Speak Up Survey Instructions for Groups
Speak Up 2017 is open for input October 16th – January 18th, 2018
If you are facilitation a group survey, please follow the instructions below.
Step 1:Print your group survey questions. There are PDF printable surveys for K-2 group, 3-5 group, Parent group and Parent Group in Spanish (Encuesta para Padres de Familia), and Community Member and Business Partners Group at
Step 2:Use the group survey question printouts to collect and tally your group or class responses. There is a column to the far right to tally your responses.
Step 3:As a class/group, ask students or parents/community members to raise their hands to respond to each question and record the results. For some questions, you may want to receive written responses to protect the participants’ privacy.
For the open-ended questions, we recommend that you facilitate a 5-minute class/group discussion to select your group's favorite answers to this question.
Step 4:When you are ready to enter all of the survey data, log onto speakup.tomorrow.org to enter the results.
1.)You will enter the survey through the Begin Survey button.
2.)Select the Group survey option from the dropdown list
3.)You will be asked to select your group survey type: K-2 Group Survey, Parent Group, Parent Group Spanish, Community Members Group.
4.)Once you locate the school for the group surveys, you will begin the survey. *For the community group survey please select a local school within your school district to take the survey.
5.)At the start of the survey, the program will prompt you for the total number of students/parents/community members in your class/group that participated in the survey. This information is used for data validation only. Question #1 must match the response entered here to proceed.
6.)Remember this is a group survey;please enter the total number of students/parents/community members responding to each survey option.
7.)Please note: We have disabled the use of the ENTER on the survey screen - please use the TAB key to advance between survey options.
(Note: For younger students, you may want to split the survey into two class sessions depending on their attention span. The lesson plans are available at will help you prepare students for any new vocabulary in this survey. Please feel free to skip a question or choice that has words that are unfamiliar.)
Thank you for your participation in Speak Up 2017!
Project Tomorrow 15707 Rockfield Blvd, Ste. 250Irvine, CA 92618 Phone (949) 609-4660 Fax (949) 609-4665