JamesE.RogersCollege of Law

University of Arizona

1201 E. Speedway

P.O. Box 210176

Tucson, AZ85721-0176

(520) 621-5477 (work) (520) 621-3138 (fax)

(520) 269-2871 (cell)


M. Law Libr.,University of Washington (August 1981)

J.D., GonzagaUniversity (May 1980)

B.A., University of Miami (December 1976)

Majors: English; Politics & Public Affairs


University of ArizonaCollege of Law Library

Associate Dean for Information Services

Director, Law Library

James & Beverly Rogers Professor of Law

August 1996 - present

Duties include: Oversight of all aspects of library administration; teaching first year and upper level legal research courses; director of the Law Library Fellowship program; service on University and College of Law committees; and management of the College’s physical plant.

University of Arizona School of Information

College of Social & Behavioral Sciences

Professor of Information (Affiliated Faculty)

August 1998 - present

Duties include: Serve on thesis defense committees as needed; serve as advisor to students with law librarianship interests; and, teach legal research and law library administration courses to SIRLS students.

Boston College Law Library

Deputy Director and Instructor in Legal Research

July 1989 - July 1996

Duties included: Coordination of all aspects of library administration; oversight of personnel matters; assisting in planning and implementing programs and policies in public and technical services; teaching in and oversight of legal research in first year Legal Research and Writing program and upper level course, Advanced Legal Research; participation in collection development and budget preparation; and service on various law school and University committees.

Duke University Law Library

Reference Librarian, September 1981 - July 1989

Instructor in Legal Research, September 1981 - July 1986

Senior Instructor in Legal Research, July 1986 - July 1989

Duties included: Teaching legal bibliography and computer-assisted legal research; preparation of bibliographies for faculty; book selection; supervision of rare book, microform and state and federal documents collections; oversight of library preservation concerns; online database searching; and general reference duties; and, served on various law school and University committees. Continuing appointment (tenure) 1988.

I also worked in the University of Miami, GonzagaUniversity, University of Washington and Columbia University Law Libraries as a student.


Awarded AALL Distinguished Lecture Award, July 2013. Presented the paper: Mentoring, Teaching and Training the Next Generation of Law Librarians: Past and Present as Prologue to the Future at the Annual Meeting of AALL, Seattle, WA.106 Law Library Journal 69 (Winter 2014).

Inducted into the A.A.L.L. Hall of Fame, July 2012.

2010-11 Leslie F. and Patricia Bell Faculty Award (To honor outstanding achievement by members of the College of Law Faculty) (with John Swain).

2006-7 Leslie F. and Patricia Bell Faculty Award (To honor outstanding achievement by members of the College of Law Faculty).

2007 A.A.L.L. Joseph L. Andrews Bibliographic Award (with Marguerite Most) (recognizes significant contribution to legal bibliographical literature).

1984 A.A.L.L. Law Library Publication Award (with Kathryn Christie and Claire Germain).

1987 A.A.L.L. Call for Papers Award.


Building Committee, Chair, (2005-09); Ad Hoc Budget Committee (2008-09); Curriculum Committee (1996- 2001; 2003-12); Ad Hoc Space Planning Committee, Chair, (1999 - 2000); Dean Search Committee (1999 & 2008); ABA Self Study team (1998, 2004, 2011); Library/Information Technology Committee (1997-2007, Chair 1998-99, 2004-05, Chair 2010-13); Space Planning Committee, Chair (2001); Acting Director of the first year moot court program (during Associate Dean Kavanagh’s sabbatical, Spring 1998); College of Law, Delegate to AALS House of Representatives (1997-2011); Community Service Award Committee (1999); United Way representative (1996-2011); Co-Chair, Strategic Planning Committee (2010-11); Continuing Status Peer Review Committee (2013-14) Chair, Status Committee, Continuing Status (2014-15); Appointments Committee (2015-16).


Editor, Legal Reference Services Quarterly, 1999 - .

From the Editor: Remembering Who We Are, 34 LRSQ 101 (2015).

Mentoring, Teaching and Training the Next Generation of Law Librarians: Past and Present as Prologue to the Future, 106 Law Library Journal 69 (Winter 2014).(Presented as AALL Distinguished Lecture Award, July 2013, Seattle, WA).

Legal Research Boot Camp: One Approach to Meeting the Research Needs of Law Students, 30 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 299 (2011) (with Cynthia Condit).

Commentaries on Hick’s ‘Teaching Legal Bibliography’: With an Addendum by Bob Berring, 28 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 9 (2009).(With Shaun Esposito).

