Agenda for Barnhill PSSC Meeting on January 16th, 2017

1. Open meeting and approval of minutes from the November meeting / Chair
2. Choose a co-chair and a co-secretary / Chair
3. Updates from the principal / Jill
3. Budget discussion: What is our budget? How would we like to spend or money? / Jill
4. School Improvement Plan (SIP) / Jill
5. Additional items from, questions from members, suggestions for next agenda / Chair
6. Close the meeting / Chair

1)In attendance: Jill, Sue, Monique, Angie, Candice, David, Diane, Kate

It was decided that:

aQuarum requires three parents (or more) and one teacher;

a member missing three or more meetings is not interested in remaining on the PSSC.

2)Looking for co-chair for the February and April meetings. Thank you to Kate and Paula, respectively, for taking on this task. Monique will act as the co-secretary.

3)New VP is Erika Nelson.

The hot lunch menu has been changed based on feedback from a focus group of kids. This “winter menu” will be in effect until approximately the end of March.

The ski/snowboard club starts tomorrow (January 17th)

Dances – good fundraisers. The school is always looking for volunteers to work at the dances (canteen, etc.). Please contact the school if this is of interest to you. The next dance is scheduled for February 16th.

Celebrate assembly is scheduled for January 31st in the afternoon. The theme is “Happy”.

Infrastructure – continuous. The whole yard is going to be paved this summer.

Community policy officer will be going to the school to speak to students in grades 7 and 8 about appropriate use of technology and the dangers that can exist with students’ devices. A suggestion was made to have a parent information/education session.

4)The PSSC budget is used for improving communication (within the school, between the school and the community, etc.)

5)School Improvement Plan (SIP) – Jill suggested this should be written in French, too. This document is in its preliminary stage; please email Jill with any concerns or questions as soon as possible so that the document can be posted on the school website.

Morning announcemetns (Jill will post on school website)

Newsletter will be sent out via email in the near future.

Homework site – a work in progress.

Next meeting: February 20th @ 6:30.

Kate to send out the agenda for this meeting.

Some topics to discuss:

Lunch – days inside (too cold, rainy days, etc.)


Parent teacher interviews/invitations

Walk around school to determine where signage should go.