University of DublinTrinityCollege
Graduate Studies Office
Template for a new postgraduate course – full proposal
(Please note that the final version of the whole submission must be submitted by email to
in Times New Roman font size 12, single space in normal formatting throughout with pagination;
the submission needs to be made as concise as possible in terms of length of the document).
1. Covering page (1xA4 sheet) should bear the following information in the outlined order:
a) Course title
b) Degree award proposed (normally M.Phil./M.Sc./P.Grad.Dip.)
c) duration and mode of delivery (either full-time or part-time)
d) first entry (normally October with the year specified)
e) closing date for applications for the proposed (regular) entry
f) min/max number of EU and non EU applicants
g) School(s) proposing the course (names of Head(s) to be provided)
h) Director(s) of Teaching and Learning (Postgraduate) in the School(s) proposing the course
i) Course Director/Coordinator (name(s) to be provided)
j) date of approval by the School Committee
k) date of approval of draft proposal and full proposal by Faculty Dean
l) date of review of the financial element by the School Accountant / Faculty Dean
m) date of submission to be put to the Graduate Studies Committee
2) Introduction/summary (1/2 A4 pageonly)
3) Rationale:
a) purpose behind putting on the new course and objectives aimed to be achieved
b) relationship to the School strategic plan
c) relationship to existing postgraduate courses
d) staffing requirements and arrangements
e) accommodation (office and teaching venues required and secured)
f) finance
g) library, IT and research facilities requirements and arrangements
4) Admissions:
a) entry criteria
b) minimum and maximum targeted number of EU and non EU applicants
c) proposed marketing and promotion of the course
5) Structure of the proposed course:
a)list and description of modules and their contents, allocation of ECTS in terms of multiples of 5 credits, contact hours, student work load
b) assessment (component weightings inclusive of continuous assessment if relevant)
c) dissertation – submission requirements, weighting and a pass level set
d) examinations (inclusive of provision for fails and repeats) and progression
6) Course Committee:
a) list of course committee members ex officio (names, College positions etc.)
b) name(s) of proposed course coordinator and course director (if relevant)
c) a name of a proposed external examiner accompanied by CV (submitted in a doc. separate from the proposal)
7) Normally, a new course proposal will be assessed by an external assessor chosen by the Dean of Graduate Studies from two nominations submitted to the Dean of Graduate Studies by the Head of School. The assessor’s recommendations will be incorporated into the course final submission for approval by the University Council.
8) A final deadline for submission of new proposals before the GSC is the last teaching day in Hilary Term.
i. Financing Course Proposal Sheet: Financial Data Schedule for the Resource Management Committee;
ii.Calendar Part 2 entry inclusive of a full list of modules and allocation of ECTS;
iii.Prospectus entry with a description of course modules exclusive of ECTS allocation.
Graduate Studies Office
December 2005; updated November 2008