Chapter 7 Test – Geography and Early History of South Asia


  1. subcontinent
  1. monsoons
  1. caste
  1. Mount Everest
  1. Vedas

Draw the Rain Shadow Effect– 5 points

Include the following features

  1. Fertile Land
  2. Rain
  3. Clouds
  4. Mountain
  5. Desert

Critical Thinking/Writing

5 points

Why is Kashmir a disputed area and why does it cause international concern?

Chapter 7 – Geography and Early History of South Asia: Multiple Choice

1.The landform that isolates South Asia from the rest of the continent is the

  1. Ural Mountains.
  2. Himalayas.
  3. GangesRiver.
  4. IndusRiver.

2.Why were the Khyber Pass and the Bolan Pass significant in the development of South Asia?

  1. They both contained fertile farm land
  2. Each was the source of a major Indian river
  3. They allowed for the movement of people and goods
  4. They kept invaders away from the fertile river valleys

3.Which statement best describes the Indo-Gangetic Plain?

  1. It is mostly desert
  2. The plain is thickly forested and has few villages
  3. The plain is broken by the Eastern and Western Ghats
  4. It is a densely populated farming region

4.Many people live in the delta region on the Bay of Bengal because it

  1. Is protected from invaders
  2. Has fertile soil
  3. Has a pleasant Mediterranean climate
  4. Is close to the holy IndusRiver

5.Which of the following are characteristics of the Thar Desert?

  1. It has a small population
  2. Most inhabitants of the Thar are nomads
  3. The Thar has little rainfall
  4. Only a & b are true
  5. All a, b, & c are true

6.One reason that the Indus, Ganges, and Brahmaputra are important is that they

  1. From borders betweenIndia and its neighbors
  2. Provide water for irrigation
  3. Protect India from outside invasion
  4. Link northern and southern India

7.Which statement best describes the impact of the monsoons on South Asia?

  1. They bring suffering and hardship to the region
  2. The we monsoon is essential to survival in the region
  3. During the dry monsoon, temperatures fall below freezing in much of the region
  4. The monsoons affect only the Deccan Plateau on not the northern plain

8.The “rain shadow” is caused by

  1. Differences in temperatures over land and over sea
  2. The destruction of the rain forests
  3. Winds blowing most air from Central Asia across the Himalaya Mountains
  4. Coolingair releasing its moisture on one side of a mountain chain

9.An example of cultural diversity in South Asia is the

  1. Four main physical regions
  2. Caste system
  3. Variety of religious beliefs and languages
  4. Variety of mineral resources

10.Archaeological evidence suggests that the IndusValley civilization

  1. Had a high degree of urban planning
  2. Had little contact with other early civilizations
  3. Adapted its system of writing from Egypt
  4. Had little influence on later Indian civilization

11.Which statement about Aryan culture is accurate?

  1. Aryans believed in social equality
  2. The Aryan way of life influenced India for thousands of years
  3. Aryan religious beliefs were monotheistic
  4. Early Aryan culture flourished in the cities of the IndusValley

12.How are skin color and the early caste system related?

  1. Darker skinned people sat at the top of the caste system
  2. Lighter skinned people held power in the caste system
  3. Skin color and the caste system have never been linked
  4. Only true descendents of Muhammad can be leaders of the caste system

13.What jobs are associated with the untouchables?

  1. Spiritual leadership
  2. Local government
  3. Latrine cleaners
  4. Shop owners and merchants

14.Which group is notactually contained in the Caste system?

  1. Brahmin
  2. Kshatriya
  3. Vaishya
  4. Sudra
  5. Untouchable

15.Which of the following physical features aided the movement of people andgoods into South Asia?

  1. Khyber Pass
  2. Hindu Kush
  3. Himalaya Mountains
  4. Thar Desert

16.The landform that makes up nearly half of South Asia is the

  1. Himalaya Mountains.
  2. Deccan Plateau.
  3. Indo-Gangetic Plain.
  4. Thar Desert.

17.Which statement best describes the impact of the monsoons on South Asia?

  1. They bring suffering and hardship to the region.
  2. The wet monsoon is essential to survival in the region.
  3. During the dry monsoon, temperatures fall below freezing all acrossSouth Asia.
  4. The monsoons only affect the northern mountains, not the Deccan Plateau.

18.Which statement about the IndusValley civilization is accurate?

  1. The IndusValley people conquered the Aryans.
  2. Scholars have learned about the IndusValley people by readingtheir writings.
  3. The IndusValley people built great cities.
  4. The IndusValley cities featured houses built from wood and bamboo.

19.The top class in Aryan society was the

  1. Vedas.
  2. castes.
  3. Kshatriyas.
  4. Brahmins.

20.Which of the following is a true statement about the population of South Asia?

  1. India has a relatively low population density.
  2. The population of South Asia has surpassed 1 billion.
  3. Pakistan has a larger population than India.
  4. Bangladesh is sparsely populated with large unsettled areas along its seacoast.

21.Which of the following tells us the government of the IndusValley civilization was well organized?

  1. carefully planned cities
  2. detailed trade records that scholars have read
  3. cave paintings
  4. a written constitution

Use Diagram to answer the following four questions

22.The winter monsoon blows from

  1. north to south.
  2. southeast to northwest.
  3. northeast to southwest.
  4. west to east.

23.Which of the following statements is accurate?

  1. The summer monsoon goes through Afghanistan.
  2. The summer monsoon hits Sri Lanka before China.
  3. Pakistan is located on the Bay of Bengal
  4. Bangladesh is located on the Arabian Sea.

24.According to the map, the summer monsoon picks up moisture over

  1. Sri Lanka.
  2. the Indian Ocean.
  3. China.
  4. Pakistan.

25.According to the map, which statement is true?

  1. Every country shown on the map is affected by the monsoons.
  2. The winter monsoon begins way out in the Indian Ocean.
  3. The winter monsoon originates over land.
  4. Mumbai (Bombay) is located on the Indian Ocean.