First of all read the job description and person specification carefully. Both of these are enclosed with this pack.

The job description explains the principal responsibilities of the job role expected of the successfully candidate.

The person specification tells you the skills, knowledge and experience a person will need to have to be able to do the job. The person specification is divided up to show which attributes are essential and which are desirable.

The essential criteria are the minimum skills, knowledge and experience which you must have to be able to do the job. They are all of equal importance and you must show on your application form how you meet each of them.

The desirable criteria are those which will enable you to perform the job more effectively and will be used for short-listing if a large number of applicants have all the essential criteria.

Making use of the person specification: When completing the Supporting Information Section, use the person specification to help you pick out the relevant aspects of your experience, skills and knowledge. The short-listing panel will be looking for evidence in your application form that you match each of the criteria on the person specification. It is important that you use examples in your application to show clearly how you meet the essential and desirable criteria.

The best way to show that you match a particular criterion is to give examples which you feel will demonstrate to the short-listing panel that you have the knowledge, skills and experience listed on the person specification. Examples do not need to be from your work experience and can be from other areas of your life.

  • Read through the job description and the person specification
  • It may be useful to complete a rough draft first
  • The preferred method of application is electronically via email, however, if completing manually then please complete your application clearly in black ink as it may be photocopied
  • Take care to complete all sections on the application form. If you think some sections do not apply to you then write N/A in the section provided for your answer
  • Before returning your application form check that you have completed all of the sections fully, put your name on any additional sheets and sign the form (electronic signature is acceptable)
  • You must make sure that your application form reaches us by the closing time and date
  • Please note that CVs will not be accepted as an alternative
  • An application form containing incomplete or missing information, where required, will not be considered
  • An application form providing false information is an offence and could result in the application being rejected or summary dismissal if the applicant has been selected

The Dean Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The Dean Trust is committed to attracting, retaining and developing a diverse and skilled workforce.

Please forward your completed application form to Mrs J Riley at

Alternatively post to: Mrs J Riley, Lord Derby Academy, Seel Road, Huyton, L36 6DG

Post applied for
Former name/s
Date of birth
Home address
Post code
Email address
Contact telephone number
National Insurance number
DfES Reference number
(Teaching Staff Only)
Are you registered with the National College for Teaching and Learning?
Please give details of all the qualifications you have attained starting with your secondary education and working up to present day. You should continue on a separate sheet as required:
If Honours Degree please state class
NB Successful applicants will be required to provide proof of qualifications
Name of College/University/Other / Level / Grades / Date Qualification Achieved/Expected
to Achieve / Qualification
TRAINING (full or part time)
Please give details of any training and development activities you have completed, including vocational ones that you feel are relevant to your application and are not covered by any other section:
Name of Training Course / Duration / Date
Name of Organisation/ Local Education Authority
Name and address of Organisation / School / Academy
Type of Organisation / School / Academy:
Post held:
Number on roll:
Present salary:
Date appointed to post:
Reason for leaving:
When could you take up this post, if appointed?
Please provide details of any previous employment accounting for any gaps, starting with the most recent. Please use a separate box for each position held, starting with the most recent and work back (continuing on a separate sheet if required):
Name of Organisation / LA and/or School/Academy / Position Held / Number on roll / From
Month Year / To
Month Year / Reason for Leaving
Please give details of relevant skills, knowledge and experience gained in either paid or unpaid work (continuing on a separate sheet if required)
Please refer to the Person Specification and Job Description when completing this section
Information requested under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975
Normally under the above act, some criminal convictions do not have to be disclosed after a period of time when they become ‘spent’. This does NOT apply to posts which are involved with vulnerable groups (eg children, elderley people etc).
Due to the nature of the work for which you are applying, this post is made exempt from these rules by the above Order. This means that you MUST answer the following questions about current and ALL previous criminal convictions.
Any information will be treated with the strictist confidence and will be considered only in relation to this application. Disclosure of a criminal record will not exclude you from the appointment unless the Trust considers that the conviction renders you unsuitable.
Failure to disclose this information could lead to your application being rejected, or if you were appointed to dismissal if it is subsequently learnt that you have a crimincal conviction.
Please delete as necessary:
Have you ever been cautioned, or convicted or any criminal offences? / Yes / No
If yes, please give details of the caution(s) or conviction(s) and date(s)
Have you been charged with any offence which has not yet been brought to trial? / Yes / No
If yes, please give details of the charge and the date of the hearing (if known)
I confirm that I am not on List 99, disqualified from work with children, or subject to sanctions imposed by a regulatory body, eg The Teaching Agency.
I confirm that the information given above is correct and I understand that a failure to disclose any convictions may lead to my dismissal.
Signed ...... Date ......
Please give details of two people who are willing to give you a reference. One of these must be your present or most recent employer.
Referees should not be a relative. Agency details will not be acceptable.
NB if you are short listed your references will be contacted.
Name / Position
Company name
Email address / Telephone no
Is the above named your present employer or most recent employer: / Yes / No
Name / Position
Company name
Email address / Telephone no
Is the above named your present employer or most recent employer: / Yes / No
For our recruitment analysis please can you identify where you saw the vacancy?
Canvassing of members of the School Governing Body or staff, either directly or indirectly, will disqualify your application for employment.
Are you related to any member of the School Governing Body or Staff?
If yes, please give details
I confirm to the best of my knowledge that the information given on this form is accurate and that I have not omitted any facts, which may have a bearing on my application of employment.
I agreed to be subject to a Disclosure & Barring check if offered the appointment.
Please note that a 6-month probationary period applies to all new employees of the Trust, regardless of previous local government service.
Signed: / Date:
All information contained in thisform will be treated as strictly confidential, when used for recruitment purposes only.
It will be copied for the use during the recruitment process. Once the recruitment process is completed, the data will be stored for a maximum of six months then destroyed.
If you are a successful candidate your application from will be used as part of your personnel record.


The Dean Trust believes that it is only by employing a truly diverse workforce that celebrates the value of diversity that we can provide and deliver effective services to our local communities.

We are therefore committed to a policy of equality in employment. The aim of our policy is to ensure that no applicant or employee receives unfair treatment because of their race, colour, ethnic or national origin, care responsibilities, economic disadvantage, religion, disability, age, sex, marital status or sexual orientation.

To monitor the effectiveness of this policy you are asked to complete the following questionnaire.

The information gathered will be used to produce overall statistics about recruitment and selection and to take action to prevent discrimination.

This form will be kept separate from your application form.

It will not be seen by those responsible for short-listing or interviewing applicants.

My sex isFemale Male

My age is 16-24 25-34 35-49 50+

Ethnic origin

Please tick the box which you believe best describes your ethnic origin. Your ethnic origin is not related to your nationality, place of birth or citizenship. It describes your colour and broad ethnic group. UK citizens can belong to any of the groups indicated below.

Any other White background
Please specify ______/ (b)Mixed
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed background
Please specify ______
(c)Asian or Asian British
Any other Asian background
Please specify ______/ (d)Black or Black British
Any other Black background
Please specify ______
(e)Chinese or Other ethnic group
Any other ethnic group
Please specify ______
  1. DisabilityAre you a disabled person?YesNo

Guide to the meaning of disability: The definition includes people with physical, mental or sensory impairments who experience, or have experienced, restrictions or discrimination in taking part fully in the mainstream of society. For example, they may have been disabled by lack of access in the built environment, segregated services, restricted employment opportunities, lack of access to information, which exclude them from taking part independently or fully in everyday life.

The Dean Trust

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