- Title of Lesson:
American Born Chinese-Links and Struggles Between the Monkey King, Jin, and Chin-Kee
Day 2 of 5 (If day one was not finished, finish it, then continue to day 2 work)
- Grade Level:
Grade 8 Language Arts
- Michigan Curriculum Framework:
- R.WS.08.07 in context, determine the meaning of words and phrases including content area vocabulary and literary terms using strategies including activating prior knowledge, using text features/structures, and authentic content-related resources.
- R.NT.08.01 investigate various examples of distortion and stereotypes such as those associated with gender, race, culture, age, class, religion, and other individual differences through classic, multicultural, and contemporary literature recognized for quality and literary merit.
- S.DS.08.01 engage in interactive, extended discourse to socially construct meaning in book clubs, literature circles, partnerships, or other conversation protocols.
- L.RP.08.04 analyze oral interpretations of literature (e.g., language choice, delivery) and the effect of the interpretations on the listener.
- W.SP.08.01 in the context of writing use correct spelling convections.
- W.HW.08.01 write neat and legible compositions.
- Lesson Objective:
Students will:
- Transformer toy sitting in the front of the room at the beginning of class
- Read out loud chapters 2-5 of American Born Chinese
- Work in literature circles for chapters 2-5
- Identify stereotyping and slang words
- Develop skills for understanding comic characters and emotions
- Materials Need:
- Transformer toy sitting in the front of the room at the beginning of class
- Teacher’s copy of Day 1 Terms and Definitions
- Teacher’s copy of Day 2 Terms and Definitions
- Students’ copies of Day 2 Terms and Definitions
- #___ Copies of the book American Born Chinese
- Teacher’s copy of in-class discussion sheet
- Students’ copy of in-class discussion sheetsfor Chapters 2-5
- Anticipatory Set/Aim:
- Mind Capture:
- Cheerfully great the class!
- Ask students if any of them when home last night and talked with friends or family members about the bookAmerican Born Chinese and any stereotyping or slang words. Ask if they would share that conversation.
- Bridge to Previous learning:
Yesterday we read about a Monkey King, an Asian boy born in America named Jin, and a Chinese teen named Chin-Kee and we learned that they are all just trying to fit in to a culture unlike their own.
- Statement of Purpose:
Today we will be learning more about all of their lives and struggles.
We are going to learn about stereotyping and slang words and develop skills for understanding comic characters and emotions.
- Instructional Input:
- Review chapter 1.
- Assign groups of 4 by having the students count 1 to 5 and have the group of 1’s move to their own table and so on with the rest of the groups.
- Review the day 1 terms and definitions.
- Hand out “Terms and Definitions Day 2” sheet and using the Teacher’s copy, “Terms and Definitions Day 2” sheet, ask the students term by term if anyone knows what they mean and briefly let them share and then use the sheet to add any meanings. (There are no terms for chapters 2 and 3.)
- Bring up the website and scroll through pictures of Chinatown. This shows where a main character, Jin from chapter 2, was born (The Learning).
- Have the students get up and get their American Born Chinese books from the book shelves (the books are numbered and each student has been assigned his/her own number).
- Have the whole class turn to page 21 (Chapter 2) and ask students “Who is this a picture of?” (Answer is Jin, an Asian or Chinese boy) have a student from group 1 start reading out loud chapter 2 with the same attitudes and slang language. Remind the students to look at each panel first, before reading it, read it, then pause and examine the next panel before reading it. When they come to a wordless panel the need to explain what they think is going on in the panel. When a part in the story comes up that appears to be stereotyping of some sort, stop ask the students what they think is going on. Remind students it is “ok” to laugh but there is NO making fun of any characters and remind them of the conversation from the day before on being treated unfairly for being different.
- Each student can read 2 pages and when all in the first group have read then move to group 2 and continue this until the end of chapter 2.
- At the end of chapter 2, hand out discussion questions (chapter 2 and 3 are on the same sheet) and assign a question from chapter 2 to each group let the groups work on them for about 5 minutes.
- Bring up website and go over the discussion questions for chapter 2 with the class as a whole by clicking on the appropriate pate number for the question (First Second :01).
