Academic Assessment & Planning Center 2012

Institutional Course Syllabus Template

Prince Sultan University

College/ Department

1rst Semester 2013 - 2014


Course Code : IS 241 Name of Faculty : Ms. Nermeen El-Hakim

Course Title : Database Management System Bldg./Office # : W337

Credit Hours : 3 (3, 0, 0) Office Hours :

Pre-requisite : IS231

The IS program aims at providing highly qualified graduates in the field of Information Systems who are capable of fulfilling IT careers in business, industry, and government, and capable of pursuing further graduate studies in well-recognized academic institutions. This comes through providing students with integrated technical and theoretical knowledge and skills in information technology, systems development, and IS environment and through providing students with an academic environment committed to excellence and innovation that contributes to improving their intellectual and communication capabilities and skills and contribute to developing leadership, professionalism, and life-long learning.

I. Course Description:

Management of an organization's data needs. Emphasis is on management and implementation issues pertinent in a business information systems environment. Topics include data access methods; relational, hierarchical, and, network database management systems; query languages; database design and performance; data administration; and, data dictionaries.

II. Course Objectives:


·  Illustrate basic database concepts and systems architecture

·  Show a basic understanding of database transaction management

·  Explain the process of and the issues involved in database design and implementation

Cognitive Skills
·  Design a relational database system conceptually, logically and physically
·  Apply data modeling techniques, using entity relationship (ER) diagrams, to database design problems.
·  Apply the rules for transforming the conceptual schema as represented by ER models into a relational schema.
·  Normalize relations and recognize why non-normalized data structures are undesirable with respect to dependencies and maintenance
·  Recognizes the SQL language clauses and functions and can write optimal queries in SQL.
Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility

• Comply with the rules of fruitful group discussions through the review questions and exercises.

• Make use of the principles underlying team projects.

• Perform a good presentation in front of a group of people.

• Recognize the responsibility of managing, maintaining, securing, and providing access to data.

Numerical & Communication Skills

• Write well thought out project document in which he can communicate his ideas in the appropriate ways.

• Demonstrate the ability to use software tools for developing databases.

• Explain the various relational algebra operations on which the retrieval query language SQL is bases.

III. Course Content (Specific course topics to be covered within the semester).

Topics / Weeks / Contact Hours
Unit 1: Background
1.  Introduction to the course
2.  Introductory Terminology
3.  The Database Approach
4.  Database Applications
5.  The Database Environment
1.  The Client-Server Environment
2.  The Internet Database Environment
3.  Data Warehouses / wk 1 - Wk 2 / 6
Unit 2: Database Development Process
1.  Database Planning and Scope Definition
2.  Data Requirements Capturing and Analysis
a.  User Views
b.  Data Usage Analysis
3.  Database Design
a.  Conceptual Database Design
b.  Logical Database Design
c.  Physical Database Design
4.  Implementation and Testing
5.  Monitoring and Tuning the Operational System
6.  Database Design within the System Development Process / wk 2 - Wk 3 / 4
Unit 3: Data Modeling
1.  What is Data Modeling?
2.  Business Rules as a Source for Modeling
3.  The Entity-Relationship (ER) Model
4.  Modeling Entities and Attributes
5.  Modeling Data Relationships
6.  Enhanced Entity-Relationship Modeling
a.  Representing Generalizations and Specializations
b.  Specifying Constraints / wk 3 - Wk 7 / 12
Unit 4: Relational Database Approach
1.  Introducing Database Models (Relational, Hierarchical, Relational, Object-Oriented)
2.  The Relational Model
1.  Relations
2.  Primary and Foreign Keys
3.  Integrity Constraints
3.  Transforming ER Diagrams into Relations
4.  Normalization of Relations
1.  Functional Dependency
2.  Normal Forms (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Boyce-Cod) / wk 8- Wk 10 / 10
Unit 5: Physical Database Design and Performance
1.  Designing fields and Physical Records
2.  Using and Selecting Indexes
3.  Performance Considerations
a.  Partitioning of Entities
b.  Denormalization / wk 10 - Wk 11 / 4
Unit 6: Relational Query Languages
2.  Relational Algebra
3.  SQL Data Definition and Modification
4.  SQL Retrieval / wk 11- Wk 14 / 14
Unit 7: Data Management
1.  Database Administration
2.  Data Quality, Integrity, Recovery, Security, and Control
3.  Data Dictionaries / wk 15 / 4
Major Exams and Team Project Presentations / Wk 7, wk 12, wk15 / 6
15 / 60

IV. Course Components

Component / Contact Hours
Lecture / 28
Tutorial / 12
Practical/Field / 12

V. Teaching Strategies (

Domain / Strategy
Knowledge / Lectures and Student Homework
Cognitive Skills / Lectures, Case analysis, Exercises, and Practical Work
Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility / Team Work in Tutorials, Lab Sessions, and Projects.
Numerical & Communication Skills / Exercises, Discussions, Project Written Reports, and Individual Presentations

VI. Course Requirements

-  Preliminary and Final Examinations

-  Class participation in discussion and attendance

-  Written tests (quizzes)

-  Individual work

-  Regular attendance

-  Class participation


Each group of students will work on a project throughout the semester. It involves the design of the database. It is a team project where groups of 2 to 4 students develop a ‘simple' database system utilizing a DBMS. Each group will submit a report by the end of the semester (Last Day in Week 14) accompanied with the electronic material of the executable database developed by the group. Individual presentations will be required. The project phases are as follows:

Project Phase / Weeks / Product / Date of Completion
Project selection and teams formulation / Wk.1 / List of projects and teams / Wk. 2 (first class)
Project objectives and scope / Wk. 2 / Document outlining project objectives and scope / Wk. 3 (first class
Requirements and needs assessment / Wks. 3 - 6 / Requirements document / Wk. 7 (first class)
Database design / Wks. 7 - 10 / Design document / Wk. 10 (last class)
Implementation and testing / Wks. 11 - 13 / Running system / Wk. 14 (first class)
Project submission / Wk. 14 / Project document (hard copy) and project CD including: project document in MS Word / Wk. 14 (first day)
Project presentation / Wk. 14 / Presentations / Wk. 14 (3rd class)

VII. Student Assessment

A. Assessment Task

Domain / Assessment Task
Knowledge / Quizzes and Exams
Cognitive Skills / Exams, Quizzes, Exercise, and Projects
Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility / Group projects and Participation
Numerical & Communication Skills / Group Projects and Individual Presentations

B. Schedule of Assessment

Assessment / Assessment Task / Week Due / Proportion of Final Assessment
1 / A & P / N/A / 3%
2 / Home-Work assignment / N/A / 2%
3 / Final examination / TBA / 40%
4 / Quizzes / Week 3 & 8 / 5%
5 / Lab / Week 14 / 10%
6 / Majors I & II / Week 5 & 10 / 30%
7 / Project / Throughout semester / 10%

VIII. Learning Resources

A. References

- Modern Database Management by J. A. Hoffer, M.B. Prescott, and F. R. McFadden. 10th ed. Prentice-Hall/Pearson, Latest edition. (Available in the Bookstore of PSU)

- Lecturer’s Slides

B. Facilities Required

- Lecture room

- Computers

- Data Show

- Oracle 11g

C. Learning Management System

On moodle - TBA