Chemistry Final Review- Level 2

Matter & Energy

_____ 1. Which of the following correctly pairs a phase of matter with its description?

A. / Solid: Particles have no motion.
B. / Liquid: Particles expand to fill any container in which they are placed.
C. / Gas: Particles have higher amounts of energy than when in the liquid phase.
D. / Liquid: Particles are more strongly attached to one another than when in the solid phase.

_____ 2. Pure substances include ______.

a. elements only. c. elements and compounds.

b. compounds and mixtures. d. elements and mixtures.

_____ 3. The normal boiling point of water is ______.

a. 373 K b. 173 K c. 273 K d. 473 K

_____ 4. The table below shows the physical properties of selected metals.

Physical Properties of Selected Metals
Metal / Molecular mass (amu) / Melting point (°C) / Boiling point (°C) / Density (g/cm3)
Bismuth / 209.98 / 271 / 1560 / 9.80
Chromium / 52.00 / 1857 / 2672 / 7.20
Polonium / 210.05 / 254 / 962 / 9.40
Ruthenium / 101.07 / 2310 / 3900 / 12.3

A cube of an unknown metal has a volume of 2.25 cm3 and a mass of 16.2 g. Based on data in the table above, what is the identity of this metal?

a. bismuth b. chromium c. polonium d. ruthenium

_____ 5. One way that mixtures differ from pure substances is in the methods that can be used to separate them into their components. Which of the following is a method used to separate the components of some mixtures?

A. / a nuclear reaction
B. / a filtration process
C. / a chemical reaction
D. / an electrolysis process

_____ 6. Which of the following substances is made of particles with the highest average kinetic energy?

a. Fe (s) at 35°C c. H2O (l) at 30°C

b. Br2 (l) at 20°C d. CO2 (g) at 25°C

_____ 7. Which of the following describes the separation of the components of a mixture?

A. / Water is broken down into hydrogen and oxygen.
B. / Salt is isolated from seawater through evaporation.
C. / Propane reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water.
D. / Calcium carbonate decomposes to form calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.

_____ 8. Which temperature represents absolute zero?

a. 0 °C b. 0 K c. 273 K d. 273 °C

_____ 9. The graph below compares three states of a substance.

Which of the following choices is the best label for the y-axis?

a. molecular density c. neutron density

b. molecular motion d. neutron motion

_____ 10. A solid cube was put into a cylinder containing four liquids with different densities as shown below.

The cube fell quickly through layer A, fell slowly through layer B, and stopped upon reaching layer C. The density of the cube most likely lies between ______.

a. 1.00 and 1.50 g/cm3 c. 3.51 and 6.00 g/cm3

b. 1.51 and 3.50 g/cm3 d. 6.00 and 9.00 g/cm3

Atomic Structure

______1. The atomic number of an element indicates which of the following?

A. the number of neutrons in the atom

B. the number of protons in the atom

C. the sum of the neutrons and protons in the atom

D. the sum of the protons and electrons in the atom

Deuterium (H) and protium (H) are two isotopes of hydrogen. Which of the following statements best compares a deuterium atom to a protium atom?
A. / The deuterium atom has a smaller net charge.
B. / The deuterium atom has more electron orbitals.
C. / The deuterium atom has a smaller atomic radius.
D. / The deuterium atom has more particles in its nucleus.


Which of the following describes a particle that contains 36 electrons, 49 neutrons, and 38 protons?
A. / an ion with a charge of 2−
B. / an ion with a charge of 2+
C. / an atom with a mass of 38 amu
D. / an atom with a mass of 49 amu

_____ 4. Which of the following elements can form an anion that contains 54 electrons, 74 neutrons, and 53 protons?

A. / / B. / / C. / / D. /
_____ 5. Which of the following represents a pair of isotopes?
A. / 1H and 3H / B. / 16O2− and 19F1− / C. / 40K and 40Ca / D. / 16O2− and 32S2

_____ 6. Which element has the electron configuration 1s22s22p3?

A. boron B. nitrogen C. fluorine D. phosphorus

_____ 7. How many grams are in 7.80 moles of NaCl?

A. 0.134 g B. 7.44 g C. 221 g D. 452 g

_____ 8. Which of the following comparisons correctly describes subatomic particles?

A. An electron has a negative charge and a mass larger than the mass of a proton.

B. A neutron has a negative charge and a mass smaller than the mass of a proton.

C. A neutron has a neutral charge and a mass larger than the mass of an electron.

D. A proton has a positive charge and a mass smaller than the mass of an electron.

_____ 9. The atomic theories of Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, and Bohr all support which of the following statements?

