Text Instructions for a Camera-Ready Manuscript
of the Late-News Papers for IDW '17
Hideya Kumomi, Toshimitsu Tsuzuki*, Ken Ishikawa,Harumi Kawamura **
Tokyo Inst. of Tech., 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Yokohama, Kanagawa 226-8503, Japan
*NHK, 1-10-11 Kinuta, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-8510, Japan**Salesian Polytechnic, 4-6-8 Oyamagaoka, Machida, Tokyo, 194-0215,Japan
Keywords: Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3, Keyword 4, Keyword 5 (One line, three to five keywords)
An abstract is required at the beginning of the manuscript. You must also make an additional data file for 35-50 words abstract published in the Final Program, which will be opened in the middle of November. Please use the template for 35-50 words abstract.The camera-ready manuscript and the 35-50 words abstract must be submitted by September 29, at 23:59 (UTC-10).
In this article, we describe the instructions for a camera-ready manuscript for the proceedings of IDW ‘17 and its electronic data. The article must be typed in accordance with the instructions. We recommend you use this form as a template of your manuscript. To ensure proper reproduction, authors must follow the instructions below.
2.1 Title
The title of the paper must be the same aswhat you submitted via IDW web site.
2.2 Authors
Please write in the authors’ names in full. Also, the presenting author must be underlined.
2.3 Format
1.The manuscript must be on A4 size paper, in a two-column format.
2.The top, left, right, and bottom margins must be 25mm, 20mm, 20mm and 35mm, respectively. Allow 10mm for the column spacing.
3.For good readability, the font size of your manuscript must be 9 point or larger. Times New Roman, Helvetica and Arial fonts are recommended. Symbol, Wingdings or Zapf Dingbats fonts
are strongly recommended for typing any math functions or Greek symbols. These special symbols can be inserted by using the insertion function for symbols and special characters in the MS-Word menu.
2.4 Length
A camera-ready manuscript mustbe two to four pages in length.
2.5 Headings and Subheadings
Major headings and subheadings must be aligned to the left side of the column.
2.5.1 Third- order subheadings
Third-order subheadings must be indented.
2.6Electronic Data
1. Electronic data for your manuscript is required. Prepare the electronic file of your (camera-ready) manuscript in PDF format. The committee requests all authors to check the layout of the PDF file, because the layout sometimes differs from that in the original MS- Word file.
2. Please embed all fonts and confirm the quality of your PDF file by printout. The committee recommends setting the Adobe Acrobat option to "high quality" or "press quality".
3. Paper and page numbers will be added electronically to your electronic data by the committee. Please don’t write paper and page numbers in any part of your manuscript including the header and footer parts.
4. Please don’t set any security option on your PDF.
3.1 Color Photos and Figures
Color images will be kept in the proceedings electronic data as shown in Fig. 1.
3.2 Fonts in Photos and Figures
When you type text in photos or figures, Times New Roman, Helvetica, Arial, and Symbol fonts are strongly recommended.
3.3 Numbering and Captions
All photos and figures must be captioned with a figure number (and/or photo number), title and description. Use the insert text box command to place the caption below the figures or photos, and then group the art with the caption. For good readability, the font size in your figures must be 9 point or larger (See Fig.1).
3.4 Gray Backgrounds
Avoid gray backgrounds; gray-scaling may impair the appearance when printed on a black-and-white printer.
3.5 Hairlines
Do not choose “hairline” (the thinnest line thickness) as the weight of lines used in your figures; the printed thickness ofthe“hairline” setting depends on the resolution of the printer used.
4.1 On-line Submission
Prepare the electronic files of your (camera-ready) manuscript file in PDF format and abstract file in MS-Word format and submit them via the IDW ‘17website .( by September29, at 23:59 (UTC-10).
4.2 Difficulty in On-line Submission
If you have any difficulty in the on-line submission, please contact the IDW ‘17 secretariat
[1]Complete bibliographic information (names of “all” authors, “fully descriptive article titles”) for all cited references is required. See the examples below.
[2]S. Iijima, “Toward Industrial Application of CarbonNanotube,” Proc. IDW ’03, pp. 3-4 (2003).
[3]K. Maeda and Y. Nakao, “Mechanical properties and fracture analysis of glass substrate for PDPs,” J. SID, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 481-484 (2003).