AustinISD’s DisciplinaryAlternative EducationProgram
Phone:(512) 414-2554 Fax:(512)476-2809
Monday - Thursdayat8:00am
Please Note: Students and parents arriving after 8:30am will be required to return the following day.
*First day orientation for parents/guardians of newcomers is approximately a 3 hour commitment.
Table of Contents
About the Alternative Learning Center 3
Our Work—ALC Word Cloud4
Mission/Motto/Guiding Beliefs4
Registration and Parent Involvement5
First Day Orientation Schedule8
School Hours8
Texas Education Code and DAEPs 9
Trespass Notification9
Academic, Behavioral, and Social Needs 10
AcademicNeeds 10
PhysicalEducation 10
SpecialEducationand Section 504 Accommodations 10
Assessment,FinalExams, and State Standardized Testing 11
SocialServices 11
CoordinationwithJuvenile Justice 13
INVESTandPositiveFamilies Programs 14
Rules and Procedures 16
StudentExpectations 16
AttendancePolicies 16
LengthofPlacementand Successful Completion of Program 16
DailyBehaviorReport 17
DressCode 17
Searches 17
Suspensions 18
DisciplinaryRemovalHearings 18
Transportation 18
StudentMeals 20
Visitors 20
DressCode 21
Austin Independent School District’s Alternative Education community:
As the Director of Alternative Education in the Austin Independent School District, I feel both humbled and honored to serve all members of this important community. It is our belief that the purpose of the Alternative Education setting is to provide a most needed opportunity for students to restore themselves socially, emotionally and academically in a safe and nurturing environment. In Alternative Education, we have the responsibility of ensuring that all students are provided an equal opportunity to press the “reset button” and to re-write their personal narrative anew. Together with the dedicated professionals serving our students in Alternative Education, we will work to restore students, families and the greater Austin community to ensure that we are working together to address the needs of our greatest assets; our students and future leaders.
We offer a wealth of academic options for students to ensure their continued access and success in school. Be sure to discuss ALC Twilight with our counseling team to take advantage of credit recovery options for students. In the student orientation class, students will learn about the diverse academic offerings, which include the continued use of BLEND, Edgenuity and Delta for all students.
Together, we partner with parents and students to make connections with the abundant resources available to provide a comprehensive approach to addressing the social and emotional needs of students to ensure a healthy return to their home campus community.
Together, the Austin ISD Alternative Education Department will help each individual student re-write their personal narrative in a framework which identifies success and advancement in college, career and life. For all members of our community, all truly means all.
Tracilynn Wright
Director, Alternative Education
Austin Independent School District
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Alternative Education Department to provide a robust and rigorous blended learning academic environment for students, through the lens of cultural proficiency and responsiveness, by attending to the needs of the Whole Child and providing a restorative climate invested in healing harms and preparing students for acontinued chance at academic and behavioral success.
We strive to help change lives…One student at a time.
Guiding Beliefs
- Every experience with students is a teachablemoment.
- All students can learn responsible behavior when they are provided with a safe, predictable, and rewarding environment.
- Every student is an individual with unique learning needs.
- All students must be treated with dignity and respect.
- All students can achieve social, behavioral, and academic success when basic needs are met, social skills are taught, relationships based on mutual respect and trust are present, behavioral structure is firmly in place, and high levels of achievement are expected.
- Maintain students’ academic progress in alignment with Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS).
- Provide students with the opportunity to learn and practice self-discipline; develop character, and acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions.
- Provide varied opportunities for parental and community involvement in the social, academic, and personal success of their child.
- Positive Families
- Communities In School
- Parent Support Resources and Services
- NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness
- Cary (Council on At-Risk Youth)
- Connect students and families with appropriate home campus, district, and community resources and social services.
Registration and Parent Involvement
Research informs us that student success depends on parental involvement in the educational process. Students who are removed to the ALC must register and enroll with their parent or legal guardian. Here are a few things for parents/guardians to remember about the registration process at the ALC:
Persons Recognized as Having the Authority to Enroll the Student
Naturalandadoptiveparentswhocanprovide legal documents(e.g.,birthcertificate,legal adoptionpapers)showingtheirrelationshiptothestudent.