A. / Atoms are mostly composed of empty space.
B. / All matter is composed of tiny, discrete particles called atoms.
C. / Electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom at distinct energy levels.
D. / Atoms are composed of positively and negatively charged particles.

_____10. When a sample of potassium chloride dissolves in water, it separates into potassium ions and chloride ions. Which of the following best accounts for the positive charge of the potassium ions?

A. They have extra mass.

B. They have a large volume.

C. They have fewer electrons than protons.

D. They have a high density of neutrons and protons.


_____ 1. Which element is considered a metal?

a. hydrogen b. gold c. sulfur d. radon.

_____ 2. Which element in period 2 has the greatest electronegativity?

a. fluorine b. lithium c. carbon d. neon

_____ 3. Mendeleev organized the periodic table by:

a. atomic size b. atomic weight c. atomic number d. isotopic weight

_____ 4. A vertical column in the periodic table is known as a(n)

a. octave b. period c. group d. triad

_____ 5. Which of the following elements is a metalloid?

a. antimony (51Sb) b. calcium (20Ca) c. sulfur (16S) d. zinc (30Zn)

_____ 6. If one electron was removed from a sodium atom, the new particle could be represented as

a. Na+ b. Na- c. Na+3 d. Na-3

_____ 7. Which of the following trends in the periodic table should be expected as the atomic number of the halogens increases from fluorine (F) to iodine (I)?

a. Atomic radius decreases c. Electronegativity decreases

b. Atomic mass decreases d. Electron number decreases

_____ 8. Which element will form an ion whose ionic radius is larger than its atomic radius?

a. fluorine b. potassium c. lithium d. magnesium

_____ 9. The most reactive family of metals is the:

a. inner transition b. alkaline earth c. alkali d. transition

_____ 10. Atoms increase in size down a group because:

a. nuclear charge increases c. a new shell is removed

b. a new shell is added d. neutrons increase

_____ 11. Based on its position on the periodic table, which of the following elements is a nonmetal?

a. potassium b. vanadium c. nickel d. bromine

_____ 12. The figure below shows part of the periodic table.


Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the atomic number and mass of copper and gold?

a. Au has a smaller atomic mass and fewer electrons than Cu

b. Au has the same atomic mass as Cu but a greater atomic number

c. Au has the same atomic number as Cu but a much greater atomic mass

d. Au has both a greater atomic number and a greater atomic mass than Cu

_____ 13. The bar graph below represents four elements and their relative atomic numbers.

What would be the most likely positioning of these unknown elements in the periodic table?

a. b. c. d.

_____ 14. The figure below represents the periodic table and the location of four different elements on the periodic table.

A certain element has a ground state electron configuration of 1s22s22p63s23p6. Which letter in the diagram above represents the position of this element on the periodic table?

a. W b. X c. Y d. Z

_____ 15. Which of the following sections of the periodic table contains only metals?

a. group 2 b. group 18 c. period 2 d. period 6

Chemical Bonding

____1. Which of the following explains why atoms bond?

A)  Atoms bond to make new substances.

B)  Atoms bond to become less chemically stable.

C)  Atoms bond to change from a liquid to a solid.

D)  Atoms bond to become more chemically stable.

_____ 2. The Lewis dot structure shown below represents an atom of an unknown

metallic element M.

When atoms of this unknown metal react with oxygen, a compound is formed. Which of the following is the most likely chemical formula of the resulting metal oxide?

A) MO B) MO2 C) M2O D) M2O3

_____ 3. An unknown metal, X, combines with nitrogen to form the compound XN.

Metal X also combines with oxygen to produce the compound X2O3.