- For chapter 3 p.41, repeat steps 7, 8, and 9.
- For chapter 4 hand out terms and go over them then go to p.53 and repeat steps 7, 8, and 8 butgo over the discussion questions for chapter 4 with the class as a whole.
- For chapter 5 p. 85, repeat steps7, 8, and 9 (no terms for ch. 5).
- No independent will be given at this time.
- Closure:
- Ask the students “What are 3 things all 3 stories have in common or how are they all alike?” (All the main characters of the story are struggling to be accepted. They all struggled with stereotyping. They are all trying to be something they are not.) We will continue reading and analyzing chapters 6-8tomorrow.Encourage the class to share anything they learned about stereotyping or slang words with any of their friends or family.
- Domains:
- Cognitive
- Affective
- Learning Modes:
- Auditory
- Visual
- Multiple Intelligences:
- Linguistic
- Spatial
- Interpersonal
- Intrapersonal
- Spiritualist
Teacher’s Copy
American Born Chinese Day 2 Terms and Definitions
There are no terms for chapters 2, 3, and 5.
Chapter 4
Decree-an order usually having the force of law. A religious ordinance enacted by council or titular head.A judicial decision of the Roman emperor.Fervently exhibiting or marked by great intensity of feeling.
Invulnerability- incapable of being wounded, injured, or harmed. Iimmune to or proof against attack.
Infamous- having a reputation of the worst kind. Notoriously evil.
Patron- a person chosen, named, or honored as a special guardian, protector, or supporter.
Celestials- a heavenly or mythical being.
American Born Chinese Day 3 Terms and Definitions
There are no terms for chapters 2, 3, and 5.
Write in the meanings as we discuss them.
Chapter 4
American Born Chinese Discussion Questions Chapter 2 and 3
Write answers in compete sentences with correct spelling. If you need more room write on the back side.
Chapter 2
- p 23-24 What is the message of the parable? What is its relevance to American Born Chinese?
- p 27-28 What is the significance of the conversation with the herbalist? His response? Her “warning?” How does this work as a foreshadowing device?
- p 30-31 What do we learn about Jin’s new life in comparison to his life in San Francisco’s Chinatown?
- p 33 The kids who calls Jin “bucktooth” is drawn with buck teeth himself. What purpose does this serve?
- p 36 What happens that makes Jin want to beat up Wei-Chen?
Chapter 3
- What does the use of the clapclapclap and hahaha mean to you? Why does the author do this? What about the title, “Everyone Ruvs Chin-Kee?”
- What stereotypes are exploited in this section? Make a list of them. Be sure to note the stereotypes for both Chin-Kee and Danny.
(Yang, Online Packet)
American Born Chinese Discussion Questions Chapter 4
Write answers in compete sentences with correct spelling. If you need more room write on the back side.
Chapter 4
- p 62-63 Examine the way that the Monkey King is illustrated. In what way does his transformed appearance reflect his transformed character?
- What happens to the Monkey King each time he is laughed at by another God? Can you connect this to question #1 from chapter 1? State why.
- The Monkey King flies through the boundaries of reality itself. How does the author represent this? Is it effective and why? What other ways does the author use the visual language of the comic to reflect the content of the story (notice pages 78 and 79)? (This is related to the idea that form follows function.)
- p 80-81 Explore again the theme of the Monkey King’s psychological profile. What might he be experiencing here?
(Yang, Online Packet)
American Born Chinese Discussion Questions Chapter 5
Write answers in complete sentences and correct spelling. If you need more room write on the back side.
Chapter 5
- Look at the Melanie in the Chin-Kee chapters and Amelia Harris in Jin’s chapters, they are nearly identical. What other connections can you trace between these two story lines?
- p 89 What difference are there between Jin and Wei Chen in how they are represented? What psychological information can we infer about Wei Chen when he dates Suzy Nakamura? What lesson is Wei Chen teaching Jin?
- p 90-92 Why the dashed lines around the speech balloons? What other kinds of lines are around the speech balloons throughout the story? What information does the line convey?
- p 104-105 Jin says “everything was a blur,” how does the author show this?
(Yang, Online Packet)