AMHS AP Environmental Science

Let me introduce this course by stating that it is a course that is just like any other AP course in the school. It will be taught as if you were in college. I will have high expectations for students. Environmental science will culminate many of your previous sciences. As a student, the ability to build, create, analyze and assimilate chemistry, biology and physics are imperative to grasping this particular course’s concepts. This class will be geared towards succeeding in a comprehensive knowledge of the following environmental topics: The flow of energy, its sources, and conversions, the cycling of matter, geology and earth dynamics, weather, climate, atmosphere, biosphere, human impact, global distribution, natural and artificial resources, environmental ethics and laws, and measuring environmental quality. This course also incorporates psychology, history, social studies and can often be put in a social science category.

The syllabus will outline the schedule of tests and assignments due. It will also serve as a study guide that should be used in conjunction with the textbook. Students are required to keep track of every grade in this course. Grades will be assigned by the percentage and the breakdown will be as it is in the student handbook: 93% = A, 85% = B, 77% = C, 70% = D.


All students are required to have:

3 ring binder, colored pencils, highlighters, and blue/ black ink pens, a roll of paper towels and a box of tissues per 9 weeks AP BARONS BOOK!!

Grading Policy

Break down of grades can change from quarter to quarter based on pacing of class.

Tests 20%-30%

Daily work and quizzes 20-30%

Labs 15-25%

Journal 20-30%

Tests will consist of multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions. Students may also be required to interpret graphs. The tests require students to integrate concepts and show relationships. Students often find the tests to be tough, but they are fair if the student has read his/her notes every day, studies thoroughly before a test, and listens in class.

Quizzes are usually multiple choice or short answer and will occur at least once per week. The material quizzed on is based on the previous class notes or the homework.

Lab Notebook and Journal

Each science student at AMHS is required to complete a science lab notebook each nine weeks. Lab report will be graded formally and informally. Journal entries include vocabulary , reflections from videos, and actual article summaries.

Make-Up Policy

If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to arrange to make up any work that was missed the next day they return to school. All assignments for each unit will be posted on sharpe school and can be accessed by students and parents. You will receive zero credit for an assignment that is 2 days late!! Partial credit will be given for late papers up until the 2nd day.

This class gives you college credit therefore I will treat you much in the same way a professor at a University would. There is no room in this class for excuses. The goal is to get you ready for college.

Lab Policy

In class we will be doing several hands-on lab activities per unit of instruction. All students are required to pass a lab safety quiz before working in the lab. Any type of irresponsible or immature behavior in the lab will be dealt with immediately for the safety of all of my students. Students will lose points for not participating and failing to follow lab safety regulations. Students in lab classrooms with live organisms may not touch any organisms without permission from the teacher, and an immediate detention will be given if a student does not follow this important rule.

Cell Phone Usage: Cell phone usage during any and all class time is not allowed. You will not be able to access your cell phone during the AP Exam so I will not allow its use during class time. You must be comfortable working with the materials allowed on the exam during the year. This will make you a stronger chemistry student on the exam and in college. Always contact me and ask permission if there is a dire need for cell phone usage...abusing a bathroom break to use a cell phone is not allowed and will result in revocation of bathroom privileges! *All cell phones will be placed into the cell phone tray located on each student station during all assessment activities (quizzes, tests, etc.). It is the students’ responsibility to place the cell phone in this tray making sure it is either off or in airplane mode (no outside means of communicating). Active phones will be confiscated and turned in to the administration. The student is responsible for picking up their cell phone at the end of the class...NOT WHEN THEY ARE FINISHED WITH THE ASSESSMENT!!! If your cell phone is in your hand during the assessment...even after you have turned in your copy, I can only assume you are transmitting information and the cheating policy will be enacted. Cell Phones – any student accessing their cell phone either during or after an assessment, whether they are in the classroom or outside of the room (bathroom break), will be in violation of the AMHS Cheating Policy.

Lab Notebook- This an individual grade and should be treated as such. Partners’ working on labs together is expected but each student is responsible for writing their own lab report in its entirety. (You are not allowed to write one section and switch this with a partner for another section!)

Class Rules

1. Students are expected to be in class everyday and on time.

2. Everyone is expected to be in their seats getting prepared for class or reviewing when the late bell rings.

3. Mutual Respect is required at all times. This includes property!

4. All Academic Magnet and CCSD policies will be adhered to.

5. Follow all directions given by the instructor for the classroom and laboratory.


1. Warning4. Phone Call Home.

2. Conference with Teacher5. Referral to Administration.

3. Detention Note*Some offenses may be sent directly to administration.

Exceptions: Tardiness to class will result in a silent lunch detention.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parents wishing to discuss the individual concerns of their child should call the AMHS office and arrange a conference with their child’s Honors Biology teacher. The e-mail address for each teacher is listed below along with the teacher’s conference day. Each teacher is also available for tutoring after school on the day listed.


Teacher / E-Mail Address / Availability for Conferences and Tutoring
Andrea Langley / / TBA