Christ, power and wisdom of God

1 Cor. 1:18-31


Learn to glorify in the source of power and wisdom of our God.

Verse 18, What does the message of the cross mean to those who are perishing?


What does the message mean to those who are being saved?


Verses 19-20, What are the three verbs used here to describe God’s purpose laid out from the beginning to deal with the wisdom of the world?


Verse 21, As a result of the determined and repeated refusal of the world to acknowledge God, not only as the Creator, but also as one having a specific purpose for mankind: “______God, ______of the ______those ______.”

Verse 22, Why? ______

Verse 23, What is it that we preach? ______

What regrettable effect is the message for the Jews who request a sign? ______

What regrettable effect is the message for the gentiles “Greeks” who seek wisdom?


Verse 24, “but to those ______, both ______and ______, Christ ______of God and ______of God.”

Verse 25, How is the foolishness of God? ______

How is the weakness of God? ______

What wonderful love of our great God, who preferred to appear foolish and weak on a cross, than to lose His chosen.

Verses 26-31, What action does God take in these verses? ______

Make a list of the five characteristics of the chosen mentioned in these verses.


What is the specific purpose for which God chose the foolish things of the world?


What is the specific purpose for which God chose the weak things of the world?


What is the specific purpose for which God chose “the base things” of the world, “the things which are despised” and “the things which are not”? ______

For what purpose? ______

Paul again makes emphasis that the election of God is not based in any human virtue, but of His own will, “of Him you are in Christ Jesus”.

How is Jesus Christ made by God to the chosen?


1.  It is what makes us wise.

2.  It is what makes us accepted.

3.  It is what makes us holy.

4.  It is what makes us saved.

That? ______

Write and memorize Jer. 9:23-24. ______
