Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Senior Fellowship 2015:
Supporting novel interdisciplinary research
The Wellcome Trust and the University of Bristol have made available funding to support a range of strategic research activities across the University. Part of this funding has been reserved for investment in up to three Elizabeth Blackwell Senior Fellowships to enable academic staff to work on a new or emerging activity at the interface between two or more disciplines and which addresses innovation(s) in health, biomedical or medical humanities research. This means that applications which are the most likely to succeed in being supported will be those that cross Faculty boundaries and are of the greatest strategic impact on the University research community. We invite applications from anyone with an interest in health or biomedical research in its widest sense, and would particularly encourage applications from the Faculties of Social Sciences and Law, or Arts and Humanities.
Awards will support Fellowships where the proposed work will help drive major new and complex collaborations within Bristol. Successful Fellowships could be linked to the activity of a workshop supported by the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute, or to the preparation of other forms of major funding bid to the Research Councils, NIHR, TSB or major charities, although this is not a pre-requisite. The purpose is to provide the Fellow with the time to develop the work, spending a significant amount of their time embedded in their collaborating environment. This scheme does not provide costs for research support salaries.
This funding scheme is open to all permanent academic staff in any Faculty, but must address an important health research topic.
Allowed costs:
Awards of up to £10,000 are available to provide the support needed for the Fellow to most effectively progress the proposal. This could include travel, sabbatical or training costs, or a ‘buy out’ of a percentage of the applicant’s time so freeing them from administrative and teaching duties in their Schools if applicable. Exceptionally, and where fully justified, a request for additional funding will be considered. Applicants must fully justify the request for resources, and funds must be spent by December 2016 at the very latest.Applicants must submit an approved full Economic Costing (fEC) as part of the application process
Terms & Conditions:
The funds awarded include contributions from our Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund and as such are covered by the Wellcome Trust terms and conditions which can be read here:
(You may need to copy & paste this link into your browser for it to work).
Please read and understand these terms and conditions carefully prior to making an application to ensure suitability of this funding source for your project.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dr Nina Couzin, EBI Manager ()
Application process:
Please contact Dr Nina Couzin, to discuss your proposal and whether it fits the criteria. Then complete the form and submit together with a short current CV (2 pages maximum) plus up to one page of your most relevant publications. The closing date for applications is 9am on Friday 20 March 2015. Applicants will be informed of a decision by mid April.
Proposal title:
Start date of award:
Duration of award:
Percentage time contribution to the Fellowship:
Head of School approval:
/ Signed Print name Date*fEC ID:
*All applicants must complete andsubmit a fully approved FEC with their application and enter the FEC ID in the field above. Please attach a PDF of the fully approved fEC.
Short description of the research programme or activityyou propose undertakingusing these funds (500 words maximum.) Please briefly list any key publications (max 5) or other background material (e.g. patents) that are relevant to the project.
This should address:- Background
- Research aims and details of your proposal
- The novel aspect of this work (new research direction or collaboration)
- Potential benefits, significance and scale of the proposal
As we will be using our Wellcome Trust ISSF Award to support this Fellowship, please explain whether and how your Fellowship addresses the strategic priorities of the Wellcome Trust? (150 words max). See
Why will funding this Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Senior Fellowship be strategically important to the University of Bristol? (150 words max)
Please provide a brief list of goals (or milestones) against which success of this Fellowship will be judged (this is required for reporting purposes to the Trust) (500 words max)
Please make reference to any unmet clinical needs, basic biomedical question, technical demonstration or other milestone that will result from this project.How do you plan to ensure long-term sustainability for this project? (150 words max)For example, please note the funding body and scheme if known, and comment on the scale of your future plans.State as clearly as possible how this Fellowship funding will enhance your ability to obtain further funding or development of this project by some other means (e.g. via partnering opportunities.)
Please provide any other background information that will help the assessors determine the likely impact of this Fellowship. (500 words max)
Does this Fellowship arise from a workshop previously funded by the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute?
Breakdown of costs
Total requested for the Elizabeth Blackwell Institute Senior Fellowship:Please fully justify your request for resources (150 words max)
Elizabeth Blackwell Institute, Royal Fort House, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1UH
EBI 165AP (SB) Senior Fellowship Application Form V.Jan15
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