Therearefoursituationswhereapersonmaybe appointedasaguardianorfosterparentforthepurposeofadmittingastudentintothedistrict:
1.Court-appointedguardiansarepersonsappointedbythecourt.Asignedandfile stampedoriginal courtordermustbepresentedtotheschool.
2.Anotheradultmaybe givenadistrict-recognizedguardianship whenthe student'sparentsdonotliveinthedistrict(exceptforthesituationwherean Austinparent(1)haslostalllegalrightsor(2)isincarcerated)andtheadultdoes liveinthedistrict.The adultwhoistoserveastheguardianmustprovidea notarizedletterfromtheparentauthorizingtheguardianshiptotheOfficeof StudentServices.complete anSR310andobtainaguardianshipcardfromOSS topresenttotheschool.
3.Grandparentsofthestudentmaybegivenguardianshipwhenthestudent's parentsdonotresideinthedistrictbutthegrandparentofthestudentdoesreside inthedistrictanddoes provideasubstantialamountofafterschoolcareforthe student.Thegrandparentmustprovideanotarizedletterfromtheparent authorizingtheguardianshiptotheOfficeofStudentServices,completean SR310GPandobtainaguardianshipcardfromOSStopresenttotheschool.
4.FosterparentswhoresideinthedistrictmaybegivencustodybytheDepartment ofFamilyandChildProtectiveServices.AsignedstatementfromCPSmustbepresentedtotheschool.(Ifunsigned,provisionallyenrollthestudentsandrequire asignedstatementwithin30calendardays.)
Note:It shouldbenotedthattheprovisionoffalseinformationonthe SR310or SR310GPhaslegalramificationsunder boththeTexasPenalCodeandthe EducationCodeasspecifiedontheform.
Informationregardingthepersonwhohastheauthoritytoenrollthestudent shouldberecordedintheCustodyOrderfield intheStudentContacttabin TEAMS.
AdultStudentswhohaveeitherreached18yearsofageorwhohavebeendeclared adult.
- Registration is Monday through Thursday at 8:00am. Building doors open at 7:45am.
- If you arrive after 8:30am you will be required to return the following day in order to complete the full registration process.
- Students must be in dress code to register and attend school for the day.
- At 8:00am: Families complete the online orientation presentation. This presentation begins building a collaborative student-centered relationship between parents and the ALC.
- At 8:30am:Administrator presents an overview of ALC expectations, policies and procedures and answers any program questions.
- At 8:45am:Families meet with a counselor/social services specialistto discuss counseling support needs.
- Families are escorted to room 414 for the student“pat search” completed each morning for safety & security purposes.
- Families meet with the nurse to discuss medicalneeds.
- Families meet with intake office staff for enrollment, which includesschedulingbus transportation for the student.
- Students are escorted to the orientation class for the day
- Parents participate in a parent orientation class
Please be aware that the amount of time required to complete the entire registration process varies depending on the number of students enrolling on any particular day. We work on the basis of first to arrive will be first to begin the process. Please plan to be at the ALC until approximately 10:30am.
First Day Orientation Schedule
10:00-10:20Breakfast in the orientation classroom
10:25-11:35Orientation staff begins new student orientationcurriculum
11:40 - 11:50Restroom Break
11:50 -12:20Lexileassessment administered
12:35 – 12:55Student Lunch
1:00 - 1:30Library overview and book checkout
1:30 – 1:40 Restroom Break
1:45 – 2:15Silent Reading
2:15 - 3:15 Continue overview of ALC expectations, practice hallway/classroom procedures.
