Belgrade, 33 Danijelova Street,

Tax ID Number 100373090, Reg. No. 07486251.

Pursuant to Article 55, Paragraph 1, Item 2 and Article 57 of the Public Procurement Law (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 124/2012, 14/15, 68/15), the Ordering Party: Public Enterprise “CITY HOUSING SERVICES”, Belgrade, 33 Danijelova Street,





·  Name, address and website of the Ordering Party –


Address: BELGRADE, 33 Danijelova Street.

Website: www.stambeno.com.

·  Type of the ordering party –

Public enterprise – local self-government.

·  Type of public procurement procedure –

Open procedure.

·  Type of subject –


·  The nature and scope of services and the main characteristics of services, the place of the provision of services, designation from the classification of activities, i.e. the name and code from the Common Procurement Vocabulary –

The subject of public procurement includes services – servicing of elevators, immediate urgent works and ongoing repairs of elevators in residential buildings within the maintenance system of the Public Enterprise (PE) “City Housing Services”, Belgrade.

Name and code from the Common Procurement Vocabulary:

50750000 / Maintenance of Elevators

·  Number of lots, if the subject of procurement is divided into a number of lots:

The subject of the public procurement is divided into 12 lots, namely:

WORK UNIT / APPROX. NO. OF ELEVATORS / No. of services per lot / Total number of specialized teams per lot
01 / STARI GRAD / 628 / 628 / 10
02 / PALILULA / 385 / 385 / 6
03 / SAVSKI VENAC / 273 / 273 / 4
04 / ZVEZDARA / 853 / 867 / 13
05 / VRAČAR / 642 / 654 / 10
06 / VOŽDOVAC / 641 / 689 / 10
07 / ČUKARICA / 572 / 572 / 9
08 / NOVI BEOGRAD / 1438 / 1588 / 23
09 / ZEMUN / 396 / 402 / 6
10 / RAKOVICA / 390 / 430 / 6
11 / KLEEMANN / 68 / 68 / 1
12 / SCHINDLER / 38 / 38 / 1

NOTE: The approximate number of elevators is given according to the data available at the moment of preparation of the Bidding Documentation.

·  Criterion, elements of the contract award criterion:

The best bid shall be chosen by the use of the “lowest offered price” criterion, i.e. the criterion for the assessment of bids shall be the lowest average hourly rate, which will be determined in the following way:

Average hourly rate = hourly rate for servicing + hourly rate for repairs


The offered price of the hourly rate for servicing and repairs cannot exceed the values of the hourly rate of the Ordering Party – PE “City Housing Services”, which are:

- RSD 350.00 excluding VAT (“net”), for servicing, and

- RSD 414.00 excluding VAT (“net”) for repairs.

The Ordering Party shall reject as unacceptable all bids offering the price which is higher than the hourly rate of RSD 350.00 excluding VAT (“net”), for servicing and RSD 414.00 excluding VAT (“net”), for repairs.

·  Bidding documentation takeover method, i.e. website on which the bidding documentation is available:

On 04.11.2016., the invitation for the submission of bids and bidding documentation were simultaneously published on the Public Procurement Portal, the Ordering Party’s website (www.stambeno.com), Portal of the City of Belgrade, and the invitation for the submission of bids was also published on the Portal of Official Bulletins of the Republic of Serbia and Legislation Databases, pursuant to Article 57 of the Public Procurement Law.

·  Address and website of the state authority or organization, i.e. the authority or department of territorial autonomy or local self-government where correct information on tax liabilities, environmental protection, employment protection, working conditions, etc. can be obtained in a timely manner.

Tax Administration (Ministry of Finance, Republic of Serbia), 3-5 Save Maškovića Street, Belgrade. Website www.poreskauprava.gov.rs. Correct information of addresses and contact telephone numbers of the authority or department of territorial autonomy or local self-government, concerning the tax liabilities administered by these authorities, can be obtained through the state body of Tax Administration.

Environmental protection – Environmental Protection Agency, 27a Ruže Jovanović Street, Belgrade. Website www.sepa.gov.rs. (Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, 22-26 Nemanjina Street, Belgrade, Website www.merz.gov.rs).

Employment protection, working conditions – Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Policy, 22-26 Nemanjina Street, Belgrade, Website www.minrzs.gov.rs.

·  Bid submission method and deadline for the submission of bids:

A bidder shall submit a bid directly or by mail, in a closed envelope or box, closed in a manner that will indicate with certainty that it is opened for the first time in the bid opening procedure.

The bidder’s name and address shall be indicated on the back of the envelope or on the box.

In case that a bid is submitted by a group of bidders, this shall be indicated on the envelope, and it is necessary to provide the names and addresses of all the participants in the joint bid.

The bids shall be delivered to the following address:

Javno preduzeće “GRADSKO STAMBENO”, BEOGRAD, Danijelova br. 33 (Public Enterprise “CITY HOUSING SERVICES”, BELGRADE, 33 Danijelova Street), with the label:

“A bid for public procurement of services – servicing of elevators, immediate urgent works and ongoing repairs of elevators in residential buildings within the maintenance system of PE “City Housing Services”, Belgrade, Public Procurement no. 65/65 – LOT no. ______(fill in the lot number for which the bid is submitted) DO NOT OPEN”.

A bid shall be deemed timely if received by the Ordering Party until 06.12.2016., by 10.00 a.m.

·  Place, time and method of bid opening:

Public opening of bids shall be carried out by the Ordering Party’s Commission, on – 06.12.2016., starting at noon, at the address of the Ordering Party: Javno preduzeće “GRADSKO STAMBENO”, Beograd, Danijelova br. 33 (Public Enterprise “CITY HOUSING SERVICES”, Belgrade, 33 Danijelova Street) (Conference Room, first floor, number 200).

·  Conditions under which representatives of bidders may take part in the bid opening procedure:

Prior to the public opening procedure, a bidder representative shall submit to the Commission a written authorization letter for their presence during the bid opening procedure, which shall have the number, date and be certified and signed by the bidder’s responsible person.

The number of the authorization letter and the name of the bidder’s representative are entered into the Record on Public Opening of Bids.

·  Deadline for making the decision:

The decision on awarding the contract shall be made within 25 days as of the date of the public opening of bids, except in particularly justified cases (extensive or complex bids, i.e. complex methodology for awarding weighing points), when the deadline may be extended to up to 40 days as of the date of the public opening of bids.

·  Contact person:

Bojana Gležnić, Public Procurement Department.

E-mail address (or fax number): –

Fax no.: 011/ 3950-321.

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