who reviews the website
  • Anita to attend Dementia Friendly meetings
  • Anita to notify members about timetable for Flu day.
  • Anita to contact potential new member.

12. Date and Time of Next Meeting -Thursday 10th November at 2pm