Large Animal Science II

Spring 2013 Syllabus

TEACHER= Ms. SambsCLASS TIME = 2nd Hour

CLASS LENGTH = SemesterCREDITS = 0.5 credits towards graduation

E-MAIL = PHONE = 920.699.7325

HOURS TEACHER IS AVAILABLE for student work time: I am available during 3rdhour for extra help. I arrive at school by 7:15 a.m., and I may be available after school. Therefore, there are plenty of opportunities for you to get additional help. Please see me if you need to make other arrangements. As your teacher, I want you to do well in this class. If you need help, please ask!


Interested in Large Animals, or thinking about a career in the animal industry? This class is for you! Come with us as we take an actual look into the animal’s body through classroom dissections. We will study the anatomy, behavior, production, health, and management of Beef, Dairy, Swine, Sheep, Horses, Goats, and Llamas. This hands-on class suits anyone with an appreciation for animals or pursuing a career with animals.


Science of Animal Agriculture, 4th Edition

Handouts, electronic readings and pamphlets from various sources


You are required to bring necessary materials to class every day:

  • Lab book/binder, folder, andnotebook
  • Writing utensil (i.e. pencils)


A. Labs – will be conducted weekly and be directly related to classroom materials

B. Notes & Handouts – keep all notes and handouts in a folder or binder

C. Assignments – will be given periodically from a textbook, lab work and other sources.

D. Quizzes – may be given with or without notice and will vary from 10 to 50 points

E. Field Trips – will be included if they can be arranged

F. Speakers – from area businesses will be invited to class

G. Topics of Instruction

Animal Agriculture as a Science

Classification of Agricultural Animals

Animal Behavior

Animal Welfare

Scientific Selection of Animals

Careers in Animal Agriculture

Beef Industry

Dairy Industry

Swine Industry

Sheep Industry

Goat Industry

Horse Industry

Llama Industry

Meat Science

Animal Nutrition

Consumer Concerns

Topics of Interest


Attendance will be monitored and discipline for tardiness will be enforced according to school rules. If you arenot in your assigned seat at the bell, you are tardy…you are accountable for your actions.


Late work will be penalized 50% and is due the next day, or it will become a zero. The only exception will be for an excused absence, provided you have made arrangements with me.

If you are absent and the absence is excused, you will have two days to make up the missed work. If at the time of absence, no arrangements have been made the absence is unexcused. A zero will be recorded for that day’s assignment. No late assignments will be taken. Getting assignments that were missed while absent, is the responsibility of the student, not the teacher. Make sure you have everything taken care of by the end of the grading period so you aren’t shocked!


Scores received from assignments, tests, quizzes, lab activities, as well as classroom participation and conduct will determine grades. Grades are determined as a percentage of the total points during the quarter and semester that you have earned.

2012-2013 Agriculture Grading Scale

99– 100A+

93– 98.99A

90– 92.99A-

87 – 89.99B+

83– 86.99B

80 – 82.99B-

77 – 79.99C+

73 – 76.99C

70 – 72.99C-

67 – 69.99D+

63 – 66.99D

60 – 62.99D-

0 – 59.99F


See attached sheet for details of Class Conduct, Rules & Expectations. If a student chooses to break a rule, the following consequences will be enforced:

Level 1:Verbal Warning

Level 2:Before or after school detention