Aberystwyth University Invention Disclosure Form

This form is designed to capture the initial details of inventions made at Aberystwyth University. Information provided will be used by Commercialisation and Consultancy Services (CCS) to assess the commercial potential and patentability of the invention. In order to assist CCS with this assessment please complete the form as fully as possible.

If you would like help completing this form or you would like to discuss your invention with CCS, please contact:

James Hudson

Technology Transfer Manager

Tel: 01970 628504

E-mail: .

For security purpose, please either post or hand deliver the completed form to CCS.

Commercialisation & Consultancy Services
Visualisation Centre, Penglais, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3BF
Tel: (01970) 622385 Fax: (01970) 622959

Email: Web: www.aber.ac.uk/meansbusiness

Aberystwyth University Confidential Invention Disclosure

Guidance Notes

These notes are intended to help you complete the disclosure form. The purpose of the disclosure form is to record and provide information for Commercialisation & Consultancy Services (CCS), the technology transfer office for Aberystwyth University, for the evaluation of research results which are of potential commercial value. Please use appendix sheets when necessary as some questions will require more space than is provided. Completing this confidential document is the first step toward protecting and commercialising your invention.

The following instructions refer to the correspondingly numbered sections on the attached document.

1.  Use a brief, descriptive title to aid in identifying the invention. Ten words should be plenty.

2.  Use simple language to describe your invention and define technical terms. This should include the general purpose of the invention, any inventive steps (i.e. non obvious) and the advantages and improvements over any existing methods.

3.  Basic Research - the initial investigation into an idea. Applied Research - the idea has sufficient supporting data. Product Development Research - the ‘at prototype’ stage with relevant supporting research.

4.  An idea represents the initial concept of the invention, but with no supporting data. A proven concept has sufficient data to show that your idea is valid, whilst a working prototype is a fully-functional, practical example of the invention.

5.  Self explanatory.

6.  Please give details of prior work that relates to your invention, listing references when possible. The information should cover the state of art prior to your invention, and should include patent applications, key scientific literature and/or public oral communications.

7.  Were any materials obtained under a Material Transfer Agreement and if so, what was the name of the institution?

8.  CCS must know whether other organisations may have rights to your invention or to any technology that you have developed, so that we can reach agreements with them over our respective protection and exploitation rights. Please forward any copies of contracts.

9.  Self explanatory.

10.  Self explanatory

11.  Self explanatory

12.  Patent applications must list all inventors. Please list in full staff and student inventors and inventors from institutions other than Aberystwyth University. A co-inventor is an individual without whose intellectual and creative input the invention could not have been made in its present form. CCS must contact all inventors before an invention can be patented. Please give careful consideration when estimating the inventive contribution. Under UK patent law, only workers without whom the invention would not have been possible are considered to have made an ‘inventive contribution’. This does NOT automatically include workers who prove the inventive concept under the supervision or instruction of the inventor(s). NOTE: INVENTORS(S) WILL BE REQUIRED TO SIGN A FORM CONFIRMING THE INVENTORSHIP AND INVENTIVE CONTRIBUTIONS IF THE INVENTION IS TAKEN FORWARD BY CCS.

13.  Please confirm that the invention has not been disclosed in any way. This includes learned papers, journals, magazines, the internet, poster presentations, conference abstracts, oral presentations, PhD theses etc. If some of the invention has been disclosed, please indicate which aspect. If the invention has been submitted to a journal for publication, please indicate the expected date of publication. One of the conditions for obtaining a patent in most countries is that the invention is ‘new’.

14.  Please provide any details that may help CCS to assess the commercial potential of the invention. In particular list any companies that you know use or exploit this type of technology and detail any interest they may have shown in your research. Any thoughts you have has as to how the invention could be commercialised and an indication of your interest in being involved in that process should also be given.

15.  All inventors must sign and date the disclosure form.

Aberystwyth University Invention Disclosure Form

1. Title of Invention:
2. In laymen’s terms, please provide a description of the invention:
(please attach relevant papers, write-ups, drawings of the invention if needed)
3. Stage of technology development:
Basic Research Applied Research Product Development Research
4. What is the current developmental state of the invention?
Idea Proven Concept Working prototype
5. If applicable, how much further development is required?
6. Background research and prior art related to the invention: (see attached instructions)
No relevant prior art See attached description See attached publications or references
7. Was the invention developed using materials from another institution?
YES Institute:______NO
8. Was the invention developed using any research grants/contract funds?
YES Body: ______NO Not Sure
9. Problem(s) this invention solves:
10. Novel and unusual features:
11.  Known inventions that will compete with this invention:
12. Inventor(s), Position, Department and Contribution
Name / Position / Department / Inventive Contribution (%)
Any Inventor(s) Students? YES NO
Any Inventor(s) from another Institution? YES Institute:______NO
13. Dates of the INVENTION and PUBLIC DISCLOSURE: / DATE / References/ Comments
(use separate sheet if necessary)
A.  Date that you made the invention:
Is this documented?
If so, where? /
B. Has there been any publication describing the invention?
C. Has there been any oral disclosure describing the invention?
D. If unpublished and undisclosed, please provide:
Anticipated date of publication
Oral disclosure
Submissions made for potential publication: /
14. Please list any companies that may be interested in the invention
Company / Address / Contact Person / Telephone #
15. I/We certify that the above information is as far as I am aware, complete and accurate
Signature Date Phone number and e-mail address
Signature Date Phone number and e-mail address

If there are more than two inventors, please attach an additional form with their details and signature.