1. Andrew Gomez- V for Vendetta
  1. Nicole and Phoebe- The Giver

  1. Rylie Nichol- The Truman Show
  1. MaryJane and Desiree- The Hunger Games (4th and 5th are out)

  1. Mike and Kayla- Divergent
(4th and 5th are out) /
  1. Justin- Minority Report

  1. Crystal- The Hunger Games
  1. Steven- The Lego Movie

  1. Robert- The Matrix
  1. Brandon- Elysium

  1. Patia- The Hunger Games
(June 3rd is out) /
  1. Jared and Brandon Gum- V for Vendetta

  1. Jake and Alex- V for Vendetta
  1. Tim- V for Vendetta

  1. Kate and Selena- The Truman Show
  1. Andrew G- V for Vendetta

  1. Eric- The Hunger Games
  1. Bobby and Luke- V for Vendetta

  1. Taylor- Divergent
  1. Kylie and Brittany- The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

  1. Antonio and Jr. – The Matrix
  1. Julian- The Giver

  1. Larry- The Truman Show
  1. Brittanie- Pleasantville

  1. Cody and Joe- The Hunger Games
  1. Travis- V for Vendetta

  1. Stefanie and Jeremy- The Hunger Games (May 26th- May 29th)
  1. Evan- The Matrix

  1. Melissa- The Hunger Games
  1. Brandon- The Hunger Games

  1. Becca- The Giver
  1. James- The Lego Movie

  1. Mike- Divergent
  1. Danyelle and Kasey- The Lego Movie

  1. Lana- Divergent
  1. Angel- The Hunger Games

  1. Caitlyn- The Hunger Games
  1. Hailey- The Hunger Games

  1. Tristen- The Hunger Games

  1. Syed- Minority Report
  1. Dani- Divergent

  1. Mitch and Matt- The Hunger Games
  1. Daquon and Kacey- Minority Report

  1. LyAhnna and Josie- The Hunger Games
  1. Mick and Brandon- The Matrix

  1. Alec, Meg, and Frankie- Divergent
  1. Kaylee- The Giver

  1. Jeff- The Lego Movie
  1. Bridget- The Hunger Games

  1. Monica- The Hunger Games
  1. Victoria- The Hunger Games

  1. Vinnie- The Hunger Games
  1. Maddie- The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

  1. Jess- The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
  1. James and Noah- The Giver

  1. Katie and Lainah- The Hunger Games
  1. Taylor and Mia- The Hunger Games

  1. Vincent- The Hunger Games
  1. Colby- The Hunger Games

  1. Kori- Divergent
  1. Alec and Alex- Elysium

  1. Sarah and Brianna- The Hunger Games
  1. Nick- The Hunger Games

  1. Matt and John- The Hunger Games
  1. Lauren- The Hunger Games

  1. Luke- The Hunger Games
  1. Josh- Minority Report

  1. Caitlyn- Pleasantville (gone May 26th-29th)
  1. Jorge- The Truman Show

  1. Kara- The Hunger Games
  1. Sam- Elysium

  1. Kodie- The Giver
  1. Tyler- The Hunger Games

  1. Frank- The Giver

Films or Movies

List films (in theaters or not yet on DVD or video) by their title. Include the name of the director, the film studio or distributor, and the release year. If relevant, list performer names after the director’s name. Use the abbreviation perf. to head the list. List film as the medium of publication. To cite a DVD or other video recording, see “Recorded Films and Movies” below.

The Usual Suspects. Dir. Bryan Singer. Perf. Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byrne, ChazzPalminteri, Stephen Baldwin, and Beneciodel Toro. Polygram, 1995. Film.

To emphasize specific performers (perf.) or directors (dir.), begin the citation with the name of the desired performer or director, followed by the appropriate abbreviation.

Lucas, George, dir.Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Twentieth Century Fox, 1977. Film.

Book with One Author
The author’s name or a book with a single author's name appears in last name, first name format. The basic form for a book citation is:

Lastname, Firstname.Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Medium of Publication.

Gleick, James.Chaos: Making a New Science. New York: Penguin, 1987. Print.

Henley, Patricia.The Hummingbird House. Denver: MacMurray, 1999. Print.