Dear colleague,

Firstly, we would like to thank you for your contribution and your efforts. We are appreciating your involvement very much.

This survey on the status of Person Centred Planning (PCP) in different European countries will provide the first overview on person centred planning on an international level and be important step to achieve good support for people with disabilities in Europe.

Your contribution will be - referring to you as other - published in the Final European Publication "Training and Practice in Person Centred Planning - a European perspective". The Publication will be published by HSA Press and made available e.g. from the well-known platform Inclusion Distribution (

The results will be presented at the Final European Conference, organised as a pre-conference of our annual "Europe in Action" conference. You will be updated on the development of our project continuously and receive a free copy of the final publication in summer 2011.

As an additional benefit for all experts who contribute to the Final Publication, we plan to involve them into a European Network on PCP-experts, which we intend to establish in the course of the project.

Thank you for your contribution!

Best regards,

New Paths to Inclusion
Project Team

About Person Centred planning

Person Centred Planning is a process for continual listening and learning, focusing on what is important to someone now and in the future, and acting upon this in alliance with their family and friends.

Person centred planning is not simply a collection of new techniques for individual planning to replace previous approaches. It is based on new ways of seeing and working with people with disabilities, fundamentally about sharing power and community inclusion.

Before you start answering the questions, we would like to ask you to read the following definition of Person Centred Planning (PCP), to make clear what kind of understanding of person centred planning we refer to below. We share the definition by our project partner Helen Sanderson Associates.

Please fill in all the following questions in English. If you don’t have or don’t know any of the information required, please leave the question blank. Keep in mind that the more information provided the more accurate the report will be.


Country /
Name and role of person responsible /

Name and website of the organisation /
E-mail /
Yes / No
  1. Concept of Person Centred Planning
  2. Are you managing the same or similar concept for Person Centred Planning as the one presented above?
/ /
If not, please provide the concept you use to describe Person Centred Planning.
Feel free to provide web links if needed:
  1. History of Person Centred Planning

When did Person Centred Planning “appear” in your country for the first time/when was person centred planning facilitated for the first time?
How did Person Centred Planning develop from then on?
II. Levels/Areas of Person Centred Planning
In which areas is PCP getting practised in your country?
/ On an informal level (facilitated in a “community” setting by nonpaid volunteers)
/ Level of service providers
/ By self advocacy organisations
/ Others.
Please describe:
  1. Training on Person Centred Planning
In which areas is PCP getting practised in your country?
Please describe the areas where it is practised, for example:
Yes / No
Are there any training possibilities in person centred planning in your country? / /
Are there special vocational trainings for trainers in PCP? / /
If yes:
  1. How are they structured / what kind of formats are there?
  2. What are the contents and methods?
  3. Who provides the trainings? How many trainers are there?
  4. What are the target groups?
  5. What kind of supportive materials exists (e.g. dream cards, handbooks, posters, etc.)?

  1. Quality
Yes / No
Are there quality standards/certificates/qualifications for training in PCP? / /
Are there quality standards for facilitating PCP-processes? / /
If yes, please describe:
  1. Policies
Yes / No
Are there policies concerning PCP? / /
If yes,
Since when?
What are the exact contents?
Were the policies successful?
  1. Barriers and supporting elements

What kinds of barriers exist to PCP in your country?
What kinds of supporting elements exist in your country?
  1. Best Practices

Please describe some best practice examples.
(please provide links or attachments if necessary)
  1. Research in Person Centred Planning (PCP)
Yes / No
Has there been any research on PCP in your country? / /
If yes,
Please name the most important studies/scientific publications on PCP
Please describe the main findings
What kind of research on PCP would be needed in order to facilitate/support a broad implementation of PCP in your country?
  1. Future of PCP

What will be future developments concerning PCP in your country?
What is needed to implement PCP on a broad basis in your country?
What will be the challenges in implementing PCP in your country?
Networking (optional)
Please provide us the contact details of other experts/organisations working on Person Centred Planning in your country.

Thanks for your contribution!