Dear Parents,
This was a busy week of school! The children are starting to get accustomed to kindergarten and our school routines. The children have enjoyed several “getting to know you” activities which are building our classroom community. I know we are going to have a great year together!
This week we learned many new nursery rhymes and fables. The children drew pictures with details in their drawing journals, and we practiced vertical and horizontal lines as well as circles. Next week we will continue pre-handwriting skills as well as blending sounds we hear in words. In math we have been playing counting games and practicing counting/identifying sets of 1-5 items.
Just a few announcements and reminders:
- This week the children were individually assessed using the AIMS Web tool, a universal screening conducted with all classes at Parkdale. The information gained from these assessments, along with my classroom assessments and observations, will help to monitor your child’s academic growth this year.
- Please be sure to check both the front and back pockets of your child’s BEE folder each night. Blue and orange homework sheets should be sent back to school once completed. Thank you for your help!
- If you are sending in cash to buy lunch, please put it in a small coin purse, wallet, or baggie with your child’s name. Loose cash is very difficult for the children to keep track of as they make their way to lunch and through the lunch line!
- Please refer to the behavior update I am sending home with each child. This is just a quick way for me to let you know how your child is getting accustomed to our behavior expectations. These notes will continue until our November parent-teacher conferences to keep you informed of progress and/or any issues we will be working on.
- I am sending a link to this newsletter via e-mail using the address provided on your child’s student information sheet. Please let me know if you don’t receive the e-mail or if you would like additional an e-mail address added to the class list.
As always, please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions or concerns this year! Sincerely,
Mrs. Hayes