Penacook Village Association
September 8, 2012
9:00 am
Rolfe House, 11 Penacook Street
Attendance: Lois Bradley, Hannah Iruey, Ralph Harwood, Peter Dodge, Marguarite Moffett, Steve Shurtleff, Brent Todd, Marge Goldman, Sumner Goldman, Paula Miner, Teri Maxwell, Kathy Bush, Lynne Raleigh
Guest Speaker: Jayme H. Simoes, President, Louis Karno & Company Communications
· Visioning Penacook or Branding
· Identify unique attributes or identity
o Two rivers; four dams
o Hannah Dustin; Red Rolfe
o Bridge community (Concord - Boscawen)
o Branch library
o UCP spire
· Determine who you want to draw to Penacook via branding
· Pride - Economic - Village - History
· Focus on heart of area - Penacook Village (come up with one name)
· Develop 5-year plan to save/revitalize Penacook Village
· Vision of self as Penacook, not as part of Concord
· Linking to the Past; Looking to the Future
· Define special places; build narrative
Farmers’ Market:
· Entertainment for Fall: Two fiddlers, September 17, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
· The market will be open Mondays from 4:30 - 6:30 through October 1. Committees will be formed for the 2013 market including Publicity and Signage, Entertainment, and Pay with Plastic.
Make a Difference Day:
· City-owned sections at the far north and far south hill locations will be cleared and prepared for plantings on October 27.
· Hold Harmless documents will be sought from landowners to allow longterm planning and scheduling for clearing work along the full length of the hill.
· Steve Shurtleff will check about the city trimming along the wall on a regular basis.
The Penacook Tree Lighting is scheduled for November 28 at 6:00 pm.
The Tom Chapin Concert, Give Peas a Chance, is scheduled for June 21 at 7:00 pm at the Merrimack Valley High School. A sponsors list will be prepared for action at the October meeting.
Brochure status was not determined. Corrected text was provided by Brent . Teri Maxwell will confirm that Mike Cotton has the layout of the membership form.
Treasurer’s Report:
· Income: $660.00; Expenses: $1,350.00; Total Liabilities & Equity: $21,105.46
· Membership: 18 businesses; 85 individuals
· Teri Maxwell was applauded for her extra efforts in not only providing monthly financials but also supporting grant writing efforts with financial information.
Nominations for new Board members should go to present members of the Board.
Discussion began regarding a Penacook Pride Award or Recognition.
· A motion to recognize the Langlais family was passed.
· The design will be determined by the Business Committee at their next meeting.
New Businesses:
· Yoga group in Village
· Barbers
· Village Street Garage
· Slot cars
Member Meetings:
Saturday, October 13, 9:00 am
Saturday, November 3, 9:00 am
Saturday, December 8, 9:00 am
Business Committee Meeting:
Monday, October 1, 6:30 pm