KindergartenELA Rubric for 2016-2017
A variety of assessments are used to determine report card grades, including: Fountas and Pinnell Running Records, observational checklists, writing samples, and Journeys weekly, progress monitoring, cold read, benchmark, unit assessments and the Emerging Literacy Survey.
Foundational Skills Benchmarks
Beginning to Develop: BDApplies skills less than half of the time / Developing: D
Applies skills more than half of the time / Proficient: P
Applies skills a large majority of the time
Demonstrates Print Concepts / Minimally distinguishesbetween letters, words, and sentences; understands directionality (left to right, top to bottom), capitalization, punctuation, spaces between words, book parts,reading a chart, diagrams and labels / Inconsistently distinguishesbetween letters, words, and sentences; understands directionality (left to right, top to bottom), capitalization, punctuation, spaces between words, book parts, reading a chart, diagrams and labels / Consistently distinguishes between letters, words, and sentences; understands directionality (left to right, top to bottom), capitalization, punctuation, spaces between words, book parts, reading a chart, diagrams and labels
Recognizes and Names Upper and Lower Case Letters / Recognizes and names less than 75% of upper and lower case letters / Recognizes and names most (75-89%) upper and lower case letters / Recognizes and names the majority (90-100%) of upper and lower case letters
Demonstrates understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds / Minimallyblends and segments phonemes and words, identifies final sounds in spoken words, isolates middle sounds in spoken words, and adds/substitutes phonemes / Inconsistentlyblends and segments phonemes and words, identifies final sounds in spoken words, isolates middle sounds in spoken words, and adds/substitutes phonemes / Consistentlyblends and segments phonemes and words, identifies final sounds in spoken words, isolates middle sounds in spoken words, and adds/substitutes phonemes
Demonstrates letter-sound correspondence / Associates less than 75% of the letters with their names and sounds / Associates most (75-89%) of the letters with their names and sounds / Associates the majority (90-100%)of the letters with their names and sounds
Knows and applies grade-level phonics to decode words / Minimally associates most letter with sounds; recognizes, builds, and blends words with short and long vowel sounds / Inconsistently associates most letter with sounds; recognizes, builds, and blends words with short and long vowel sounds / Consistently associates most letter with sounds; recognizes, builds, and blends words with short and long vowel sounds
Reads grade-level sight words / Reads less than 75% of the 16 high frequency words taught / Reads most (75-89%) of the 16 high frequency words taught / Reads the majority (90-100%) of the 55 high frequency words taught in Kindergarten
Reading Informational Text and Literature Benchmarks
Beginning to Develop: BDApplies skills less than half of the time / Developing: D
Applies skills more than half, but less than 70% of the time / Proficient: P
Applies skills a large majority or between 70-90% of the time
Identifies beginning, end and details of a text. / States incorrect details of the text with prompting and support. / Inconsistently states beginning, end and/or one detail of the text with prompting and support. / Consistently states beginning, end and 2-3 details of the text with prompting and support.
Answers questions about key details in a text / Answers questions incorrectly or does not respond with prompting and support. / Inconsistently answers questions about key details with prompting and support. / Consistently answers questions about key details with prompting and support.
Compares and contrasts familiar texts / Identifies incorrect similarities and differences between two texts (read or read aloud) on the same topic with prompting and support. / Inconsistently identifies basic similarities and differences between two texts (read or read aloud) on the same topic, with prompting and support / Consistently identifies basic similarities and differences between two texts (read or read aloud) on the same topic, with prompting and support
Types/Quality of Writing Benchmarks
Beginning to Develop: BDApplies skills less than half of the time / Developing: D
Applies skills more than half, but less than 70% of the time / Proficient: P
Applies skills a large majority or between 70-90% of the time
Draws and writes narrative sentences / Attempts to draw a response to the prompt, but oral description does not show understanding; gives no answer or scribbles / Draws a response to the prompt, but oral description is incomplete / Draws a response to a prompt and describes it to show complete understanding of the task.
Draws and writes informational sentences / Attempts to draw a response to the prompt, but oral description does not show understanding; gives no answer or scribbles / Draws a response to the prompt, but oral description is incomplete / Draws a response to a prompt and describes it to show complete understanding of the task.
Uses the word wall and other environmental print to find conventional spelling / Is minimally able to locate and/or use word wall and environmental print in writing / Inconsistently locates and uses word wall and environmental print in writing / With prompting and support, consistently uses word wall and environmental print in writing
Applies knowledge of sounds and letters in written work / Does not engage in the writing process, makes random mark and/or scribbles / May form letters; most are capital letters; no regular spacing; few discernable letter-sound relationships / Consistently forms letters; attempt to form words; writes a collection of capital and lower case letters with some spacing; all letter groups show some letter-sound relationships
Speaking and Listening Benchmarks
Beginning to Develop: BDApplies skills less than half of the time / Developing: D
Applies skills more than half, but less than 70% of the time / Proficient: P
Applies skills a large majority or between 70-90% of the time
Participates in collaborative conversations / Withprompting and support, does not listen to others or take turns speaking / With prompting and support, sometimes listens to others and takes turns speaking / Sometimes listens to others and takes turns speaking
Shares stories, experiences, and interests / Withprompting and support, does not speak about a topic or text / With prompting and support, sometimes speak about a topic or text / Sometimes speaks about a topic or text
Speaks clearly and with appropriate volume / With prompting and support, does not maintain clarity and appropriate volume when speaking / With prompting and support, sometimes maintains clarity and appropriate volume when speaking / Sometimes maintains clarity and appropriate volume when speaking
2016-2017 School Year