Editor (with Marguerite Most), Pre-Statehood Legal Research: A Guide to the Fifty States, Including the District of Columbia and New York City (2 vols.) (Haworth Press, March 2006). (Winner of American Association of Law Libraries 2007 Joseph L. Andrews Bibliographic Award.).

The Next Twenty-Five Years of LRSQ (editorial), 25 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 5 (no. 4, 2006)

Vignettes of Julius Marke (memorial), 96 Law Library Journal 20 (2004).

A Parable of the Power and the Danger of the Internet(editorial), 22 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 1 (no. 2/3, 2003).

Books, Bytes, Bricks and Bodies: Thinking about Collection Use in Academic Law Libraries, in Symposium, Collection Development in the Digital Age, 21 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 1 (no. 2/3, 2002) (co-editor of symposium with Gordon Russell; also published as a monograph).

Tales from the Reference Desk: The Naked Guy(editorial), 21 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 1 (no. 1, 2002).

Just Another Wednesday Night (editorial), 18 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 1 (no. 1, 2000).

Michael Chiorazzi, Law Librarian/Legal Information Specialist in Chapter 24, Lawyers Talk About Their Jobs, in Kenney Hegland, Introduction Into the Study and Practice of Law, 394 - 396 (West Nutshell, 1999).

A Changing of the Guard (editorial), 18 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 1 (no. 1, 1999).

William R. Roalfe: Builder of Libraries, Scholar, Association Animal in Law Librarianship: Historical Perspectives (Gasaway and Chiorazzi, eds. 1996).

Book Review, 82 Law Library Journal, 551(1990) (reviewing K. Carrick, Lexis: A Legal Research Manual [1989] and F. Shapiro, Lexis: The Complete User=s Guide [1989]).

Francois-Xavier Martin: Printer, Lawyer, Jurist, 80 Law Library Journal 63 (1988); reprinted in Duke Law Magazine, Winter 1989, at 4.

Empirical Studies in Civil Procedure: A Selected Annotated Bibliography, (with others) 51:3 Law and Contemporary Problems 87 (Summer 1988).

Book Review, Duke Law Magazine, Winter 1988, at 52. (reviewing N. McFeeley, The Appointment of Judges: The Johnson Presidency [1987]).

Book Review, 3 Journal of Paralegal Education 49 (1986) (reviewing C. Kunz, et al..The Process of Legal Research (1986)).

Tax Reform During President Reagan’s First Four Years: A Selective Bibliography, 48:4 Law and Contemporary Problems 301 (Autumn 1985).

Selected Annotated Bibliography, in United States Immigration Policy (Hofstetter, ed. 1984).

Statistics in Litigation: A Selective Bibliography, 46:4 Law and Contemporary Problems 297 (Autumn 1983).


Adjunct Professor, University of Washington Information School, Summer 2016. (Taught Law Library Administration class.)

Speaker, The Importance of Continuing Education, Chinese and American Forum on Legal Information and Law Libraries (CAFLL) & American Association of Law Libraries – Western Pacific Chapter (WestPac) Joint Conference, October 7-11, 2015, Honolulu, HI

Panelist, Deans and Directors Roundtable: Reinventing Law School Libraries for a Digital Age, AALS January, 2014, San Antonio, TX.

Faculty, Duke/UNC Writer’s Workshop, Chapel Hill, NC. April 4-6, 2013.

Moderator and Coordinator, Panel, Understanding Search Engine Algorithms: Can We Effectively Teach Research Without Them? AALS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, January 2013.

Speaker, Panel, The Importance of Scholarship for Law Librarians, AALL Annual Meeting, July 2012, Boston, MA.

Speaker, The Future of Academic Law Libraries, AALS Annual Meeting Workshop for Deans and Librarians: Reconciling Core Values and the Bottom Line, January 6, 2011, San Francisco.

Speaker, Panel, Constraints and Opportunities for Courts, New Media and the Courts (Rehnquist Center, December 9, 2008.)

Keynote Speaker, Law Library Director: Who Are We Today? Librarian, Administrator, Faculty Member, AALS Workshop for Law Librarians: Changing Assumptions: The Role of the Law Librarian in the LegalAcademy, June 2, 2008.

Organizer and Speaker, AALL Leadership and Management Institute, Tucson, AZ, March 2007.

Speaker, Publishing Legal History: The Prestatehood Project, Westpac Conference, Las Vegas, NV, September 25, 2006.

