(An ISO 9001 – 2000 Certified Government of Karnataka Company)

# 59, Richmond Road, (Gen.K.S.Thimmayya Road) Bangalore- 560 025

No.EE/KSPHC/Contracts/Auction/07-08 Office of the Executive Engineer,

Contracts Division,Bangalore

Date: 14thJune 2007



  1. This tender cum auction is for sale of one old Ambassador Car bearing Registration No. CAO 2979 “as is whereis condition”
  1. Last date for receipt of applications :10.07.07
  1. The blank tender forms will be issued in the O/o the Executive Engineer, KSPHC Contracts Division, Bangalore – 560025 up to 17.07.07 during office hours up to 5.00 P.M. The cost of each set of tender forms is Rs.520.00 (including taxes) which may be paid in the form of DD, which is not refundable.
  1. The duly filled in tenders should be sealed and superscribed as “Tenders for the sale of Ambassador Car RegistrationNo. CAO 2979”. The sealed tender forms in duplicate will be received in the office of the Executive Engineer, KSPHC ContractsDivision, Bangalore – 560025 upto 4 P.M on 24.07.07. The tenders received after the scheduled time will not be accepted.
  1. “PUBLIC AUCTION” will be held at 4.00P.M on 25.07.07 and those who have submitted their tenders may also participate after depositing the prescribed EMD of Rs. 5,000/- separately either in the form of cash or DD drawn in favor of C&MD, KSPHC,Bangalore before commencement of Auction. Only the highest amount quoted either by tender or by Public Auction will be considered for purpose of deciding the sale of the Vehicle.
  1. Tenders will be opened by the Executive Engineer, KSPHC, ContractsDivision, Bangalore on 25.07.07 after Public auction / or at 5.00 P.M in the presence of all those tenderers and bidders or their representatives who may be present at that time.
  2. The highest bid or the highest tenderer as the case may be should pay 50% of tendered or bid amount on or before dt:26.07.07 up to 5.30 P.M. The remaining 50% shall be paid within ten (10) days of communication of acceptance of tender/bid by the competent authority, failing which the amount of EMD will be forfeited.
  1. While the tenders are opened, unattested corrections if any will be noted by the officer opening the tenders specifying the number of corrections on each page attesting such corrections with date and initials. The tenderers should quote their rates in Schedule ‘B’ in both words and in figures in both original and duplicate tenders. If any discrepancy is noticed in the amount mentioned in original and duplicate tenders schedule, only the highest rate quoted shall be considered for evaluation of tenders.
  1. The entire tender documents in duplicate should be submitted and no portion should be detailed from the tender documents.
  1. Each tenderer should clearly mention his name and postal addresses with pin code. This office will not be held responsible for the non-receipt of information because of incorrect postal addresses furnished in the tender document.
  1. Each tender should be in duplicate accompanied by an EMD of Rs. 5000/ in the form of DD drawn on any Scheduled/ commercial Bank in favour of the C & MD,KSPHC,Bangalore.
  1. The EMD of unsuccessful tenderers will be refunded after the final decision of the tenders is taken. However the EMD paid for the auction by unsuccessful bidders will be returned the same day retaining only the EMD of the highest bidder.
  2. The Vehicle for tender-cum-public ‘Auction’ sale can be inspected at KSPHC, Head office, No.59, Richmond Road,(General K.S.Thimmayya Road) Bangalore – 560025 (Behind Big Kids kemp on M G Road)on all working days during office hours.
  3. The successful tenderer should lift the Vehicle within seven days from the date of payment of balance amount as mentioned in condition No. 7. Beyond this period of seven days, this department is not responsible for safety. If for any reason this time is extended by the competent authority, the department may levy a ground rent of Rs. 50/- per day and other watch and ward expenses at its description.
  1. Sales tax and other levies will be charged extra as per rules in force.
  1. The competent authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. In all matters of dispute the decision of the Chairman & Managing Director, KSPHC, Bangalore shall be final and binding.
  2. The submission of tender by the tenderers implies that he has read this notice and conditions made himself aware of all the stipulations made therein.


Executive Engineer

Contracts Division,

KSPHC, Bangalore

Copies submitted for kind information to:


Cc to:

All EE’s/AEE’s for information. With a request to publish the NIT/AUCTION on their office notice boards


Tender cum Auction sale schedule for the old Ambassador Car located at Head office, KSPHC, No.59, Richmond road, Bangalore - 560025.

Sl. No. / Description / Unit / Qty. / Tendered Amount
In fig / In words.
1 / Ambassador Car Reg No. CAO 2979 / No. / 1

Signature of tenderer

Name in Block Letters :

Full postal Address with pin code:

No. of corrections :

No. of overwriting :

Details of EMD Paid :

DD No. ………………………. Date………………….

Drawn on………………………………………Bank Rs. ……………

Executive Engineer,

Contracts Division,

KSPHC, Bangalore


I/We hereby declare that I/We have read all the terms and conditions and also details of Vehicle and have fully understood the implications thereof and have inspected the Vehicle to the best of my/our satisfaction and accept the implications of all stipulations made therein before participating in the tender cum public auction sale.

I/We also declare that I/We shall abide by the rules and regulations of the Department as stipulated in the tender schedule and the requirements as stated in terms and conditions will be fulfilled by one/us to the entire satisfaction of the Executive Engineer, Contracts Division, Bangalore or the competent authority.

Name and full Signature of Tenderer

Address of tenderer:

Executive Engineer,

Contracts Division,

KSPHC, Bangalore