Metal X is most likely which of the following elements?

A) 3Li B) 12Mg C) 31Ga D) 50Sn

_____ 4. The table below contains information about an unknown metal.

How many valence electrons does the unknown metal have?

A) 1 B) 3 C) 4 D) 6

_____ 5. Atoms of element A and atoms of element B react to form a compound. In

the reaction, the radius of each atom of element A is decreased.

Which of the following explains this decrease in atomic radius in the reaction?

A)  The atoms of element A lose electrons to atoms of element B.

B)  The atoms of element A gain neutrons from atoms of element B.

C)  Nuclear particles are converted into energy in atoms of element A.

D)  Protons become more densely packed in the nuclei of element A atoms.

_____ 6. The diagram below represents particles of different elements in a crystal.

What type of bond holds these particles together?

A) Covalent B) Hydrogen C) Ionic D) Polar

_____ 7. A student heated a 10 g sample of a compound in an open container. A chemical reaction occurred. The mass of the sample was measured again and found to be less than before. Which of the following explains the change in mass of the sample?

A)  The heat caused the compound to become less dense.

B)  The reaction gave off more heat than was added.

C)  Some of the lighter atoms were converted to energy.

D)  One of the reaction products was a gas.

_____ 8. A 1.00 kg sample of water (H2O) contains 0.11 kg of hydrogen (H) and 0.89

kg of oxygen (O). According to the law of definite proportions, how much hydrogen and oxygen would a 1.5 kg sample of water contain?

A)  0.11 kg H and 0.89 kg O

B)  0.17 kg H and 1.34 kg O

C)  0.22 kg H and 1.78 kg O

D)  1.34 kg H and 0.17 kg O

_____ 9. What is the percent mass of oxygen in acetone (C3H6O)?

A) 1.00% B) 10.3% C) 27.6% D) 62.0%

_____ 10. This substance is held together by metallic bonds

A)  Hydrogen gas, H2

B)  Potassium, K

C)  Aluminum oxide, Al2O3

D)  Bromine, Br2

_____ 1. Covalent bonds are usually formed by the combination of

A. a metal and a nonmetal

B. a metal and a acid group

C. two nonmetals

D. very active metal and the hydroxide ion.

_____ 2. The illustration below shows two atoms of a fictitious element (M) forming a diatomic molecule.

What type of bonding occurs between these two atoms?

A. nonpolar B. ionic C. nuclear D. polar

_____ 3. The chemical formula for ammonia is NH3. Which of the following is the correct Lewis electron dot structure for ammonia?

A. / /
/ C. /
/ / D. /

_____ 4. Which of the following Lewis dot structures represents the compound methane (CH4)?

A. / B. / C. D.

_____ 5. Which of the following statements explains why the bond in hydrogen chloride (HCl) is polar covalent?

A. The atomic mass of chlorine is greater than that of hydrogen.

B. The electronegativity of chlorine is greater than that of hydrogen.

C. The diameter of a chlorine atom is greater than that of a hydrogen atom.

D. The number of valence electrons in a chlorine atom is greater than that in a hydrogen atom

_____ 6. Which is an example of a non-polar molecule that contains polar covalent bonds?

A. CCl4 B. N2 C. H2S D. NH3

_____7. The chemical structure of formaldehyde is shown below.

What is the geometry around the carbon atom?

A. bent

B. linear

C. tetrahedral

D. trigonal planar

_____8. Two elements in a molecule have the same electronegativity values. Which of the following most likely holds the elements together and why?

A. an ionic bond, because electrons transfer from one element to the other

B. a nonpolar covalent bond, because the elements share electrons equally

C. a polar covalent bond, because the elements do not share electrons equally

D. an intermolecular force, because the elements do not form a chemical bond

_____9. What is the empirical formula for C4Br2F8?

A. CBrF B. C2BrF4 C. C2BrF6 D. C8Br8F8

_____10. Which of the following statements best explains why ice floats on water?

A. Water has a higher specific heat than ice.

B. Ice has the same molecular mass as water.

C. Heat is absorbed when water changes from the solid state to the liquid state.