3:15 – 4:00 Introduction to Restorative Practices/CIS
4:00 –4:15Students receive Behavior Reports; Exit to bus
School Hours
Students arriving after 10:30am (other than those arriving late on AISD buses) must be accompanied by aparent/guardian. Students are not allowed to exit the AISD bus early or leave the ALC campus without permission upon arrival on campus. Incidents such as this will be treated as a leaving without authorization and will resultin appropriateconsequences. Our intent is to ensure safety and that students arrive to school on time, ready, and prepared to learn without any off campus problems.
Texas Education Code and Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs
The ALC is a Discipline Alternative Education Program (DAEP). Students are removed here after a due process removal hearing at their home campuses. The Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapter 37 establishes the statutes related to student discipline in public schools. This chapter details the operational guidelines, requirements, and responsibilities of DAEPs. Please be aware that theschool districtis required by statute to provide courses of study necessary to fulfill a student’s high school graduation requirements. Furthermore, all DAEP teachers are required to meet all certification requirements established by the State of Texas. Moreover, DAEPs must meet the needs of students with disabilities. Please be aware that all instruction at the ALC is provided through teachers that meet or exceed state certification requirements.
Your Alternative Learning Center provides a disciplinary alternative education program in accordance with state statute and:
- Is provided in a setting other than a student’s regular classroom.
- Is located off of a regular school campus.
- Provides that students who are assigned to the disciplinary alternative education program are separated from students who are not assigned to the program.
- Focuses on English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Self-discipline. ALC offers Physical Education courses and has Gradpoint and Edgenuity programs for students to recover/earn credits. An ALC placement will not hinder a student’s academic advancement.
- Provides for students’ educational and behavioral needs.
- Provides supervision and counseling.
Trespass Notification
As outlined in the Texas Education Code students placed at a DAEP may not be on the campus of any other school and or attend any school related function or event at any time during their ALC placement. Going to another campus or to a school related event or function while removed to the ALC will subject the student to further disciplinary actions and trespassing citations.
Academic Needs
Students removed to the ALC are taught by appropriately certified teachers in the four core academic areas of Social Studies, Science, English Language Arts, and Math. Please be aware that the ALC follows the AISD mandated curriculum for all classes. Students are also encouraged to maintain contact with their home school teachers. An ALC placement will not hinder a student’s academic advancement. Students must complete a one day orientation class at the beginning of each removal to the ALC.
Physical Activity
All middle school students are scheduled to have physical activity. High school students are scheduled into physical educationif their schedule permits. However, documentation from a doctor for a medical condition will excuse a student from physical education classes. We strive to emphasize self-discipline, teamwork and positive communication in our physical education classes.
Special Education and Section 504 Accommodations
The ALC has access to student’s Special Education Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs) through the district’s SEEDS system (Special Education Electronic Document System). Section 504 students’ accommodations are available to ALC teachers through our district’s e504 system. For our special needs students (as with all students) we follow best instructional practices, differentiate instruction, and follow all individualized accommodations. ALC teachers utilize our district’s Curriculum Road Maps (CRMs) in all academic areas. We have special education teachers who ensure that all IEPs and 504 accommodations are fully implemented. Special education students are served through Inclusion and Resource programs.
At any time during an ALC placementan ARD or 504 committee may convene to address a student’s educational needs. These meetings are always in collaboration with parents and home campus representatives. Home campus representatives include administrators, counselors, special education and general education teachers, LPAC chairs, 504 coordinators, and related service providers.
Assessment, Final exams, and State Standardized Testing
Students who are removed during AISD-scheduled final exams, six weeks tests, benchmark, STARR and EOC testing will take these tests at the ALC. Please note that only ALC finals and or six week exams will be administered unless arrangements have been made in advance with the home school’s transition facilitator.
While DAEPs are not subject to ratings in the state accountability system, they are required to administer the appropriate tests during the testing windows. The ALC follows all state and district protocols during state test administrations. We have administrators on hand, trained campus test coordinators and testadministrators, and ensure that all staff are trained to state standards on test administration and test security.
Students are provided with rigorous grade level classes whose curriculum is in alignment with our district’s curriculum road maps. Consequently, test preparation activities are ongoing and inherently imbedded in our instruction. It is our goal for all students to perform well, pass, and exceed standards for the state’s required standardized tests.