Speaker, Paradigms Lost: Thinking About Library Space in An Evolving Information Environment, ABA Bricks and Bytes Conference, March 24, 2006, Seattle, WA.

Speaker, Trouble Ahead, Trouble Behind: Meeting the Challenges of an Increasingly Electronic Publishing Environment, AALL Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, July, 2005.

Speaker, Creating and Maintaining Legal History Collections: Collection Development and Analysis Issues for the Law Librarian, AALL Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, July 12, 2004.

Moderator, Managing a Law School Web Page, AALL Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, July 14, 2003.

Speaker, Thinking about Collection Use in the Digital Age, ABA Facilities Conference, Bricks and Bytes and Continuous Renovation, Boston, MA, March 19-22, 2003.

Visiting Professor, Law Library Administration, University of Washington Information School, Seattle, Summer 2002.

Speaker, Legal Research Instruction at the University of Arizona College of Law, Arizona Law Library Association, Tucson, AZ, April 26, 2001.

Paper presentation, Access vs. Ownership: The Economic Effect of the Changing Information Environment In Academic Law Libraries, Not a Box but a Window: Law Libraries and Legal Education in a Virtual World, University of Toronto Faculty of Law, February 24, 2001

Keynote Speaker, The Need for Library Cooperation and Continuing Education, Arizona Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, May 21, 1998.

Panelist, Taking a Look Behind Us: A History of Law Libraries and Law Librarians, Southwestern Association of Law Libraries/Arizona Association of Law Libraries Joint Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ, April 4, 1997.

Moderator and Panelist, Meeting the Legal Research and Writing Needs of the Physically Challenged, at Annual Meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries, Pittsburgh, PA, July 1995.

Moderator and Coordinator, Louisiana Legal History, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries, New Orleans, LA, July 1991.

Panelist on Ethical Dilemmas in Law Librarianship, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries, Minneapolis, July 1990.

Moderator and Coordinator, Early American Law Book Publishing, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries, Minneapolis, July 1990.

Teaching Computer Assisted Legal Research to Groups with Special Needs: Law Review, Moot Court, CLE and Others, at Mead-VeralexGraylyn Conference, Effective Teaching of Legal Research in a Technological Environment, November 4, 1989.

Francois-Xavier Martin: Printer, Lawyer, Jurist, Annual Meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries, Call for Papers, July 1986.


ABA Site Visit, Rutgers Camden-Newark merger, Jan. 2016.

ABA Site Visit, Chair, University of Oregon School of Law, Third-year program in Portland, September, 2014.

ABA Site Inspection Team, University of Alabama Law School, November, 2013.

ABA Site Inspection Team, Idaho School of Law, Third Year in Boise Program, Fall 2010 and full ABA Site Visit, Fall 2012.

ABA Site Inspector, University of Baltimore, Summer Program at the University of Haifa, Israel, Summer 2011.

ABA Site Inspector, Whittier College of Law Summer School Program, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, Mexico, Summer 2010.

ABA Site Inspection Team, Charlotte Law School, Fall 2009.

ABA/AALS Site Inspection Team, Hofstra University School of Law, Spring 2008.

ABA/AALS Site Inspection Team, FloridaInternationalUniversity, Spring 2006.

ABA/AALS Site Inspection Team, DetroitMercyCollege of Law, Spring 2004.

ABA/AALS Site Inspection Team, JohnMarshallLawSchool, Spring 2002.

ABA/AALS Site Inspection Team, University of West VirginiaCollege of Law, Fall 2000.

American Association of Law Libraries: Committee on Indexing of Legal Periodicals, 1983; Committee on Relations with Dealers and Publishers, 1984-86; Legal History and Rare Book Special Interest Section, Vice-Chair, Chair-Elect 1989-90; Chair 1990-91; Boston Meeting Local Arrangements, 1993; Special Committee on the History of Law Librarianship 1994-96; Special Committee on Training the Next Generation Of Law Librarians, 2005-7; AALL Representative to Association Library and Information Science Educators, 2008-2010.

Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries 1981-89 (Newsletter Committee, 1983-84, Membership Committee, 1985-87; Chair, 1985-86); Consortium of Southeastern Law Libraries, Executive Board 1988-89; Law Librarians of New England 1989-1996; Arizona Association of Law Libraries, 1996- .

Desert States Law Library Consortium, 2004- .

American Bar Association, Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, Law Libraries Committee 1998 - 2001.

Association of American Law Schools (Delegate, AALS House of Representatives 1997 - present).

Member, Arizona State Law Librarian Search Committee, 1998.