Summer Term 2 Week 1 Newsletter

Focused, hardworking, happy children!!

Dear Parents/ Carers,

We have had another really busy week at Gledhow with trips to Malham, Road Safety and NSPCC assemblies, Year 6 bikeability and then a visit from OFSTED. I think the staff and the children are all ready for the weekend!

I would like to say thank you to the whole staff team for all their hard work and commitment to school over what has been a very busy time. Also a thank you to the parents who completed the parent voice questionnaire for the Ofsted team and those who were so overwhelmingly positive when speaking to the inspectors in the playground.

The report will be published in about 3 weeks so we will be able to share the outcome as soon as we have it then. In the meantime, have a lovely weekend and enjoy the promised sunshine!

Lisa Seton


Thank you to 3LF who put on a fabulous assembly about the Victorians. I am sure all the parents enjoyed it and I know the children had a great time working on it and performing to you all. Well done.

St Bart’s Girls’ Football Cup.

Well done to all the girls involved in the tournament on Thursday. We, unfortunately, did not make it into the top 16 out of 52 teams as we were beaten by two teams in our group who made it through. A big thank you to Mrs Lynch who took them along and to Miss Taft who went along to support and help. The girls played well and pulled together as a team – you should be proud – we are!

Times Table Rock Stars Rock Wrangle and Red Carpet event

Monday 19th June is the start of Rock Wrangle week where the children will compete to earn a place in the Red Carpet event on Friday 23rdJune. The winning pupil will receive the Rock Wrangle trophy and a Domino's pizza to share with 2 friends. The final competition and presentation will take place on Friday morning for Key Stage 2. So children - get practising!

Assembly 2PG

The assembly on June 21st is cancelled as Mr Grealish has not been in school for the last two weeks, but the assembly has been rescheduled to take place on July 6th at 9.45. A letter has gone out to parents.

Sports Day

We are going to have sports days in the week beginning 10th July. Reception and Key stage 1 will be on Tuesday 11th in the morning and KS2 will be on Wednesday 12th in the morning. We will send out details at a later date.

Road Safety

We have had the Road Safety team in this week to work with the children – some of whom were lucky enough to go outside and catch anyone speeding over the 20mph speed limit outside school. As part of their day with us, they took two assemblies and announced the winners of the competition to design a 20mph sign. Each winner has had their design turned into a road sign which will be put up in the local area – so keep your eyes peeled!

Triathlon Triumph

Not only did Mr Walker and some ultra - fit parents take part in last week’s triathlon, we also have some amazing children who took part. Ed and Olly competed in the World Series triathlon Tristars event (ages 10-12) on Saturday morning and did amazingly! Starting at 7am, they swam 200m in Roundhay Park lake, cycled 5k and ran 1.7k all with massive smiles on their faces!

We are all really proud of you both.

School Plea

We are again asking for parents and pupils assistance. We are looking to replace some of the toys and games that are used indoors (outside of classroom time) with small groups of children for targeted support work or reward time. These areextra activities such as those run by the support teams, the SENCOs and Always Club. We are wondering if anyone has any of the following in very good condition and quality that they no longer use or need and would consider donating to the school:

Good quality games such as pairs, snap, board games.

Lego or other construction toys.

Dolls and clothes for them.

Outdoor games e.g Velcro mats and ball, bat and ball.

Dressing up clothes

A4 card


Felt tips

Xbox 360 games age 3 - 7

Colouring books

Arts and crafts materials.

If so, could youplease bring to the school office by 30th June?

Thank you

PSA Head-dress drop in.

The PSA put on a drop in session to make Head-dresses for the Summer Fair and the outcomes have been brilliant – so thank you for all your hard work and effort; I am sure the children will look amazing at the Fair.

The next one is on Friday 23rd June from 3.20 – 4.20 (all welcome)

Bikes and Scooters.

Please will you make sure that these are not ridden in the school grounds as there is a risk of children getting seriously hurt. Although we are keen for the children to ride or scoot to school, the playground is too busy in the morning for it to be safe for everyone. Thank you for your support in this.

ACHIEVEMENTS 16th June 2017

The following children featured in this week’s ACHIEVEMENT ASSEMBLIES
for work or activities achieved in and out of school:
Nursery / Nursery pupils have a Star Jar which is filled with rewards earned by Individuals or groups. When the jar is full, the whole Nursery receives a reward.
RAC / Aminah Azam and Zakariyya Khan
Always Club: Annabel Clements / RLW / Grace Harrington and Manjovan Mattoo
Always Club: Louka Faulkner
RKJ / Rafael Burton and Annabelle Readman
Always Club: Reeceo Shann-Clamp / 1AB / Yuvraj Seehra and Skye Woodward
Always Club: Evie Cuthbertson
1SH / Jude Barron and Jack Whitely
Always Club: Mia Somerville / 1SS / Isaiah O’Connor and William Brown
Always Club: Rory Mitchell
2PG / Daya Lali and Amber Pinder
Always Club: Kaiia Sambhi / 2VW / Lexi Weavers and Haleem Hussein
Always Club: Florence Wood
3LF / Zain Chaudary & Sahara Elliot-Dobson
Always Club: Tess Rayner / 3KG / Ellie Bowers and Gabriel Dunning
Always Club: Laura Clarke
4DB / The Whole Class
MALHAM / 4SB / Noah Hurlow and Katie Langley
5RK / Ishaq Hashmi & Haris Sadiq
Always Club: Eesa Ijaz / 5SL / Oscar Jones McGowan & Rafi Mihov
Always Club: Simran Seehra
6EC / Lucius Galloway and Ricardo James
Always Club: Akailya Fray / 6KW / Zaynah Hussain and David Maiga
Always Club: Maggie Ruston

Thank you for your continued support - Mark Trudgill, Lisa Seton, David Bickley and Louise Jeynes.

Dates for Your Diary New items are underlined

Saturday 24 June Roundhay Primary Schools’ Fun Run in Roundhay Park

Wednesday 28 June Nursery CLOSED- OPEN DAY for September starters

Saturday 1 July Gledhow Summer Fair goes Carnival

Tuesday 11 July School Partnership Music Concert 3.30-5pm