Social Services
The Texas Education Code requires that students placed at a DAEP receive counseling as needed. Accordingly, the ALC offers counseling services to students during their placement. As described in the registration section, parents/guardians meet with an ALC counselor or social services specialist during the enrollment process. Parents are encouraged to discuss concerns and make counseling requests for students during this interview. Counseling may also be requested after a student has been enrolled.
The ALC counselors and Community in Schools (CIS) coordinate community services and referrals for students as needed.Additionally, our counselorswork individually with selected students (based on triage) and coordinate appropriately with the home school campus for more intensive interventions. Please note that one of our counselors is a dedicated substance abuse counselor.
The ALC counseling staff and administrators coordinate with home school Child Study Team (CST) as needed to coordinate services for those students who are assessed to be in need of more intensive interventions.
The ALC offers Restorative Practices, which aims to develop community and to manage conflict and tensions by repairing harm and building relationships.The use of restorative practices helps to:
- reduce crime, violence and bullying
- improve human behavior
- strengthen civil society
- provide effective leadership
- restore relationships
- repair harm
Restorative circles and groups provide opportunities for students to share their feelings, build relationships and solve problems and when there is wrongdoing, to play an active role in addressing the wrong and making things right.
Students assigned to the ALC take a self-discipline development class. This class is designed to teach students to develop new habits or patterns of thoughts and actions that help them stay focused.
Benefits of self-discipline
It helps build self-confidence.
Time management helps students accomplish more and be more productive.
The ability to maintain a higher tolerance for frustration, challenges and negative emotions.
The ability to reach difficult goals more efficiently.
The more disciplined you become, the easier life gets.
Coordination with Juvenile Justice for Students Currently on Probation
The ALC receives information from the juvenile justice system on students on probation. ALC provides information as requested to student probation officers in the areas of attendance, behavior, and academic performance. The ALC also coordinates with Juvenile Justice Probation Officers to advocate for wrap around services as needed.
INVEST Program
AISD offers the INVEST Program, which is a drug and alcohol awareness program, for secondary students involved in first time drug and alcohol behavioral infractions. The INVEST Program provides an opportunity to explore substance abuse and family communication issues in a socio-educational group. Current research indicates that improving family dynamics is an effective method to deter and treat adolescent substance abuse. Students participating in the INVEST Program must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and must be in dress code. The INVEST Program is offered on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 PM and entails four (4) consecutive evenings.
Successful completion of the INVEST Program allows the student a shortened stay of ten successful days at the ALC, rather than having to serve the entire 20 successful day removal period. The INVEST Program takes two weeks to complete and studentsmust attend classes at the ALC during the day.
Trained AISD staff facilitate the INVEST Program, which consists of four (4) sessions. Students must begin the INVEST Program on a Tuesday and must attend all four (4) sessions consecutively with the same parent or guardian.
INVEST topics are as follows: Session 1 emphasizes family communications. Session 2 focuses on social influences and how drugs, gangs, peer pressure, and the media influence our lives. Session 3 focuses on rights & responsibilities and family roles. Session 4 focuses on a problem solving process for analyzing a problem and identifying win/win solutions.
Students return to their home schools upon successful completion of the INVEST Program and completion of 10 - 12 successful days at the ALC. A successful day is defined as earning no more than 5 (I’s) on their daily behavioral report card. Students are given an INVEST completion certificate which they must show to their home school upon their return from the ALC. If the student and guardian do not successfully complete this program, the appropriate removal guidelines as determined in the removal conference will be followed.
If you need an interpreter, or have any other questions, please contact Jerry Cantu at 414-6612.
AISD offers the Positive Families Program, which is an anti-aggression program, for secondary students who exhibited physical aggression on their home school campus. Positive Families provides an opportunity to explore anger management and family communications in a socio-educational group. Students participating in the Positive Families Program must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and must be in dress code compliance. The Positive Families Program is offered on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 PM and entails four (4) consecutive evenings.